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Hi Flak,

"I fail to understand why these guys can't realize that there is no audience

for whiny ranty complaints about their own minor and tediously boring, personal issues".

You said it better than I could. Many thanks to you and Chunk for your kind comments. I'd like to sit around the campfire with you guys!

Steve Herschbach

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Steve, if you would leave the Land of the Midnight Sun...and come down to Arizona I bet there would be loads of folks happy to build a bonfire for you to sit at...I would!!! And bring Jonathan over from OZ too...we could have the World's greatest detectorist gathering of Big Names such as you, Rob, JP, Chris, Montana and little bitty names such as myself. What an education and some fun too!


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Steve, if you would leave the Land of the Midnight Sun...and come down to Arizona I bet there would be loads of folks happy to build a bonfire for you to sit at...I would!!! And bring Jonathan over from OZ too...we could have the World's greatest detectorist gathering of Big Names such as you, Rob, JP, Chris, Montana and little bitty names such as myself. What an education and some fun too!


I second that motion :D I'll even bring the firewood and a keg of good beer. :) It would be worth a couple hundred to pick the brains of the finest detectorists.

We could combine the Big names, with the little bitty names, and the No Names like me :D lol


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danniizoe, how long you been calling yourself Bugwhiskers???? :rolleyes:

Hi claim jumper,

Quite a long time actually, unfortunately Yahoo groups do a check on your IP and won't allow another nick so to join Prospecting Oz I had to press into service my wife's nick. danniizoe is actually the concatentation of 2 cats names. Nothing covert at all.



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Hi bugwhiskers,

I have no authority, I'm not a Minelab employee, and I have no credentials that I know of. Yet I post stuff on the internet. Where do I get the right? And what about you?

I've read a lot of Jonathan Porter's posts. I have found them in my opinion to be helpful and knowledgeable. I am glad he is posting here.

I cannot say the same for your posts so far.

Steve Herschbach

Hi Steve,

I googled your name and found the following.

"This interest led to the founding of Alaska Mining & Diving Supply by myself and a friend"

You are a Minelab dealer, and therefore have a vested interest in singing Minelab's and JP's praises.

I am sure you would agree that newbies visiting this site have a right to know that some of the advice posted here may be in your best financial interests. Similarly, any detractors will be treated with contempt, the reply posts I have received thus far confirm this to be the case.



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Hi bugwhiskers

If you were JP , Digger Bob and Steve H. lets say that Minelab are Whites came to you to test a new detector wouldn't you do it??You take JP he's no small cup cake when it comes to nugget hunting and he want's the best for himself.With him doing the testing of this unit then he knows if he want's one are not.O'h yes JP makes DVD of each new Minelab but he's the type of guy if you need help you don't have to buy the DVD. You just say Hey JP I need help and he'll help you out in anyway he can.

JP makes his living nugget hunting and you should see some of the gold he has found.Now I can't say if JP gets any perks from Minelab but if I was him and they offer then why not take it.

So if I'm going to put my trust in someone then let it be JP,Bob and Steve on their field test.By this I don't spend money on a detector that's not worth bring home.


Hi Chuck,

I could imagine testing for White's as I am sure if I came back with a negative report they would take it seriously and rectify the problems. Now, if I were testing for ML and did the same thing the next day I reckon I would be out looking for a new job.

If you search Finder web site you will find the story of how Finders lost their ML dealership. Essentially they were burnt as heretics because the ML staffer couldn't prove to their satisfaction that the new model worked any better than the previous. Finders integrity and their wanting satisfied customers wasn't worth a cracker.



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I'd say your right and wrong at the same time about Steve.Did you read about him saying his first love was Whites metal detectors because like me that's what we started out with.Yes he is a dealer and he sales what he thinks is a very good detector and like alot of us we like Minelab.Did you read were he sold his garretts and plan to replace them with Whites PI.

We are all invested in Minelab I alone have had two GP's and also Explorer SE and I have Whites coin and gold detector before plus I will have the new PI.

So I'd say you came to the wrong place to bug somebody about Minelab.I know Minelab is higher than a cats back but maybe with other PI's coming out it may bring the price down.

You must say that Minelab has had the best gold detector on the market for a long time.

I'd like to know what bone do you have to pick with Minelab.I want to hear your side of the story of what Minelab has done to make you so bitter.


PS bugwhiskers I too know people that lost their dealership and it was because their sales were very low.It's a cheap way to get a new detector each year and companys want you selling to others not just yourself.

I'm not in love with any detector it's just Minelab gives more bang for my buck but when that changes so will I.

Bugwhiskers we may never agree but I want to hear what your take is on any subject.So even if you tell me to kiss your grits well thats okay too.


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I'd say your right and wrong at the same time about Steve.Did you read about him saying his first love was Whites metal detectors because like me that's what we started out with.Yes he is a dealer and he sales what he thinks is a very good detector and like alot of us we like Minelab.Did you read were he sold his garretts and plan to replace them with Whites PI.

We are all invested in Minelab I alone have had two GP's and also Explorer SE and I have Whites coin and gold detector before plus I will have the new PI.

So I'd say you came to the wrong place to bug somebody about Minelab.I know Minelab is higher than a cats back but maybe with other PI's coming out it may bring the price down.

You must say that Minelab has had the best gold detector on the market for a long time.

I'd like to know what bone do you have to pick with Minelab.I want to hear your side of the story of what Minelab has done to make you so bitter.


Hi Chuck,

What ML did to Finders sent a shock wave through all the dealers. Think about the implications of Finders doing right by their customers only to lose their dealership and the implications for any dealer not towing the line. No doubt this has spawned Forums that are totally ML oriented where detractors are either unwelcome or their butts banned forever and their posts shredded, Orwell's 1984 style.

I agree with you, the time is ripe for someone to step up to the plate. ML will have to rethink their pricing to stay alive and maybe even turn up the speed of the drip feed of technology. All this would be beneficial to the prospector and shouldn't that be the highest priority for any prospecting forum ?



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Hi bugwhiskers,

Never been any secret I'm a DetectorPro, Fisher, Garrett, Minelab, Tesoro, and White's dealer. But I'm not here to sell Minelab and if anyone here wants one they should buy it from Rob. Anyone is free to search my posts over the years and make their own decisions on where I stand. Just as anyone can do with you by dropping in at the ProspectinginOz site and reading all the posts by danniizoe.

At least everyone knows who I am, where I live, and what I do. I do not hide my identity as I stand by my word. I'm lucky enough to have a unique name, so all you have to do is Google "steve herschbach" to get the scoops. I've got nothing to hide. Why don't you come out of the shadows and tell us who you are, where you live, and what you do?

Of course you get the responses you do. You get what you give. So I'm not terribly worried about your opinion of me. If it is a matter of me being on my side of the fence and you on yours that suits me just fine. I like the people on my side of the fence more.

Steve Herschbach

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Hi Chuck,

In your PS you said,

"I too know people that lost their dealership and it was because their sales were very low.It's a cheap way to get a new detector each year and companys want you selling to others not just yourself."

There was no such watering down in Finders version of what happened, is this hearsay or defence ?



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Hi bugwhiskers,

Never been any secret I'm a DetectorPro, Fisher, Garrett, Minelab, Tesoro, and White's dealer. But I'm not here to sell Minelab and if anyone here wants one they should buy it from Rob. Anyone is free to search my posts over the years and make their own decisions on where I stand. Just as anyone can do with you by dropping in at the ProspectinginOz site and reading all the posts by danniizoe.

At least everyone knows who I am, where I live, and what I do. I do not hide my identity as I stand by my word. I'm lucky enough to have a unique name, so all you have to do is Google "steve herschbach" to get the scoops. I've got nothing to hide. Why don't you come out of the shadows and tell us who you are, where you live, and what you do?

Of course you get the responses you do. You get what you give. So I'm not terribly worried about your opinion of me. If it is a matter of me being on my side of the fence and you on yours that suits me just fine. I like the people on my side of the fence more.

Steve Herschbach

Hi Steve,

If you click on my nick you will see when I was born and where I live, that should be enough. My identity is not hidden nor did I express an opinion of you. I suggested you take what JP says with a grain of salt as he has not been formally nominated as ML's forum spokesperson to be greeted by a tirade. If he ever gives false information ML can always distance themselves from him to avoid ridicule but meanwhile you are at his mercy and playthings in his SETA guessing game.



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Hi bugwhiskers,

No, where you were born and where you live is not good enough. How about a name?

Steve Herschbach

3222 Commercial Drive

Anchorage, AK 99501


Born in the Territory of Alaska in 1957

Hi Steve,

If you click on my nick you will see when I was born and where I live, that should be enough. My identity is not hidden nor did I express an opinion of you. I suggested you take what JP says with a grain of salt as he has not been formally nominated as ML's forum spokesperson to be greeted by a tirade. If he ever gives false information ML can always distance themselves from him to avoid ridicule but meanwhile you are at his mercy and playthings in his SETA guessing game.



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What is so wrong with playing a guessing game, I have to work within the confines of Minelabs marketing methods which is fair enough. So far those confines are kept to a minimum due to whatever marketing strategy Minelab have (I think it is to buy them time to get product in hand and ready (both US and Australia) for the release).

I can't wait to start to say more but at the moment I am walking a fine line even talking about the new SETA technology let alone what it does (it does heaps BTW :) ).

I think you will also find there was more going on with Finders losing their dealership than what has been mentioned, I think Finders should have made the decision to stop being a dealer themselves due to the amount of public ridicule they tried to dump on Minelab when the GP extreme came out (probably due to their idea they would soon have a detector of their own to offer (the Titan)).

I spend enormous amounts of time answering questions about Minelab detectors, more often than not there is absolutley nothing to gain from this other than the satisfaction of seeing people being well educated in their investment (this includes the majority of dealers as well). I also think Steve is in the same boat as me, he is passionate about the hobby of metal detecting for gold and has decided to make his passion his livelyhood, whats so wrong with that?

This smear campaign across the net is just another example of fear mongering by people with nothing to offer and obviously nothing better to do with themselves but spread their poison. My suggestion to them is to STOP offending the readers of all the forums world wide, most people can easily read between the lines and see whats what, I personally get a lot of feedback to my posts because I write from experience and am obviously passionate about what I write about, if that is seen as wall eyed and biased then that perfectly fine by me. The thing is I produce the goods and don't mind sharing my techniques and methods.

This is something the detractors of Minelab have not done in 100% of cases of negative comments on the net, next time you see a forum troll bashing Minelab take a peek at their forum history to see if they have ever offered anything usefull that enhances your hobby, then make your own mind up about it.


Jonathan Berry-Porter

PO Box 553


Queensland 4721


07 4983 2637

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Hi bugwhiskers,

No, where you were born and where you live is not good enough. How about a name?

Steve Herschbach

3222 Commercial Drive

Anchorage, AK 99501


Born in the Territory of Alaska in 1957

Hi Steve,

Have you not heard of identity fraud, it's not prudent to post too much personal information lest you find a rusky has max'd out a credit card in your name.



What is so wrong with playing a guessing game, I have to work within the confines of Minelabs marketing methods which is fair enough. So far those confines are kept to a minimum due to whatever marketing ploy Minelab have (I think it is to buy them time to get product in hand and ready (both US and Australia) for the release).

I can't wait to start to say more but at the moment I am walking a fine line even talking about the new SETA technology let alone what it does (it does heaps BTW :) ).

I think you will also find there was more going on with Finder losing their dealership than what has been mentioned, from memory I think Finders should have made the decision to stop being a dealer due to the amount of public ridicule they tried to dump on Minelab when the GP extreme came out (probably due to their idea they would soon have a detector of their own to offer (the Titan)).

I spend enormous amounts of time answering questions about Minelab detectors, more often than not there is absolutley nothing to gain from this other than the satisfaction of seeing people being well educated in their investment. I also think Steve is in the same boat as me, he is passionate about the hobby of metal detecting for gold and has decided to make his passion his livelyhood, whats so wrong with that?

This smear campaign across the net is just another example of fear mongering by people with nothing to offer and obviously nothing better to do with themselves but spread their poison. My suggestion to them is to STOP offending the readers of all the forums world wide, most people can easily read between the lines and see whats what, I personally get a lot of feedback to my posts because I write from experience and am obviously passionate about what I write about, if that is seen as wall eyed and biased then that perfectly fine by me. The thing is I produce the goods, don't mind sharing my techniques and methods.

This is something the detractors of Minelab have not done in 100% of cases of negative comments on the net, next time you see a forum troll bashing Minelab take a peek at their forum history to see if they have ever offered anything usefull that enhances your hobby, then make your own mind up about it.


Hi JP,

Does Ian Aitken have a problem with advising forums that you are their spokesperson ? ML's reluctance to make such a statement speaks for itself. It's very easy to pose as a tireless do gooder answering questions especially when it gives you an opportunity to sell your DVD's.

I notice there was a post on Gold and Coin forum this morning where you claimed that a newbie would not be able to tell the difference between the 4000 & 4500. You also stated that the 4500 was no quantum leap, would you care to elaborate more here on those findings and statements.



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Hi dannizoe,

Sorry, where I come from, you want to question people's motives, to impugn their reputations, you come out and say who you are. Identity fraud is a cop-out at best.

You want to call JP out? Fine. I know who JP is. His name is Jonathan Porter. He has a website, an address, a phone number. I am not aware of him ever leading me astray. He has earned my respect by trying to help lots of people get the best out of their detectors.

You drop in here and want to imply Jonathan is dishonest? So tell us who you are, and what motivation you have for saying things like that. You want me to listen to you? Well, I don't put much store into anonymous internet snipers.

I do not care that people want to hide their identity when all they want to do is ask a question or chat a bit about inconsequential things. But your implications are a serious thing. I believe a person has a right to face their accuser. That is a quaint American belief - perhaps it does not apply in Oz.

Steve Herschbach

P.S. I've been playing the same game JP has been playing with the White's PI. I was a tester, so I have to stay in limits. Yet I can get away with a bit also. You think White's is going to acknowledge me? Are you nuts? Yes, they need to be able to disavow me if I say something stupid! And I need to maintain my reputation. Checks and balances.

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Hi Steve,

If JP wants to have real credibility as the official ML forum spokesperson then he should seek their written endorsement, how hard would that be? Until he does I will question his authority to speak on their behalf.

I will not be divulging any more personal information for the very valid reason stated earlier.



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Heres the rub on the GPX4500, it is going to be a good thing because of an advancement in design thanks to SETA, secondly there is a major improvement in the timings (which you could be forgiven for thinking is an major improvement in the SMOOTH timings), then there are other advancements in the overall package which I will not go into until the official word is out to be fair to the dealers world wide who are patiently waiting for more info. :huh:

Bugwhispers you can spread your viperous rumours but as Steve H has said show us who you are otherwise don't bring my good name into question, you can't have both mate. :angry: You can easily come visit me any day of the week, you know the town I live in and know my phone number, I stand by what I say and say what I feel to be the truth.

As it stands Minelab are the only detector of choice if you want to be successful in the gold game in high mineralisation, to that end either put up another choice or go away where the rest of your mates reside until such times as you have something to offer as a replacement. The majority of my income comes from metal detecting, don't for a second expect me to take you seriously when you have nothing to offer except a bunch of gutless, nameless internet tirades against an estabilished company that has kept me and my family fed for over 15 years now.

I was in a meeting with Ian Aitken today, I don't remember seeing anyone by the name of BugWhiskers in attendance. :blink:


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Heres the rub on the GPX4500, it is going to be a good thing because of an advancement in design thanks to SETA, secondly there is a major improvement in the timings (which you could be forgiven for thinking is an major improvement in the SMOOTH timings), then there are other advancements in the overall package which I will not go into until the official word is out to be fair to the dealers world wide who are patiently waiting for more info. :huh:

Bugwhispers you can spread your viperous rumours but as Steve H has said show us who you are otherwise don't bring my good name into question, you can't have both mate. :angry: You can easily come visit me any day of the week, you know the town I live in and know my phone number, I stand by what I say and say what I feel to be the truth.

As it stands Minelab are the only detector of choice if you want to be successful in the gold game in high mineralisation, to that end either put up another choice or go away where the rest of your mates reside until such times as you have something to offer as a replacement. The majority of my income comes from metal detecting, don't for a second expect me to take you seriously when you have nothing to offer except a bunch of gutless, nameless internet tirades against an estabilished company that has kept me and my family fed for over 15 years now.

I was in a meeting with Ian Aitken today, I don't remember seeing anyone by the name of BugWhispers in attendance. :blink:


Hi JP,

Of course yourself and Steve want your names and locations and phone numbers to be known, you are both Minelab dealers ! I have no commercial enterprise that would benefit from posting my personal details here.

Is asking you to provide proof that you speak officially on behalf of Minelab when you make claims about up-coming models "viperous rumours" ?

In a previous post you mentioned how much effort you go to in educating people on the use of their investment, you neglected to mention your ensueing DVD sales though.

People have seen what I have written and the logic and reasoning behind it without, unlike yourself, resorting to name calling.

Perhaps you could tell us how much in dB the SNR has been improved in the new model. How much further will the 4500 see a standarised test target than previous models. These are the things that matter to people contemplating blowing 6 grand, not technowaffle like S.E.T.A.

The harder you push for ML because in your words they have fed you and yours for 15 years the harder I will push for a better price and performance deal for prospectors, not because it feeds me but because I care.

I look forward to perhaps meeting you or your successor when we do comparative testing between the 4500 and other emerging technologies.



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