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Someone once asked if I ever did any water hunting, the answer is YEH. Found with a Whites PI Surfmaster. and also a picture of my old truck when I was still driving before my heart attacks. Grubstake

Also a picture of a miners catche found by me and my uncle back in the early 90's on the Merced river, now its in the Mariposa museum.

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That was my best single day detecting, 32 gold rings, in that picture, 5 with diamonds, they had a good storm in 92, and I got them off SUN Set beach, by Santa Cruz ,CA. I also got over 200 coins, and several silver rings that day. IT WAS FUN TO SAY THE LEAST! Grubstake

Yeh! I WAS A DAMNED GOOD LOOKIN GUY BACK THEN, If I knew I was going to live this long! I would have taken better care of myself! :P:P:P Grubstake

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Chris, I'm old and sick, but all the years I spent in the Army, tought me one thing, I can do anything, I put my mind too. If you think you can! You can. Just not as easy as it once was. I'm kind of like what John Wayne said in the Shootist, I won't be disrespected, I won't be called names, and I won't be lied too. I expect that, and give that. A hand shake is better than any contract. And I try to treat people like I want to be treated. And Yeh its not the best part of my life, but! I have been in a gun fight or two! And I'm still here. Friends are friends, I don't grade them like eggs or something, once your my friend, thats it. Your my friend along with many others. And that how life is to me. Grubstake

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Vini, age is relative, the old you get! The less relatives you have. I'm an original 49er, I was born in 1949, a hundred years to late for the big gold rush, But with all the knowledge of where it was found in the past. And todays eqiuipment. Grubstake

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Vini, age is relative, the old you get! The less relatives you have. I'm an original 49er, I was born in 1949, a hundred years to late for the big gold rush, But with all the knowledge of where it was found in the past. And todays eqiuipment. Grubstake

HEH HEH I see you haven't lost your sense of humor Grubby glad to see that gotta keep that part to lighten the load sometimes.

Lots of people write a book towards the end of there living careers, i'd read yours cover to cover start writing!

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John Steinbeck wrote The Grapes of wrath and Cannery Row, My Family really live that, No kidding, I picked Cotton, Grapes, lived on Cannery Row Back in the 50's, all my family were OKIE's and worked in the sardine canneries. I have some stories in me. For sure. Grubstake

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Hot dog Grubstake your as old as my wife.I was a war baby of 1941 and the day is it that I turn 67.I hope I got a few more turns in me to go and more hills to climb.

Getting old is not easy because you have to be strong to make it.On the pictures don't it feel good to look back in time to see the fun we had and thats something they can't take away from us old farts.

You and your wife get well some!


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Ridgerunner, I took my Army AIT in San Antone, at Brook Army Medical Center, I was there for a year before I went to Nam, When I drove long haul truck, I worked for C&H Transportation out of Dallas TX, I lived in Granbury TX, then. Good memories for sure. Grubstake

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I think I told you before that I went into the Air Force in 61 at Merced Castle AFB and then in 64 everybody else was going to Nam but me with another guy went to Thule Greenland.I was told that a

girl was behind every tree but no tree's.I guess you could say the best storm we had was one that lasted three days with winds at 150 MPH and gust to 175 MPH.

I done some prospecting there and found some nickel ore that A friend tested for me when I got out.You could cut the rock and the silver nickel fell out and I forgot just what he said but I do know it was alot of money to be had.

You couldn't afford to get along ways off from a building because of the odd weather.


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When I was in Nam, one of my best friends was an Eskimo Chief, He was used to cold weather, he lost about 70 pounds in 6 months over in Nam, and was burning up. He said he couldn't wait to get back to Alaska, where they have good cold weather, and warm eskimo girls. :P:P:P Grubstake

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For me the first part of my life up until I was 38 was a mess even growing up as a kid it sucked so i'm just hoping this second part keeps getting better. Now that I have found prospecting this last year has been the damn best, 1/4 oz of gold is all I have gotten its been a lot of fun.

A few years ago and older friend of mine ended up killing himself it really wasn't totally unexpected he told me once that if he ever got to the point that he needed others to take care of him that was it and his pain got so severe he had to stay constantly on medications and the last straw was they wanted to put him on a colostomy bag, he killed himself right at the hospital after his wife left him there to be taken care of, it was truly sad we had been making some plans for me to go to the east coast to do some fishing with him but he even said he'd just end up telling me where to go and not going his pain was so severe ( broken back and legs in an accident) he couldn't bare to stand more then 5 minutes.

It can always be worse grubby try just to be thankful for the little things and stay positive I know its hard just dont give up or give into depression or hopelessness.

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  • Admin

Hello Grubstake,

I'm not sure how to start this, or better yet even end it. Over the years I've read your posts, but unfortunately (for me) only got to meet you in person last year. I knew the minute I met you in person you were "Golden." The times we shared nuggethunting for just a week will be remembered forever. That trip was one of my best I've ever experienced. I really want to get back there and hunt with you again and finally meet Miner Matt.

You're a special friend in my book and I know Dennis feels the same.

I know you miss driving that 18-wheeler, I can really sense that .... However, your Health is much more important for yourself, family and all of us that enjoy talking with you.

As funny as it sounds, I sure miss that Pizza place. :P

Here is a picture I took of you with your new GPX-4000 last year in one of the secret gold patches.

Wishing you the best my friend,

Rob Allison

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Yes, you can Bet on that ROB, driving longhaul truck was what I lived for, Had it all taken away in a heart beat so to speak. But I still have the memories, and once I get my medical stuff strightened out, I hope I have a few more years with friends like you and dennis and Matt and Jer and shep, and Flak and I could go on forever. I have more friends than I can count. Some times life deals you a bad hand, but! there always the next card game for sure. I love this hobby and the people. I'll be happy if you do good up at Moore Creek this year. I'd give anything to be able to be there with you. I will be in my mind. I'm looking forward to you two coming out again, But one thing for sure, I'll have to think of some new spots. and I can hardly wait for fall, the best time to hunt here. Thats prime time for me, fall and winter. I should be all healed up and ready to go by then. One thing you can count on, if I tell you there is gold there, it will be. Can't wait my friend. Grubstake

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