Grubstake update

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Gary had a major heart attack last night and had heart surgery. He originally had six stints and now has nine stints. He had 100% blockage in some arteries. He was resting well at two a.m. this morning so Dorthy went home to rest. He wanted to get out of the hospital today but the doctors said atleast tomorrow. He cannot have gall bladder surgery for another month at least. I will update today after I call the hospital and talk to him. All is well for the moment. Jerry

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Hi Jerry,

Good to hear they got him into surgery, and hopefully in time to save as much of his heart

as they could.

I hope he will cool his jets for a while, and take the needed time to heal, then get his gall

bladder taken care of, and he will be good as new.

Dorothy needs to lay the law down to him :spank: to the extent she can, :blush: not an

easy thing to do whilst she has her plate pretty full with her own health issues.

Tell Grubby we are all pulling and talking about him online,

and thanks again for the prompt update!


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You are going to have to drop a gear,

and baby that ole engine for awhile. :rolleyes:

Once you get a in frame and that old fuel

pump tuned up,you still have lots of good

miles. ;)

Take care and get well soon,all of your

family on the forums are pulling for you. :wub:

You know what they say about old truckers. :lol:

Don't dare say it on here,but I bet you get

the message. :o

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I talked to Gary today at noon by phone. He is very week with irregular heartbeat. He has had no sleep and they are trying to stabilize his heart more. He will be in the hospital several days at the least. I told him that people were concerned and that seemed to lift his spirits. Will post more later as I find out. Jerry

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We are all here for you but at the same time you got to do what they say.Gary it may take a Pacemaker to settle that heart of your so it runs correct.

Dorthy you take care of yourself it's hard on the care giver sometimes more than the one sick.Hope all goes well and you will be out of the hospital soon.


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  • Admin

Hello Jerry,

Thanks for the update. I was hoping it wasn't a major heart attack. :( Well it's great to hear he is recovering. We are all praying for Gary, his wife and family.

When you talk with Gary again on the phone, tell him he needs to get back on his feet and regain his strenght so he can play around with a GPX-4500 when I come back out. I will bring down an extra one so Gary can use it while we are hunting together.

Also, he promised we would have another Pizza Dinner this year! :D

Get well buddy,

Rob Allison

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Hi Jerry,

Just checking the forums and saw this news. I hope he gets better soon.

Please let him know that all of here at Coiltek Manufacturing wish him well on his recovery and look forward to reading his posts again soon.

All the best mate


Trevor and the team.

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I wish you a speedy recovery, but not too speedy. Do what they tell you to do, or else..... :spank: !!

From what I can tell on the forums, we are all here for you Big Guy.

You hang in there and take her easy.

You and Dorthy are in our prayers.


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You take care of yourself and get well! I've asked my wife to ask all the memebers of her church to pray for your speedy recovery and also the improved health of your wife!

You both are in our thoughts and prayers!

You get to feeling better real soon and that you are back in the field hunting the yellow stuff!

God Bless you Grub!


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Grubby, hang in there. I'm looking forward to the next time you drag my butt up to the high country and make me crawl around on my hands and knees through the Manzanita (did I spell that right?) For someone like me that is used to walking around unobstructed in the desert, I got quite a workout.

You're in my prayers my friend.


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