any word from Moore Creek?

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Hello Glenn,

I haven't heard anything lately. I heard the dozer was down, but hopefully it's up and running now.

Steve, are you out there? Any updates on Moore Creek and what is being found? How is the weather and bugs? :wacko:

Hope to hear from you,

Rob Allison

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I have not heard anything from Moore Creek either, but for Rob and Glen and who ever else is going, best of luck to you. Still on the cool side here in Anchorage and a few bugs showing up. May be lots of bugs at Moore Creek by now, you don't know until you get there, Bob(AK)

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The Satelite feed belongs to the Drilling company, there may be problems with it or he hasn't had time to get on it yet, he tries his best to take care of the folks he has at the site and sometimes that is a lot of work. We'll hear from him eventually but I bet Dudley has talked to Steve and a call to AMD might get an answer...Geo

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Seeker, took your advice and called Dudley, the early news is that at least 11 nuggets first day with at least two over an ounce, the little dozer is running fine Steve is plowing up a storm and we are all anxiously awaiting further news, bugs have been non-existent, word is they are waiting for week 2

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John Pulling called me last nite he had gone in to Moore early to setup the camp he said quite a few pieces had been found and he had found a 5.7 oz slug up behind the outhouse about 25" deep so the big stuff is still around and closer then one would think...He is going back in July 7 and I might be able to go back myself if I am up to it...Geo

As I suspected John said Steve has been very busy.....

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  • Admin

Hello Seeker,

Thanks for the update. Congrats to John Pulling for finding the 5.7 ounce slug. Was the piece a specimen or more solid gold?

I believe they should have two days of hunting left for week one. They will fly out Tuesday afternoon to McGrath and then we will see them Wedesday morning.

Hope to hear more updates.

Rob Allison

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Sounds good!

I hope the bugs hold out for week 3!


Hey Rob!

Give me a call when you get a chance this evening.



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