is it worth it?

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No doubt many of you saw the recent tiff placed under this heading previously.

It's fairly easy to get caught up into the whirlwinds of opinion, arising out of mostly anonymous commentary.

I had thought for a time to simply pull out and leave (a childish response perhaps), but quite frankly, Rob's site is one of the best going.

and everybody has an opinion. and an opinion of an opinion, and so on.

Another childish response is to pull previous posts, of which I am guilty too.

As much as I say that I want to leave, the fact is, I cannot stop browsing nuggethunting, view the pics, and read the comments, no matter if they are stinging PMs, or on a more positive note.

For my conduct, I sincerely apologize.

now the ramble: As a blaster, there are two types: the deliberate, easy going, calm,calculating type, and the ones that the fumes have gone to their head and made them Looney Tunes, crazy, paranoid, vindictive (I am sure more than one of you know one like this). I figure I am somewhere in between. But, I have a tendency to let things go, forgive and forget, though you can bet I always have a Plan B all worked out, even if only in my head.

To some extent, I would think that most on this site, in one way or another, are psychologically and morally challenged in one way or another. The main trigger is that people don't like being pushed, or have someone push their buttons. I don't like being pushed either, but blowing off steam for a few days, thinking through the problem and letting it go, is a lot better than being incarcerated or something.

Likewise, I know I have pushed someone else's buttons, and either receiving or responding, anger, resentment, pushing is not, nor has ever really been my intent.

What has been my intent is to freely express my opinion (within the guidelines of this very good forum) and to allow others to freely express theirs, without getting wrapped up in some negative exchange in some way or another.

Though I tend to remain a private person (a depressed neurotic never can feel they are worth anything at all to anybody, and in my case, worthless even to god), but quixotically, look to help out someone in need, no matter what their circumstances. Pick and choose, balance and pare, but in my life, the situation arises almost everyday, in some way or another. maybe it's words, a helping hand, sometime cash...worthless to God, but He won't leave me alone because He knows I listen. figure that one out.

anyway, I again apologize for any hard feelings my opinions cause, and will go on giving opinions out of respect to all who have supported me through thick and thin on this site, since joining 3 or so years ago.

Charlie in Las Vegas

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Charlie, quit beating yourself up! As we go through life, such as it is, people tend to lash out at others, I'm gilty of that myself. But some forgive when asked to do so! And some don't such is life. I'm glad I have mine. I had a pretty close call just a couple of weeks ago. It makes you think. Take care, cheer up. Grubstake

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Please don't give up on the forum. I really need your knowledge and personally know how helpfull you are to us tenderfoots. I try to ignore the selfrightous people that think they can make me live by thier perticular code. But it made me mad also. In the early 1980s I got a 10 foot satalite dish and had the receiver chip fixed so I could get all the channels. I knew it was against the law to do it but I never felt like a thief at all and would be affended if someone called me one. This is a great forum and it shouldn't be used for personal grips or bitches especially thrown at somone that is just trying to help the rest of us save a buck.

Thanks Charlie, and keep your tips comming. You outlaw you.


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Yes... we need to be respectful and positive; we must also follow the rules

or we will all lose... As this website is about prospecting, mining, milling,

and associated facets. We are like a "mining district"... Thank you Rob as

your website which costs you time and money... that was organized in the

early 1800's.

They were organized to develop political and social infrastructure. Back in

the early 1930's as a pre-schooler in the depths of the Depression, my

family were members of a small deversified "mining camp" at Mule Shoe

(Dutch John mtn) north of Pioche, Nevada. There was no political or

law-inforcement or doctors; just a "grass-roots" democracy...

Now lets get back to the mining "district" and "ship ore" to the "smelter."

dutch john aka 'tailgate" (Jim Straight born and raised in the copper

camp district of Ely, Nevada.)

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In the early 1980s I got a 10 foot satalite dish and had the receiver chip fixed so I could get all the channels. I knew it was against the law to do it but I never felt like a thief at all and would be affended if someone called me one.
Then get ready to be insulted. You knew it was against the law but did it anyway?????? Yea you were stealing

so that made you a thief more then likely you still are :spank: If you have to steal cable/satelite signals to get

by well that's pretty sad I can think of a half dozen ways to make $100 in a month to pay the bill without very much

effort in fact very little work. I can't believe some of you guys that condone this but yet bitch about someone that

claim jumps. What's the difference? Stealing is stealing right?

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The only thing I can say on this, is everyone that is living, has made mistakes in there life. And everyone deserves a second chance. The error was seen. Now lets all drop it and talk about gold. Thats what this forum is for, gold, dredging ,detecting, having fun. No more picking on people, its a drag. :rolleyes:<_< Grubstake

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As the old joke goes, when Jesus stepped in to stop the stoning of Mary Magdeline, He said, "Let the one amongst you without sin be the one to cast the first stone." Content that He had things under control, He breathed a sigh of relief. About that time from the back of the crowd someone hurls a fist sized rock and smacks Mary Magdeline right in the forehead and knocks her out cold. Jesus straining on his tip toes to look over the crowd to see who would do such a thing, spots the offending party. He screams at the top of His lungs, "Damn it mom, I hate it when you do that!"


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hey. I've been to church too. problem is, the whole crown there, including the preacher, ain't no one perfect. they're all sick. some say their fate is sealed- if that's so, why aren't they transferred out of mortal hell? Pethaps even saying that they are better than another, or should be blessed more than anyone else, is a sin in itself.

Judge not, lest you be also judged.

I agree with all the posters, even way 2 cool, but I am not a religious fanatic. I don't know the loads of others, because I don't wear their shoes. no matter what a person is or isn't, there is some good and some bad in all. no one mortal is a perfect saint, and no one will entirely know what their situation is until the final Judgement, regardless of how many words a bible thumper spews out. And, for those whose continue the Religious rhetoric, is not repentence a continous process instead of a one-time gig? Plus, how many preachers out there preach for a living, instead of like Jesus did- preach as an unpaid volunteer?

Nough said. I already got everyone in to a mess over trying to make a simple suggestion. since that advice, I also found out, by contacting the adapter manufacturer that the connection made using Netgear is a fee service, using a low-power connection. Both used for device troubleshooting and updates, as well as to offer browsers a means to see how high speed broadband works and to see what features they may want in their own setup, if and when they connect. SO NO! it isn't stealing one wavelength.

Anyone causing contention over this, now has another issue to deal with the Lord about!

What has surprised me is the lengths that certain people will go to to complain about something they also know nothing about. If you follow the Official US GOV party line, any little piece of gold picked up, for which no royalty is paid, is stealing from both the Government and the grandkids, as well as the IRS, state and local taxes when the goods are sold, and any land damage that is not rectified before moving on to the next target. besides that, under gov rules, permits may be required when disturbing soil along watersheds, or riparian habitat, as well as having some inspector type on hand to investigate other areas of concern.

You know, I could go on and on about this, but the fact that most of us pledge loyalty to a world government and its laws and legislation, puts us all in direct conflict with God's directives and mandates, coupled with the fact there are about 300 (give or take) soveriegn political concerns throughout the planet. The pollution spewing out of our tailpipe, or fertilizer runoff doesn't affect just the local neighborhood, it affects pretty much the whole world; much of it creating huge dead zones in the once living and vibrant oceans. as a matter of fact, most people are still advised not to eat fish caught in the lower Carson River, because of mercury and other heavy metals toxicity related to Comstock milling in 1861. enough of the soapbox. I am sure you get the idea.

personally, even though the majority of the likeable people on this site are sinners to some extent, they are the ones that I enjoy listening to, reading their posts, and coming across somewhere in timbuktoo. Even having a few beers with, or coffee, which by some standards inferred to in the holy scripture we call the bible, are bad for the mortal body. I would also prefer that all the self-righteous and 'morally correct' [expletive] would all just go off by theirselves, and leave me, and everyone else that thinks or acts like me, to use the brain that God gave us all to pick and choose our own path during our lifetime, and leave us to ponder nature, geology, creation, and chance probability (nuggetshooting) at potential personal fortune, all by ourselves and with out their rhetoic and mostly useless, manipulative propaganda.

If you noticed, it rains on everyone, not just on the saved. Floods and tornadoes take out everyone, not just the sinners. some real bums hit it big at the slots, while the one in dire need gets what- more misery and suffering. If you really want to serve the Lord, be a friend and contribute to your neighbor; you know, that one next door, illegal or not (a government doctrine, not one from God), black, white, yellow, red, birthplace of no importance, no matter what language they speak. BE THEIR NEIGHBOR! Support and BE THEIR FRIEND and support in their hour of need. Do it and don't make a big air about it. I do it. I feed people with the harvest out of my own garden, a result of my own water bill and sweat. I give a meal ticket here and there; sometime cash, sometimes a ride or trip with me to eat at the buffet. I am not a rich guy, just a working stiff. I bring guys that aren't getting anything into my hole, and they usually dig up the larger gold; it's theirs to keep. I don't make a big stink about who is my brother and who is my sister- they all sweat the hard times, and all of them bleed red blood, and most of them have the same type of dreams and goals as do I.

So to anybody that wants to judge me, I only ask one favor: Please let me stand behind you while you get your judgment and redemption, so that I can really be happy when I get my due. I want to see exactly who is on the losing end and who holds the winning hand.

No, I don't have much, nor do I want much. if it comes down to you needing a couple of extra votes so that you can gain glory, chances are, if I am there with you, I'll give you a few of mine, while I take the hit and the pain that would have been yours. I have been at the face 2000 feet underground in a searing mine hotter than the outside ground temperature of anything in AZ aboveground. I have been around when my pard has taken the fall, and I've worked bleeding trying to get him free and out alive; and have forever felt guilty when it wasn't me that was taken, but him. though the tommyknoockers are busy at most other mines, they were having a beauty rest at this one. Want to get really religious? work or walk in an underground mine workings that extend out 17 miles under the Pacific Ocean, that goes through a moderate earthquake at the time (6.1). or watch coastline disappear or rivers run backwards during others, or witness 10,000 people meet their maker while you stand somewhere safe from drowning. I have been there baby!

there's always someone out there telling someone else how and who they should be, but it always escapes them when you point out that the sun shines on all, that every human being is a creation of God, and that everyone living or dead on this planet is their brother or sister, and should be treated as such. I don't preach my course; without action, faith is just a word, and I usually don't say anything about my challenges in life, because that also goes against the word of God by being boastful. Live and let live, no matter who you are, and let God judge them, not me or any man.

Again, I want to thank all for supporting me, as well as for offering me the counter-opinion. It's not my way to hold a grudge. life is a learning process. The way I see it anyway is that my 'reward' will be back working at the 145-155 degree face again somewhere down the line; and I don't think it will be to mine copper either...

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hey. I've been to church too. problem is, the whole crown there, including the preacher, ain't no one perfect.

I agree with all the posters, even way 2 cool, but I am not a religious fanatic.

Anyone causing contention over this, now has another issue to deal with the Lord about!

What has surprised me is the lengths that certain people will go to to complain about something they also know nothing about.

You know, I could go on and on about this, but the fact that most of us pledge loyalty to a world government and its laws and legislation, puts us all in direct conflict with God's directives and mandates, coupled with the fact there are about 300 (give or take) soveriegn political concerns throughout the planet. The pollution spewing out of our tailpipe, or fertilizer runoff doesn't affect just the local neighborhood, it affects pretty much the whole world; much of it creating huge dead zones in the once living and vibrant oceans. as a matter of fact, most people are still advised not to eat fish caught in the lower Carson River, because of mercury and other heavy metals toxicity related to Comstock milling in 1861. enough of the soapbox. I am sure you get the idea.

personally, even though the majority of the likeable people on this site are sinners to some extent, they are the ones that I enjoy listening to, reading their posts, and coming across somewhere in timbuktoo. Even having a few beers with, or coffee, which by some standards inferred to in the holy scripture we call the bible, are bad for the mortal body. I would also prefer that all the self-righteous and 'morally correct' [expletive] would all just go off by theirselves, and leave me, and everyone else that thinks or acts like me, to use the brain that God gave us all to pick and choose our own path during our lifetime, and leave us to ponder nature, geology, creation, and chance probability (nuggetshooting) at potential personal fortune, all by ourselves and with out their rhetoic and mostly useless, manipulative propaganda.

I am not a rich guy, just a working stiff. I bring guys that aren't getting anything into my hole, and they usually dig up the larger gold; it's theirs to keep. I don't make a big stink about who is my brother and who is my sister- they all sweat the hard times, and all of them bleed red blood, and most of them have the same type of dreams and goals as do I.

So to anybody that wants to judge me, I only ask one favor: Please let me stand behind you while you get your judgment and redemption, so that I can really be happy when I get my due. I want to see exactly who is on the losing end and who holds the winning hand.

No, I don't have much, nor do I want much. if it comes down to you needing a couple of extra votes so that you can gain glory, chances are, if I am there with you, I'll give you a few of mine, while I take the hit and the pain that would have been yours. I have been at the face 2000 feet underground in a searing mine hotter than the outside ground temperature of anything in AZ aboveground. I have been around when my pard has taken the fall, and I've worked bleeding trying to get him free and out alive; and have forever felt guilty when it wasn't me that was taken, but him. though the tommyknoockers are busy at most other mines, they were having a beauty rest at this one. Want to get really religious? work or walk in an underground mine workings that extend out 17 miles under the Pacific Ocean, that goes through a moderate earthquake at the time (6.1). or watch coastline disappear or rivers run backwards during others, or witness 10,000 people meet their maker while you stand somewhere safe from drowning. I have been there baby!

there's always someone out there telling someone else how and who they should be, but it always escapes them when you point out that the sun shines on all, that every human being is a creation of God, and that everyone living or dead on this planet is their brother or sister, and should be treated as such. I don't preach my course; without action, faith is just a word, and I usually don't say anything about my challenges in life, because that also goes against the word of God by being boastful. Live and let live, no matter who you are, and let God judge them, not me or any man.

Again, I want to thank all for supporting me, as well as for offering me the counter-opinion. It's not my way to hold a grudge. life is a learning process. The way I see it anyway is that my 'reward' will be back working at the 145-155 degree face again somewhere down the line; and I don't think it will be to mine copper either...

Lets see... You first were telling others to steal internet connections from others. I've had it done by a close neighbor who used my connection to upload copyrighted movies for others to take. It cost me a bunch as the owner of the IP address is responsible for ALL data that is transmitted over it and those that steal internet connections are normally pond scum.

I was all wrong about you though, you are obviously god like in 'your" reasoning for stealing from others. Go with god you dumb F&*K...

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I don't know you.

I would like to.

Didn't read anything about you saying to steal internet connections...must a missed that one.

What I have read from you, are some of the most interesting, informed and smart comments

about the outdoors and prospecting that anyone has written in any forum.

It would be a big loss if you decided not to post anymore.

Someone wrote - Vini I think - about people behind the monitor being different

than they might be if they were standing next to you. I think we all know that's

probably close to the truth. We all are probably better than we really are when we

are writing anonymously.

Whatever...the phonies usually show themselves sooner or later, either in print

or in person.

Don't go friends here (and probably your enemies), think you should stay.

Anyone who says what they really think straight out has enemies,

that's life.

After all you've been through these last months, this little tempest

should be childsplay.

Take it easy,


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His very first post to start this whole bucket-o-poo was to tell everyone how to connect to the web without paying for it by searching for open connections that people have paid for yet left un-secured due to their own mistakes in encrypting them. Many don't take the time to or do not understand how to do so. I and others took exception to it yet some chimed in to his defense as it was somehow "ok". Rob then removed several posts including mine to that were contrary to the idea being a good one.

I don't know the man but if he is still stealing internet connections he is still a theif no matter how much good info he gives others.

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His very first post to start this whole bucket-o-poo was to tell everyone how to connect to the web without paying for it by searching for open connections that people have paid for yet left un-secured due to their own mistakes in encrypting them. Many don't take the time to or do not understand how to do so. I and others took exception to it yet some chimed in to his defense as it was somehow "ok". Rob then removed several posts including mine to that were contrary to the idea being a good one.

I don't know the man but if he is still stealing internet connections he is still a theif no matter how much good info he gives others.

I explained it to you via PM and online post, and i even apoligized. apparently you are one of those that are dumber than the rocks that you kick with your feet. And no matter how much we all watch what we're doing, we all pick up a slivver from time to time; one that brings on pain, and festers up.

When god made the body, he also included at least one asshole, as without it, the whole, overall body can't remain healthy. so for this, I thank you and way 2 cool, in this case, TWO ASSHOLES, for covering everybody's ass, and making our world a better place.

I wanted to be nice, but push comes to shove, I am going to stand my ground. And too think that I would lose some sleep over you too. is that messed up or what?

Working underground, the ones that truly have integrity bond, and push the flakes off to one side, because every action, decision, and human life depends literally on each other, and being hollow like you represent yourself to be, just wouldn't cut it. The flakes kill and maim each other, leaving the ones that know what they're doing a whole lot safer and better off.

I could give you lots of examples why God looks after me, and how I walked away from 'problem situations' where anybody else would have been killed outright, but you know what!? this is a gold hunting site and not a theology site.

You can hammer me all you want over thievery. the absolute last post on moral aptitude comes as this "Will a Man Rob God?" Malachi 3:8-10.

Where do you stand? If the old testament is strictly a Jewish pact, and you solely believe in Christ, you're not off the hook. If you believe the bible to be Holy scripture, and not a compliation of letters and bits and pieces that the Catholics compiled, you're not off the hook, If you believe the English bible to be the word of God, and not the result of an original translation by the Freemasons/Knights Templar via King James, you're still not off the hook. So tell me, do you pay your tithing as part of your weekly paycheck? Do you pay your tithing on your gambling winnings? Do you pay your tithing over and above any other donation to your church or charity? Do you pay your tithing as a demosntration in your absolute faith in God? Say no on any one technicality, and where does that place you on the subject of THIEVERY? Oh, I forgot, you didn't get any of the other detailed previous posts, picking and choosing only the parts you wanted to, so it's not likely that you can comprehend any of this. And I bet you have a drivers' license too... It takes a lot higher IQ to study and learn from the scriptures than it does to drive a car.

Is all of this worth it? it is! this is a forum. people of all walks. people with different goals and morals, members with different opinions. In your case, Dumb ones, as well as the rest of us enlightened one. You want to preach, go to a church forum and have at it. you want to share information on gold or mining/history research, this is the place!

I was already to dry up and blow away, but you kept blowing, and blowing, and blowing. THANK YOU! YOU have given me a new lease on the Claim! Thanks to you, now that I have taken a dump, I can get back up and go back to work, none of which would have been possible without a working asshole like you! (stated in the most positive way that I could ever state anything, believe you me!)

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I've had it done by a close neighbor who used my connection to upload copyrighted movies for others to take. It cost me a bunch as the owner of the IP address is responsible for ALL data that is transmitted over it and those that steal internet connections are normally pond scum.

Oh. this make so much more sense. You were one of the lower IQ mammals that couldn't figure out that you had to secure your wireless ISP, broadcast all through the neighborhood connection. Stupidity is the sole work of the owner; and subscriber. it's not my fault in the least that you don't lock up what you own, but broadcast it throughout the hood with an invitation for all to partake...


Pond scum perhaps, just not STUPID pond scum. The world runs circles around you because you get the traffic light sequence wrong.

BTW: Yes, I do feel better! But I really do hate the 'lash out' part; it's just not my normal routine, thief or not.

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This is not really directed at anyone in particular,

this thread just reminded me of this stuff:

If you haven't figured out

that as a matter of course, every internet connnection - most especially wireless connections -

are being stolen, then you are in denial.

Your wireless phone calls are intercepted,

your cell phone is an open seseme for anyone with the (rather simple), technology to grab it.

Your mail is scanned,

your credit card information is virtually public knowledge,

your bank accounts are monitored,

your spending habits are tracked...

If you don't bother to educate and protect yourself from these basic and rampant invasions of

your privacy, it doesn't seem possible that you are whining about the fact

that it's being invaded.

The real crime in this country is ignorance, rigid thinking, believing we are divided and inaction.

"It's no use voting it doesn't count for anything"

"I don't have time to read everything about what's happening

I'm too busy"

All these rights and privileges that have been systematically

stripped away right in front of our noses

are the very rights our forefathers agonized about,

educated themselves about, tried to alert future generations about.

They warned that unless we educated ourselves and our kids,

monitored what our officials were doing

and busted them when they deviated from the Constitution and Bill of Rights,

then America would founder and sink.

As long as we all just pop another Budwiser and turn on NASCAR,

we're screwed.

And we deserve it.

America hasn't been stolen from us,

we gave it away.


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I personally think, there is no one! that can judge another person, I think somewhere down the line, everyone has Rented or barrowed a DVD and copyed it for there own use, or down loaded music from the internet without paying or any number or other things, barrow a tool from a niebor and not return it or just forget. Are you a criminal? I don't know its not my call, seems before you could down load songs from a web site and it was ok, then the people went to court and got a ruling, now its not ok. As I said before no one can judge another. Only GOd can. We all know what we do! Christains are in a learning process, no one is perfect, thats why you go to church if you do, to learn the right way. Follow the laws of the land, as rediculus as some are and the laws of GOD. No I don't go to church, my wife does and is there now. I figure when I'm out detecting, in the solitude of the woods or desert, I'm as close to GOD as anyone. I have my way of beleaving, and my wife has hers, hers is going to church 4 times aweek, mine is detecting with friends. It take all kinds of people to make up this world, if everting was perfect. we wouldn't be bickering over this stuff. My opion! Grubstake

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Good post Grubstake and correct that few if any are perfect and that is each of theirs burden to carry through life. The distinction in this discussion for me is that Charlie found a way to exploit another man's paid for service and then went on the forum to brag about it while telling others to do the same thing. For a man of his reputation I, and others took exception to that and always will.

You win Charlie, I am done with this topic as well as the forum. I asked Rob to remove my account but he did not thus I can still post even though I know I should not. This will be my last I have many better things to do than this.

Take care all.....

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