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I'd think you would be the last person to get kick off of any forum.I see your totally devastated by what happen to you :wacko: and I hope the pain don't last long. :spank:

I guess you didn't get to tell them May The Bird Of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose.

Take Care Grub We like You Here! :wub:

Chuck Anders

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Grub lasted longer then some. They kick ones off, then kicks ones on. And they say over here is where the kids games are being played. :spank: M-I-S-S-E-R-Y loves C-O-M-P-A-N-E-Y. Grub , your a good man that knows who is leading you.

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

I don't want to this thread to take off like the others. Like many said, just be proud to be away from there and being a part of a great forum (mine). Hehe... :D;):lol::)

Realistically, no reason to throw any dirt, they already buried themselves a long time ago!

Take care,

Rob Allison

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maybe we could all hope the high desert modertaors were all chain smokers, so we could encourage them to smoke smoke smoke that cigarette enough so that they will be so busy with meds and doctor visits they won't have time or energy to harass the browsers and members. when they meet st peter at the golden gate, they;; even tell HIM to wait while they have another cigarette....

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Hey Grubstake,

Since I don't have a get well card handy, I will just wish you a full and speedy recovery.

I guess that the prevalent traumatic shock you just had is hard to deal with. :lol::unsure:

Maybe if you made some peanut butter cookies for amend's, they would welcome you back. :rolleyes:

May the gold gods smile upon you.

Bob T.

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