My new Prospecting book is printed and delived

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Hey after many years of work, I am happy to announce my new prospecting book is now available! The delivery truck driver just left and I now have 3000 copies sitting in my garage. My back hurts already, just from the thought of moving all those boxes!

The title is "Fists Full of Gold" because that's what I hope it will bring you. I've put in years of experience to make this book the most comprehensive prospecting book ever written. Its very different from what is on the market already – Its focus is to teach you to find gold deposits, both placer and hard rock. There is a huge amount of information here that is just simply not available in any other prospecting book. It has plenty of basic coverage for new prospectors but lots of material for those guys who have some experience and want to learn more, plus even more advanced information for prospectors with decades of experience. It is up to date with all the latest technology and science.

It's a quite a reference: more than 360 pages long with over 225,000 words. That makes it longer by far than any prospecting book written for individuals – longer than any 2 or 3 combined! In spite of this, it's all written for the average individual who does not have any formal training in geology or mining.

Some of the highlights of what the book covers:

The basics of prospecting and finding gold, including:

The fact that there is lots of gold is still out there to be found

How to pan, sluice, dredge and dry wash for gold

An extensive section on metal detecting, perhaps the best on the market

Building your own equipment: including your own sluice, dredge or dry washer

How to deal with and get the most out of your black sands

How to get the best prices for your gold, specimens and nuggets

A full coverage of the geology of gold and silver mineral deposits:

All about minerals and how to identify them

Minerals associated with gold deposits

Rocks: what they are and how to identify them

Basic geology for the prospector in an understandable form

A detailed explanation of placer geology and how paystreaks form

A detailed explanation of hard rock geology and how gold deposits form

How to recognize many types of hard rock gold and silver deposits

How to do research to find your own rich concentrations of gold

Using and understanding topographic maps, aerial photos and GPS

How to use geology maps to find gold

Signs and indicators of gold deposits you want to look for in the field

How to prospect for commercial deposits of gold and silver

Mining law and how to stake your own claim

Platinum placers and deposits – How to prospect for them

Diamonds in placers – How to recognize them

Maps of where to find gold in the US and Australia

For the next month or two, I'll be the only one selling this book (that's an effort to try to recover some of the cost of printing it up because I am publishing it myself). After that, it will be available from all your favorite prospecting supply dealers. I hope that my good friend Rob Allison will decide to carry it for sale.

I'll also be happy to personally address it to you and autograph it for you with any greeting or best wishes you like. The price is $29.95, and with priority mail shipping it will be $35. If you are interested, all the info on purchasing a copy is on this website:

If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer them.


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Hey Chris thanks for taking the time to talk to me at the Lancaster show. I am LOVING the book. I don't think that anyone in this business should be without it. Hope to see you again in Las Vegas and thank you again. Chris

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Yo Chris...Got the book from you a couple days ago (thanks for the lightning fast shipping)...I've skimmed through it and it sure is jam packed with great info...You sure have covered the gold prospecting experience side to side and top to bottom...Thanks...Cheers, Unc

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Well, I had the opportunity to look over the book on a plane ride, lots of good information. For one thing, it made the trip go more quickly. :) Chris lays out the concepts and then illustrates them with case examples from various locations from around the world. He makes the concepts understandable and demonstrates his capable teaching skills within the pages of the book. I think everyone would learn something from it.

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If Rob is there, he should have books, however if it turns out no dealer is there with any books, then I'll bring some (so one way or another you'll be able to buy a book). I will be at the Phoenix GPAA show, so if yo do buy a book from Rob, then I'll be happy to sign it if you like. Rob's stock was mailed to him yesterday, so he should have it around the end of the week.


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I'm happy to report I will be carrying Chris' book. I received a copy to day in advance of my shipment, and I can tell you the amount of valuable information in this book is not to be missed. Newbies and veterans alike this is a valuable addition to your library. I may start including them with every detector I sell.

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I'm happy to report I will be carrying Chris' book. I received a copy to day in advance of my shipment, and I can tell you the amount of valuable information in this book is not to be missed. Newbies and veterans alike this is a valuable addition to your library. I may start including them with every detector I sell.

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Yep, I received Chris Ralph's book and it's excellent. I will have them at the Phoenix Gold Show if anyone is looking for one. I'm in the process of moving, so been away from the phone and internet for a few days.

If you need one now, I can ship them out through the mail also.

Rob Allison

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Hi Chris, Congratulations... I sent a check in the snail mail for your book. I tried the Pay-Pal link and crapped out again (funtionally challenged I remain). I be heading south by ship in a few weeks and will have something good to read.

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  • 3 months later...

I wanted to give a huge thank you for my book Chris.... I know I'm a bit late guys, my copy was waiting for me at my US mailing address which I've not been to for months... it was WELL worth the wait.....

Great job!!!!! Love it!!!!!


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We have 'Fists full of Gold' with FREE shipping on the AGA site. We have begun giving Chris' book to guests at our Rich Hill gold prospecting school, and suggest to our students that they refer to it often. By the way Chris, I'll be ordering another case VERY soon. Cheers! - Terry

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The 'only' complaint about the book that crossed my mind for a second is that the book has maps of all the western USA gold fields, as well as some in eastern USA PLUS Alaska AND many for Australia however there are none of one of the biggest gold areas among all of those...... British Columbia and the Klondike Gold Rush areas... but it only took me about .75 of a second for that "Hey, what about BC?" feeling to turn into "Whew, thanks for not reminding folks how much gold we have in BC". :rolleyes:

Thanks again Chris, great work. :)

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I understand. The maps are kind of an "extra" thing. The book is not intended to be a "where to find gold" book, but more of a how to find it once you are there book. I have some materials and maps to maybe do a "where to find gold" book. That includes stuff on the gold bearing streams of BC., but that would be years in the future.

Thanks for your kind words, and Rob does have this book in stock for sale.


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