How many modern day gold nuggets never get reported

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Hello All,

I thought the topic of "How many modern day gold nuggets don't get reported," would be a good converstational thread. A customer purchased some Minelab accessories a couple of nights ago and we talked on the phone for about an hour about gold nugget finds. He was telling me of some big gold nuggets being found in Montana, some over 30-40 ounces solid by detectors. Then the conversation about how many of those nuggets never get talked about or shown was brought up.

I know here in Arizona over the last 15 years or so I've found some big ones, but nothing that would be big enough to make any record books. I've personally seen big nuggets from about 10-30 ounces solid. I really don't care so much about specimens, cause someone will find a 20 pound quartz chunk with about 2 Dwt's of gold and said it's a 20 pound nugget. I'm talking solid chunks of gold with very minimal quartz attached.

The two biggest ones I seen were found in La Paz county about 10 years ago. A collector had them and I got to see them in person. One was a 39 ounce solid chunk with no quartz and the Mother was a 71 ouncer with a few spots of ironstained quartz.

You know many big nugget finds never get talked about nor get talked about on the forums. Just curious if you know about any that never really got talked about?

Thought it would someone different to talk about.

Rob Allison

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Guest sandtrap

Well, my "Mentor & Guru" Jim Straight always said to me, Gold is Silence"

Once in a great while, I will show something.

Lately, it has been Skunks Following ! :excl:

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Yep, your right Jerry. Showing gold has lost me friends. and people come out of the woodwork, wanting to go with you, or what ever. Its ok to post some little stuff once in awhile. But I learned to keep the big stuff to myself! and not show it or tell that I even got any. I only now hunt with two or three guys I can trust. Not people that go nuts when big gold is found. Greed! Not my greed. but others. So other than one or two friends, and my uncle. No one knows where or when I go or what I'm finding. Grubstake

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Well, Gary, you got that right on... I've completely stopped posting any finds after this past six months ... It's too bad that greed and lack of appreciation that a guy gives another a tip and a pointy finger and then it becomes a free for all of newbies, and even experienced beepers, trashing the patches...Maybe that's just human nature, but I sure did used to enjoy the forums...Sadly, looks like they're coming to an end ... Unc

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I don't think there coming to an end. I still like helping new guys or passing along information about detecting. But they will have to figure out where to hunt. I've got some good places. Hard to get too. But I only shere with certain people now. I learned my lesson the hard way. And I'm not about to put my self in the position again. Its just not worth it. I'm not going to choose betwen friends, If the ones I have now want to hunt with me, there not going to dictate, who else can come along, or get into squables about finding gold. I've had my feelings really hurt, in the past. and I'm not going to choose one friend over another. Your either my friend or not. Two things you can't buy. is love and friendship. The friends I have were my friends for along time. some longer than other, buy none the less there still friends. this is a hobby! not the 1849 gold rush. Out of all the people I've hunted with past and present. only a very few were truely friends. Them I still hunt with. The others have moved on. Grubstake

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I have a good friend here on the east coast, about 3 years ago he met a older gentleman while on a dredging trip in California, they both like each other and a good friendship developed over the following year, the older gentleman has thousands of acres of patented claims and mining claims that has been in his family since the late 1800s, he has been approached by many to sell some of the claims but he has always refused because of the greed that seems to dominate most people with it comes to gold, anyway to make a long story shorter, he asked my friend if there were others like him where he is from with the same convictions that my friend has, well the gentleman agreed with some stipulations to sell a few claims to my friend and some of his friends (I unfortunately could not afford the price of any of the claims, as they were not cheap, but the offer is still there if I win a lottery!), the stipulations were that no one could speak about how much gold is found or post pictures without the gentleman permission beforehand.

One picture that permission was giving to post was of some pocket gold that was found last fall on a patented claim still own by the gentleman, the specimen weighted 120+ ounces of solid crystalline gold and was only a small portion of the gold found in the pocket, the pocket was found with a metal detector just below the surface, I couldn't believe what I saw in the picture, it was awesome!!!

I wouldn't be posting this story here if the permission wasn't already giving, the picture has only been posted on one forum to my knowledge.

I can only imagine the other gold that is being found on these claims, but that all I can do is imagine it unless I can come up with the bucks to get in on one or two of the claims, or my friends are allowed to post more pictures.


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Hello Uncle Ron,

It's a shame about your area. Your nice and show one guy then it becomes a "free for all" for the person you invited and all of his friends. Your advantage Uncle Ron is your prospecting skills. You can choke it up and move onto another place and find gold. Some of these others guys have to follow guys around to find gold and will struggle once that area is played out.

On another note, I know of a couple of pockets that were found in California also that were not reported on the forums. One was pretty good, not sure it tipped 120 ounce though. That is one good hit! Congrats to the finder on that one.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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""some of these others guys have to follow guys around to find gold and will struggle once that area is played out.""

I call them Stalkers. One fellow up here even brags about his ability to track people and work there "patches".


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Though not as severe as some of the stalking mentioned here, it does happen in other professions.

Take science for example. Four or more years can be spent in hard work (eg ~72 h working weeks). Blood, sweat and the tears of failed experiments, the failed or successful grant applications and the lives/carreers of people-families. This can all go down the proverbial gurglar tube in a matter of a few weeks. For example...someone finds that you're onto something at a conference, secretly takes a pictures of your poster presentation and comes back to ask your colleagues questions about working in the same lab, the "stalker" goes off does the experiments him or herself and, in much less time, scoops your entire lab as they publish it before yours. Sometimes I have watched people in the audience, have no unscrupulious feelings what so ever, as they photograph the entire slideshow and tape the talk!

It also happens with research supervisors, the people who you'd normally trust. They can stalk their best researchers and steal their thunder or hijack and misappropriate their research grants. Mind you there are good people out there as well, but I had my fair share of unfair instances. It stinks. Competition ok - but downright copying is unoriginal and shows they have no ability.

However I have to say a big thanks to Rob. Great forum, youtube videos and help!

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I have met and talked with a large number of people while in the field but I almost always hunt alone. For that reason I never have to become upset with anyone and no one has any reason to become upset with me. The biggest nug. that I know of, from this area was a bit over seven oz.. However, awhile back someone showed me one that was a little over 30 oz., solid gold, no quartz at all.

Haven't had any luck lately on the big stuff, just enough to keep the skunk away. Got a couple small ones a few days ago for a total of 4.8 grams.

Bob T.

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Its great to post gold when I find it, but I just hate having people track me down and following me everywhere. I think its best to just find the gold, clean out the patch and post it when its all over. These forums are a great tool to learn and also when people are posting gold it makes everyone else want to get out in the field and find their own.

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Hey Ron, how goes it?? Your right about silence is golden. You don't have to worry about folks over-running your patch. Don't know about the Duct Tape thing but looking back I do remember a time or two where I wished that I had a strip to cover some loose lips, it cost me some nice gold. I don't make those mistakes anymore.

Bob T.

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Hey Ron, how goes it?? Your right about silence is golden. You don't have to worry about folks over-running your patch. Don't know about the Duct Tape thing but looking back I do remember a time or two where I wished that I had a strip to cover some loose lips, it cost me some nice gold. I don't make those mistakes anymore.

Bob T.

Hey Bob,

How are you doing? Glad to know you are getting something out there. See you next month.

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Well anybody would be stupid to post a big find until they were through cleaning it out.......And then, is it ever realy cleaned out. Probley only if you are on bedrock.

With all the High Tech GPS trackers that can be hidden on vehicles, ATVs to track them and record where they went. You don't have to physicly track them anymore. So why brag & paint a target on yourself.

Also why give up a gold spot where if a better metal detector comes out that goes deeper, you go back and hit it again....As many of the diehard prospectors here do. And good for them !


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Hello All,

There are two sides to "showing your finds" in my opinion. How many have been out in the hills by themselves and found a nice nugget(s), but were not able to show the find to someone? You probably rushed home to show someone like our wife or friend. Come on, I've done it and know many of you have also.

Many are proud (including myself) of finding a good find since they are getting much harder to find. There is no harm in showing a find, but when you do you need to know of what might happen.

It's very easy to show a find and not tell the entire story behind the find. You can find a nice nugget and say it was found in Arizona with a certain detector with minor details.

I think it also encourages others that nuggets can still be found with hard work.

Many choose to keep their finds quiet and there is no harm in doing so.

If you're worried about someone finding your spot, don't tell everyone where you're going. This will surely make your patch a public domain for anyone to prospecting it.

Many here on the forums have taken guys out on good intentions to their spots and later found out the people they have taken out have not only pounded the spot(s), but continue to bring others with them. You have to know when you take someone to a spot and don't discuss any type of terms, it will turn out bad in the long haul.

A suggestion might be if you're taking someone to a spot -

(1) Tell them if they find anything over a certain size (1/4 oz for example), they don't get to keep it.

(2) They can only return with you, the orginal finder of the spot

(3) They can't bring anyone else there

- or - All finds get placed together at the end of the day and we split or pick them. The original finder gets first pick or the biggest find of the day.

These are just some ideas to keep things straight. If you invite someone to a patch and don't discuss details, someone's feeling will get hurt.

Just some thoughts,

Rob Allison

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