It's just a Minelab Posing/Advertising Forum

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Hello All,

It's always fun to go around to the various forums and see what is going on. I just happened to stumble onto one of the forums and read about this "Minelab Posing/Advertising Forum" that I would assume is mine. :o

All I have to say to that comment is this is my forum and I will run it how I like. This is not a Minelab advertising forum, but Minelab is what I solely promote and sale. I will keep the public updated on new Minelab releases from time to time, if you don't like it please let me know.

I have never stopped anyone from posting any information about other detectors, coils and non-Minelab related topics. I would almost have to say I'm one of the only so-called Minelab forums that allows members to post about other coils and detectors. I have seen other stuff get nuked as fast as it's posted on other forums that is non-Minelab related.

To sum it up, I have used just about everything out there as far as metal detectors. I have found that here in the Southwestern part of the US, the Minelab PI's have suited me the best for overall mineral immunity, sensitivity/depth and overall user controls. I know for a fact that without the use of a Minelab PI over the years I wouldn't have found nearly the gold I have recovered.

To be honest, when I'm out hunting the major goldfields of Arizona, 90% or more of the end-users I have met are using Minelab PI's. I know this is hard for some to chew on, but it's the simple facts. The percentage of other PI's I see in the field are minimal at best.

If you feel this honest information is too hard to cope with, then you don't have to post or read this forum. I would love to hear your comments, questions or concerns on this matter.

I feel I have always been honest about what I have said and have taken much more time than most dealers would on the phone and email conversations.

On another note, some partners and I found some more gold this weekend with our Minelab's (rub ... rub). :lol:

Best regards,

Rob Allison

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Hello All,

It's always fun to go around to the various forums and see what is going on. I just happened to stumble onto one of the forums and read about this "Minelab Posing/Advertising Forum" that I would assume is mine. :o

All I have to say to that comment is this is my forum and I will run it how I like. This is not a Minelab advertising forum, but Minelab is what I solely promote and sale. I will keep the public updated on new Minelab releases from time to time, if you don't like it please let me know.

I have never stopped anyone from posting any information about other detectors, coils and non-Minelab related topics. I would almost have to say I'm one of the only so-called Minelab forums that allows members to post about other coils and detectors. I have seen other stuff get nuked as fast as it's posted on other forums that is non-Minelab related.

To sum it up, I have used just about everything out there as far as metal detectors. I have found that here in the Southwestern part of the US, the Minelab PI's have suited me the best for overall mineral immunity, sensitivity/depth and overall user controls. I know for a fact that without the use of a Minelab PI over the years I wouldn't have found nearly the gold I have recovered.

To be honest, when I'm out hunting the major goldfields of Arizona, 90% or more of the end-users I have met are using Minelab PI's. I know this is hard for some to chew on, but it's the simple facts. The percentage of other PI's I see in the field are minimal at best.

If you feel this honest information is too hard to cope with, then you don't have to post or read this forum. I would love to hear your comments, questions or concerns on this matter.

I feel I have always been honest about what I have said and have taken much more time than most dealers would on the phone and email conversations.

On another note, some partners and I found some more gold this weekend with our Minelab's (rub ... rub). :lol:

Best regards,

Rob Allison

Rob, Perhaps "they" were referring to the other AZ forum? with their more militant members, less accepting of alternative ideas than you allow here. It YOUR forum and YOU call the shots. I am just a member with occasionally different opinions. Most are allowed. Thanks.

Yes, I believe you DO "allow members to post about other coils and detectors" and that is welcome, even though I never got welcome here (or there :rolleyes: ). No matter, I do appreciate occassionally expressing views that are different to the mainstream ML believers.

Yes, I have a ML and it has not let me down, it's found gold over & over again year after year .... but I have differences of opinion with its Maker and Believers. 4500s are generally considered the best that there is to date and THAT is "the benchmark" all competitors must reach to be noticed (performance and value for $).

Huego B)

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Rob, Why are you even trying to defend yourself and your forum? It certainly is not needed in any way shape or form! I see this forum as a gathering place for folks that like to nugget shoot. Just so happens that the large percentage of those that gather here use Minelabs! I think that there are some people that are very jealous of a successful Minelab dealer & forum provider.

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You have a great web site! I agree with you...currently there is only one detector to find a wide range of nuggets with and that's a Minelab. Sure, other detectors will find gold, but they are now dust collectors in my garage!


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Hi Rob... This is your turf, so run it as you would like. When I discuse my Fisher GB I'm on other Fisher forums. This is a good ML prospecting site so keep it that way. Clean, easy, safe, and good knowledgable folks. It don't get much better than that. You're doin' good so keep it up and...

Keep Smiling... Fritz

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I enjoy your forum. Other forums do seem to nuke non ML products to the measure of denigrating anything and anybody not in agreement with slurs, slang and general BAD MANNERS.

Real discussion of electronic prospecting is the best way to learn this, sometimes trying, hobby.

Rob, thank you for having this excellent discussion venue!

New Beeper

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ROB, you have always been a great friend, and a top Minelab dealer, Its your forum, if you want to sell doggie poop. on here, you pay for the forum! Do what you want. No one should have a word to say about it, but you! Just ignore the bashing. You still got the best forum on the net! Grtubstake

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Hey Rob

Just would like to say great fourm keep up the good work.By the way that coffe mug full of nuggets must be breeding over time.way to cool


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why not! minelab is the king its not anybodies fault that they are the best gold finding machines, what are we supposed to talk about or promote something we dont use . Most of us spend hundreds, thousands of hours swinging these things and are proud of it! big nugs to all justin

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Hello Guys,

I appreciate all your comments. You're all right, I don't have to defend myself or justify anything I say here, as I run it as I like. With that being said, I've always allowed others to post what they wanted. The only time I have deleted posts is when something gets way out of hand (political or members bashing each other).

Some just can't sleep at night knowing myself and thousands of others are out finding a bunch of nuggets with Minelab's and not their home made versions or manufactures they support.

If there was another metal detector on the market right now that I thought I could find more nuggets with, I would be using it. The simple fact is "Minelab is the King!" Not to bust your bubble, but you haven't seen anything yet from Minelab.

I've never told anyone that you have to purchase a Minelab, but the simple fact is that the majority of the successful nugget hunters are using them and have been for the last 10 years. I've sold hundreds of Minelab metal detectors over the years and have yet to have one customer come back and say they didn't like it.

Bottom line: I don't have to sell Minelab's, they sell themselves hands down! :D

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Guest GoldProspectinginOz

Hello Guys,

Not to bust your bubble, but you haven't seen anything yet from Minelab.

Take care,

Rob Allison

There is a vast difference between hype and reality!

all the best,


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Hi Rob,

As the above posters have said, it's your forum and your business to run as you see fit. If someone doesn't like that then tough. Keep up the good work and let the Minelabs keep selling themselves. :lol:

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Hello Rob and Co., I'm not sure what the ruckus is all about here; if you do not believe this is a "Minelab Posing/Advertising Forum", then it isn't, plain and simple.......if it were true, I guess

it means from time to time we must grab our Minelabs when no one is home and get in front of a mirror and try to look cool, shades and cigarettes optional....never gonna asked for comments, so here is my feedback:

This is a Minelab nugget detector forum....the owner uses Minelab detectors, the owner sells Minelab detectors, and most active members use Minelab detectors....this is the place to have the best site because you put the most time into it, which attracts some of the best talent and colorful characters in our community.....if I want to find information, read or comment on things concerning my GPX, this is where I go......if I want to find information, read or comment on things concerning my TDI, I go to the Finds TDI forum...if I want to find information, read or comment on things concerning my Goldquest Aquasearch V.2, I go to the Finds PI Tech forum......for the most part, I echo everybody's prior comments.......Jerry

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  • Admin

Hello All,

I appreciate all the comments.

I find this an interesting comment by Carl @ White's. He states the follow for their White's forum. Heck, at least I allow people to talk about other detectors and coils, but they don't!

understand the reaction to the White's forum policy, and I can even agree that, at times, the moderators can be a little overzealous enforcing this policy. However, as I've been told, the policy is a necessary limit to keep people from using the White's forums for the purpose of product bashing. Apparently they tried judiciously limiting discussions of competing products, but there were people who did everything they could to abuse the situation. So a zero-tolerance policy was adopted: absolutely no mention of competitor products. This includes calling them by other names, like "blue boxes" or "green machines".

Certainly we welcome discussions and tips on using White's detectors, but those discussions should avoid comparisons with other detectors, even when those comparisons are clearly favorable to White's. That might be a harsh rule for a general detecting forum, but I don't think it's unreasonable for a corporate forum, and shouldn't be hard to do.

- Carl

I guess I'm not such of a bad guy since other manufacture forums really enforce the rules.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello All,

I appreciate all the comments.

I find this an interesting comment by Carl @ White's. He states the follow for their White's forum. Heck, at least I allow people to talk about other detectors and coils, but they don't!

I guess I'm not such of a bad guy since other manufacture forums really enforce the rules.

Take care, Rob Allison

I guess not! :D :D

Most of the detector discussion on this forum is about Minelab detectors and their finds. That’s as expected and I would not wish to spoil that. In contrast, I would not join Carls forum for 2 reasons. I don’t have a White product & I would wish to discuss other detectors & manufacturers (comparatively). I appreciate Doug’s forum as he has a "boxing ring" forum for contentious matters (without abuse) and he quickly stops the abuse of posters, especially on the serious technical posts. Allowing personal abuse to start & continue by ML supporters, against those with alternative & contentious opinions, is a major failing in my view of some forums.

Personally, I do appreciate that you allow posting on other subjects Bob (eg other detectors & some contentious issues). As you say, ML GPXs “sell themselves” as they are the best there is to date.

Huego :D

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" This forum is designated for any discussion or debates about Prospecting or Nuggethunting for Gold. Methods such as Dredging, Drywashing, Sluicing, Panning and surely Electronic Prospecting are welcome here. Hope to see you contributing soon!" (Nuggethunting)

No mention of ML here so I take it at face value and post about anythng to do with any detectors, any manufacturers. Thanks for allowing that Rob :D

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It may not mean much. But I dont own a ML and possible never will. However to me(and I may be biased since like I said I dont own a ML) detecting is detecting. I could care less what everyone here uses. What I get out of this site is the tips, stories, situations, and pics. To me its knowledge that I try to gain from this site regardless of what may be being sold by the owner of the site.

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Hi Rob,

Hope allo is well with everyone out there.

I am recovering from a total knee replacement of the right knee. Had the surgery on the 22nd of July. Most of the post op pain is gone. Now just dealing with the rehab physical therapy related pain. Lots of hurt now, but the joy of having a great knee again is something that I am looking forward to.

Rob, people always want to throw rocks and poke with sticks those who are very successful. In your case, you are successful in many ways. You are a excellent detorist and gold finder. You deliver an exceptional product for people to find their own gold with. You provide a quality of service and training the is second to none in the industry. You are more interested in making sure that people are happy and satisfied with their purchases. While my visits over to Arizona have not been as frequent the past couple of years and my purchases are not as large or as frequent, you have bent over backwards to accomidate me in the delivery of equipment, meeting me in the field and helpful in helping me improve my prospecting. Add to all of this that you are also my friend. Getting the opportunity to meet up with you and Big D when ever I am out there is actually as much fun if not more than actually finding nuggets. Too bad I got sick on the way out over Spring Break. Cause I was really looking forward to spending so time in the cooler months with you and D. Perhaps I will make it next spring.

As to how you use your forum, well that is your right. Your forum is a wealth of information and the domain knowlege that is available here is cosmic. The ability for everyone to share their ideas and knowledge or to ask for help and advice has always been the biggest draw for me to your forum. Yes you use it to sell your products. It would take a pretty naive and ignorant person to think that you shouldn't.

I salute you Rob, for all the fine work you do. The friendships you have made. How, when we chat, you always have time to answer my questions and to listen.

The forum bashers are just envious that they do not have as loyal of a following as you do.

I guess it is because you aren't just a seller of products and we aren't just buyes looking for he best deal or cheapest price. We are all friends willing to go the extra mile to help each other be more successful.

It has been said many times before. The real gold isn't in the ground waiting to be found. The real gold is in the relationships we build, the friends we make and meet up with in the field.

Rob, You are Golden!

Have a great day!



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