First MineLab Gold Nugget !!!

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Afer 6 months of, reading, listening, mingling, and getting to know people on the forum, I FOUND MY FIRST NUGGET! :D

I wanna thank everyone for helping me along...Lucky for my first ML the GP Extreme, Robin for the hospitality.

Road Dog Rick and Buddy, for their help and friendship. Looking fwd to Nevada!

Bob for my second ML, the 2100v2

Rob A. for explaining how to tune the 2100v2

El Dorado for the stories and the chance to browse the, "Man Cave"

Montana Bob for words of wisdom and encouragement.

Clay and Ruby for all their GPS help and footprints work.

Border Boy and Silver Dog Doug for their enthusiam and encouragement!

...and all the rest of you who post on the forum,,,,there is no way i could have gotten this far along without your input.....and...I realize you just have to keep swinging and digging and you will eventually get over a piece of GOLD!

Thanks again for allowing me into your fraternity,


God bless you all.

Going to Greaterville this week!!!!!

And Notorius Kelly,,,everytime I see a box truck, I wonder if that is you in front of me!!!! hahahha

This find, with the 2100v2 just goes to show that, "even an OLD MineLab is better the NO MineLab!!!!!

.4gm--4 inches deep, with a Little Joey!

Do I sound excited?????

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PAUL, they're gonna FLOW like water now. Once you get that 1st one you've cleared the hurdle.

Congrats and you are correct about the forums theres nothing like them FOR LEARNING PURPOSES, and then couple that with some hands on field experience puts you on a roll in the right directions.

Congrats an Hapy Huntn

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great going brother! I knew you were going to find one . you were in the groove wensday i plobably missed seeing ya find it by a couple hours and now that you know what that 2100 is capable of doing well the rest is downhill. Thanks for hosting us last hunt and see ya wensday :D

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Congrats Mr. Congressman! and thanks for sharing.

After a long weekend in Greaterville myself getting some more junk it sure is encouraging to see this. Good luck on your hunt this week, I hope the weather is good for you. The wind in Tucson today is obscene.........Please find something in Greaterville this week and post it, give a brother some hope!!!!

Cheers and have a beer for us fellows still trying to break the ice - ;)

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  • Admin

Hello All,

Ya, this guy showed up and said he never found a nugget in Arizona yet, so you know the story! :P:D:o:)

Great having you out my friend. Wishing you many more. Couldn't have you leave good old Arizona without one on my watch. :wub:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Thanks Rob,

I'm on my way to Greaterville after stopping by Clay and

Rubies to get my modded GPS...LOL

ready to post more!

Hello All,

Ya, this guy showed up and said he never found a nugget in Arizona yet, so you know the story! :P:D:o:)

Great having you out my friend. Wishing you many more. Couldn't have you leave good old Arizona without one on my watch. :wub:

Take care,

Rob Allison

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  • Admin

Hey Paul,

Wishing you much success in Greaterville. I told Justin about a spot or two where I found some nuggets, so maybe you guys can turn up a few nuggets, maybe a biggie.

Hoping to get back down that direction this year before the Winter ends.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hey Paul,

Wishing you much success in Greaterville. I told Justin about a spot or two where I found some nuggets, so maybe you guys can turn up a few nuggets, maybe a biggie.

Hoping to get back down that direction this year before the Winter ends.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

Thanks Rob,,,,i had to write a letter to Nevada this morning about my new job...and am getting a later start than i wanted,,,but i went down to Sonoita last night,,no motels!!! I had to come back up to Tucson, Border Pattrol told me it wasnt a good idea to camp alone and with=out my pistola...,,anyway we are going to hunt it hard today,,,

I tell you what i told Justin,,this work stuff sure is interfering with my play time!!!!! ^_^

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