Installing Doc's Lower Rods

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LOL, now correct me if I am wrong, but are you suggesting we use Brylcreem on the washers? HA HA, I guess I am dating myself, that I remember that old slogan.


I have the new rods installed on 2 nuggetfinder coils. A soild elipticle and a 20" round SL. Like I said twice before "a little dab will do ya" on the washers and slide in place.

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Where ya at? I'll head there next :P

Hey Doc,

"A little da'll do ya"

Bryl-creem, a little dab'll do ya,

Use more, only if you dare,

But watch out,

The gals will all pursue ya,--

They'll love to put their fingers through your hair....

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Apparently people are having some difficulty understanding how a properly made rod should fit and are having issues installing the new rods on their coils. A customer said the head is bigger than the standard Minelab head. NO it is not. But here are some suggestions for installation to make it smooth and painless.

The rods fit exactly they way they are supposed to. Please compare them with the head on the Minelab lower rod, the head is precisely the same; see the attached picture with the Minelab head and Doc's rod head in the caliper.

The washers are a little thicker, so people don't have to over tighten the nut and bolt. A properly fitting lower rod should hold the head in place without a nut and bolt. Over tightening nuts and bolts crack the ears and strip out the nylon bolts and wing nuts.

The rods easily slips into place with a little soapy water. You are dealing with a rubber washer and plastic and there is supposed to be friction between the two to hold the coil in place. Of course that same friction that holds the coil in place during use, will work against you when you are trying to install it on the coil, that is why a little soap and water works well to help the head slip into place. You also want to run the ears of your coil and the head of the rod under hot water to soften the ears and the washers up a little as we have not yet reached the summer months and really warm weather, so the rubber and plastic could be cold.

If you don't like that solution, then remove the washers and rub them across a piece of sand paper until you take a little rubber off the washer, but this is not advised.



Doc, I installed the 32 inch rod without a hitch, thanks for the extra length. Doug

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Where ya at? I'll head there next :P

Hey Doc,

"A little da'll do ya"

Bryl-creem, a little dab'll do ya,

Use more, only if you dare,

But watch out,

The gals will all pursue ya,--

They'll love to put their fingers through your hair....

Hi Notorious,

You wouldn't like where I Topanga Canyon outside Los Angeles...

too crowded and I'm not home enough.

When I get some time free I will put up a big flier for you to come visit.

Til then, happy travels.


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I have a one year old Advantage NF...the ears do seem to be a little more narrow than Minelab or Coiltec...

every time i put new washers on one of my lowers (any type) i have a hard time getting the advantages i use on . they are a little slimer than the comanders or coilteks , and the advantage bracket is a seperate piece that is very rigid (no flex) where the other coils are a little more flexable. comparing coils right now the nF advantage is about 1/16 inch tighter. Either way i have favorite coils from all three brands in my truck at all times and some are "different" than others :lol:

Hey Lucky i put brand new washers on a stock stem and had to take them out and sweeze them in a vice for a few minutes to get them to go on easy to my nf17e . Hope things are good up that way ......Justin

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"You wouldn't like where I Topanga Canyon outside Los Angeles..."



I'm a Valley Boy - lived in Chatsworth til going in Air Force in 78.

Used to buy Van's tennis shoes in a hut on Topanga Canyon blvd when they were 2 for $5.

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Went outside this evening and tried the new lowers on a couple of Minelab Commander and Coiltek Goldstalker & some older versions. I was able to get the lowers on all of these coils with no problem. I only have owned one NF coil since they have been out and do remember having to remove one rubber washer to make my lower shaft fit on it. I didn't like the way it twisted back and forth with only one rubber washer.

With the Minelab & Coiltek coils you shouldn't have any problems and will not have to modify the lower shafts.

Been swamped with this new product of Doc's. It's a huge hit for what you get and price. If I haven't gotten back with you about your order, I promise I have you down and I'm working through all the phone calls and emails.

Hope the information above helps.

Rob Allison

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I installed Doc's long shaft tonight.....

The lower shaft fit my Commander and Coiltek coils just fine. I got all 4 lower in 32 inch. The Commander coil cable is only 59 inches and the Coiltek cable it just under 65 inches. With the new upper shaft that is longer then the stock and the 32 inch lower you won't need anymore length. I can't fully extended either one and still wrap the coil wire more then 4 times. I can only wrap the Commander wire twice and still am in the forth hole up. The total shaft length with the Commander coil is 61 inches and with the CoilTek it's 64 inches. I also picked up some more velcro wire ties at Radio Shack for $3 bucks. She sure is purdy...Thanks for the nice product and fair price.

I wonder how much coil cable length plays a role in coil sensitivity and stability? How long is the cable on NuggetFinder coils?


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I would make a suggestion. My modus operandi has always been to run the coil cable straight up the lower rod to the cam lock on the upper rod. I secure it at the bottom of the lower rod where the cable comes off of the coil, then run the cable straight up the lower rod, tie it off again at the cam lock, then do all of my windings above the cam lock and secure it again right before I plug it into the machine.

Now my reasoning for doing this is strictly a theory with absolutely no scientific data to back it up. However, I remember as a young kid having a Heath Kit to make an electro magnet.

I remember all you had to do was wrap the wire around a spool, apply electricity and WHAM, you had a magnet.

Well I have no idea if that same theory applies for coils, but just in case, I don't won't to wind cable around the lower coil and set up any kind of a magnetic field.

Also remember that cable is full of wire, and wire is metal, So I want as little wire as possible directly over my coil. Wrapping the coil wire around the lower rod increases the surface area of wire that the machine has to balance out. I want that wire straight up that lower rod.

Just the way I do things.


I installed Doc's long shaft tonight.....

The lower shaft fit my Commander and Coiltek coils just fine. I got all 4 lower in 32 inch. The Commander coil cable is only 59 inches and the Coiltek cable it just under 65 inches. With the new upper shaft that is longer then the stock and the 32 inch lower you won't need anymore length. I can't fully extended either one and still wrap the coil wire more then 4 times. I can only wrap the Commander wire twice and still am in the forth hole up. The total shaft length with the Commander coil is 61 inches and with the CoilTek it's 64 inches. I also picked up some more velcro wire ties at Radio Shack for $3 bucks. She sure is purdy...Thanks for the nice product and fair price.

I wonder how much coil cable length plays a role in coil sensitivity and stability? How long is the cable on NuggetFinder coils?

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