Grubstake is in the hospital

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I talked to Gary's wife a few minutes ago and found out that Gary is in the emergency room suffering from a heart attack. As you know he has had several in the past. He will be transported to Fresno as soon as possible. Please keep our brother prospector and his family in your prayers. I will post updates as soon as I receive them. thanks Jerry

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I just talked to Gary's wife for an update on his medical status. Gary is in recovery from an angioplasty procedure. The doctors say he has more heart damage from this attack. They plan on doing open heart surgery next week and said he will feel much better. Maybe they will cut out all those stents he has in his heart. He should be in the hospital for 10 days at least. Dorthy and Gary are very thankful for the prayers. Jerry

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My prayers go up for him and his wife for a good surgery and speedy recovery.

Please keep us updated on the situation.


Tom H.

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Added my prayer as well and will continue to remember to keep him in my prayers. Hope the doctors do a great job and that the recovery time is not prolonged and that you are granted a new lease with more time here.

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Guest sandtrap

Talked with Dorthy, his wife, tonite. Gary should be operated on next week sometime. Thanks Pondman for giving me the info..I could not reach anyone on their phone since this happened..;;; hospital was very accomodating when I called there.

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We all know that Gary is too stubborn to head for the prospects in the sky... he hasn't found all his gold on this big ball, yet.

Good to see that he's OK for now. Open heart surgery is no laughing matter at his age and I hope and pray for the best possible outcome so he can continue to share his stories and wit with us for many more years to come.

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My prayers for you, and your family

Take care, Ed

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Please relay to Grubby that he will be amazed at how much better he feels after bypass surgery ... I had emergency quadruple bypass surgery12 years ago and it truely will make him a new man ... He'll be able to cover ground better than he has in years ... Our wishes go out to him for a quick recovery ... Cheers, Unc

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