Skunk Breakers

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I went out this AM hoping to beat the heat. Arriving at Decision Corner I turn right and went on down to the RRPC claims. Today mission was to check out a Minelab 8" Commander Mono coil that I have just acquired and hopefully break it cherry on gold. The cloud cover burn off and by 9:30 it was getting a little warm down in the wash. So far the morning effort have been rewarded with nothing but boot tacks, small pieces of wire, and disintegrating bits of old cans. I retreated to the truck for some cold refreshment and shades. While I was cooling off I decided to take a run down the road and ran into Rob. After a short Hello, and conversation we all took off for home and the confort of AC.

The skunk was still riding with me so I decided to do some exploring, a couple hours later I was down on the GPAA claim. I have gotten my second wind and got cool off so I decided to do a little short walk about with the detector. This time traveling light, no knee pads, no snake chaps, no harness... just pick, gpx 5000 and S&W. With in 20 minutes I was digging a nice sounding target. There is was, just a couple inches below the surface I have moved moved the target. Searching thru the dirt and in the 3rd handful I had the target in my hand. Fearing it was another piece of wire I slowly search the dirt in my hand to ever growing smaller amounts and then ... a glint! EUREKA, GOLD! A small nugget, but gold is gold. The 8" coil cherry was busted, after three trips out with nothing to add to the poke the skunk was finally off my back. In to the pill bottle it go, and glancing around with no body to share the moment with I try to inprint the scene in my mind. Walking away and hap hazzardy swinging the coil I hear another target. Less than two step away, could it be? What is the odds? Again it was less than 2 inches deep, but this target was a bugger to find in the dirt. Six handfull of dirt, pile almost gone with no target in the hand. A quick scan with the detector show the targer is still there in the loose dirt. Taking the plastic scoop out I slowly start scraping and filling the scoop up, and finally in the fourth scoop I had the target in the scoop. Picking out the bigger pebbles and blowing with a light breath to clear the light sand, seeds, etc away. I see another glint of gold. It is so small it is hard to call it a nugget, but a picker. I am afraid to pick it up, there is only a sliver of gold holding the bigger pc together, but I was able to get it in the bottle. With sweat running down my face, the walk back to the truck was like slow motion, gulping down a bottle of water and pouring another one over my head cool me off, and the drive home to Mesa was quick. I will try to post the picture now.

More Au to you, Robert

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  • Admin

Hey Robert,

Great seeing you today. Sunday morning was beautiful for nugget hunting. Saturday was pretty warm. Congrats on your nuggets. When I seen you leave, I had a feeling you were going to do some more exploring!

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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I went out this AM hoping to beat the heat. Arriving at Decision Corner I turn right and went on down to the RRPC claims. Today mission was to check out a Minelab 8" Commander Mono coil that I have just acquired and hopefully break it cherry on gold. The cloud cover burn off and by 9:30 it was getting a little warm down in the wash. So far the morning effort have been rewarded with nothing but boot tacks, small pieces of wire, and disintegrating bits of old cans. I retreated to the truck for some cold refreshment and shades. While I was cooling off I decided to take a run down the road and ran into Rob. After a short Hello, and conversation we all took off for home and the confort of AC.

The skunk was still riding with me so I decided to do some exploring, a couple hours later I was down on the GPAA claim. I have gotten my second wind and got cool off so I decided to do a little short walk about with the detector. This time traveling light, no knee pads, no snake chaps, no harness... just pick, gpx 5000 and S&W. With in 20 minutes I was digging a nice sounding target. There is was, just a couple inches below the surface I have moved moved the target. Searching thru the dirt and in the 3rd handful I had the target in my hand. Fearing it was another piece of wire I slowly search the dirt in my hand to ever growing smaller amounts and then ... a glint! EUREKA, GOLD! A small nugget, but gold is gold. The 8" coil cherry was busted, after three trips out with nothing to add to the poke the skunk was finally off my back. In to the pill bottle it go, and glancing around with no body to share the moment with I try to inprint the scene in my mind. Walking away and hap hazzardy swinging the coil I hear another target. Less than two step away, could it be? What is the odds? Again it was less than 2 inches deep, but this target was a bugger to find in the dirt. Six handfull of dirt, pile almost gone with no target in the hand. A quick scan with the detector show the targer is still there in the loose dirt. Taking the plastic scoop out I slowly start scraping and filling the scoop up, and finally in the fourth scoop I had the target in the scoop. Picking out the bigger pebbles and blowing with a light breath to clear the light sand, seeds, etc away. I see another glint of gold. It is so small it is hard to call it a nugget, but a picker. I am afraid to pick it up, there is only a sliver of gold holding the bigger pc together, but I was able to get it in the bottle. With sweat running down my face, the walk back to the truck was like slow motion, gulping down a bottle of water and pouring another one over my head cool me off, and the drive home to Mesa was quick. I will try to post the picture now.

More Au to you, Robert

Hey Robert:

Congrats on finding some gold up there. Ive yet to detect any gold from that area. Got some with the drywasher, but thats about it.

Glad you got some!

Tom H.

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:) Thank you all for the encouagement. That skunk have been riding with me since Bunk's outting in Feburary. From Stanton, Rich Hill area to the Vulture mine area, LSD, and the Bradshaw's Mtns... I guess he finally recognized home (Rich Hill) and left me. I am not complaining I am glad he is gone, and I hope I never seen him again. I was actually finish for the day when I ran into Rob and his partners. Seeing their gold gave me the extra push to get got there in the heat and try beeping some more. I was lucky enough to get the coil over some gold in the afternoon. The gold is still out there, a little more climbing on the learning curve and getting the coil over gold will pay off for us that stick with it. Good Luck, and more Au to you, Robert
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