Election 2012 What's Your Prediction?

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I was right!! :angry: Price of gold will now go through the roof as the ecomony will continue to collapse. Oh, lets Blame the Bush's .... How many years can we continue to say that. I'm sure after his 8 year term, he will say the Bush's made it too difficult. Obama was able to convince America he will give you something to get your vote (food stamps, higher taxes for the rich, Obamacare)

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Sounds like sour grapes to me Rob. You should see my face after drinking my potion of it. I'm glad I lived in the years that I have, you younger guys have a rougher row to hoe then we did. All is not lost though, we can still outlast this one as we did in the past with some others. This is a great country yet and he will not break it like he wants to. Life will be different, but good will persevere.

Old Tom

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Fred was right on the money. The electorial college system should be changed.The liberals sure know how to use it to their advantage.

Rob you guessed right but I don't think your too happy for it.Good thing your in the gold mining business.I wonder if the feds. will really clinch down on mining now with 4 more years?

Uncle Ron I wish I would have bet against the odds but I couldn't.You voted right and so did I.

Grubstake,I felt as you did I was just hoping for a landslide.

Placer Chaser, There were quite a few coincidential predictions which failed this election.

DesertNuggets, Good old Vegas odds did it again but they did go back and forth a bit.

Flyinjeff,I hope your right for at least 4 more years.

Old Tom, Your generation lived the hay day thats for sure! All we can do is hope for the best now.I like your optimism.I'm glad to see you healing up so well.


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