ML Customer & weekend gold

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Hello All,

This weekend I had a customer come all the way from Indiana to get his instructions on his Minelab GPX 5000 he purchased from us. Being from Indiana, I don't think Jerry was ready for a 20 degree Saturday morning! :o Jerry was pretty pumped to use the Minelab GPX 5000 down here and even scored a nice little nugget during the instructions. Thanks for your business my friend.

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Dont ask, I think I fell asleep in the picture ....

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Jerry's first gold nugget with the GPX!


Sunday a partner and I got to dink around a bit ourselves. We were able to score these 4 nuggets hunting around some old digs. Biggest one was 7+ Dwt's. All found with the Minelab GPX 5000's and 14x9 Nugget Finder Mono's.

weekendgold (800x600).jpg

It's out there ....

Rob Allison

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Congrats Jerry!

Hope you find many more :)

Guess the gold couldnt run today as it was too cold.

Good gold all the way around. Congrats to all.

Tom H.

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Hey Guys,

It was freaking freezing this weekend at the Hill. It was down in the low 20's in the early morning. I guess it could have slowed down a few nuggets, at least the heavier ones. :)

Man, I hear ya!

I was out plating last night and gave up around 11. Feet were numb, fingers numb, and it took forever to heat the baths up.

Glad you guys got some gold :)

Tom H.

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