Commander 8" Mono vs Coiltek 6" Mono vs Nugget Finder 8" x 6" Mono

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You know, I really should know better than to pose a question like this. But I really am curious and so I am wondering if anyone has used any of these enough to be able to say if there really is any difference worth noting about them? I have minimal experience with all three, and the Nugget Finder does seem like the best compromise as far as size and shape. Lots of people swear by the Commander. Thoughts anyone?

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Hi Steve...I have a few comments that are opinion only.

I own a NF Sadie and I used to have a Joey.

I wore the Joey out, that's why I got the NF.

I have not used the Commander 8".

The Joey and the Sadie are both 'hot' coils.

I think because of it's shape, the Sadie is a tad hotter.

That being said, I'm pretty sure one would go off on what the other went off on.

The Sadie just seems to have a shade more "pop," for lack of a better term.

Very unscientific I know...but I do think there is a difference.


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The 8" Commander Mono is the smallest coil that I have in my coil collections. The smallest nuggets that I have found with it weigh in at .3 gram at 3 1/2" depth here in AZ. Using Fine Gold setting on the GPX5000. It was the first time that I have used the 8" Commander that day and I have already given up and was wearing the ole skunk that morning. It was June 24, 2012 and the temps was about 100 degrees by 10:30AM. I ran into Rob and his showing me his nuggets that he had found that day urged me back out into the heat around 12 noon! With gold fever making me delirious I hit a small wash and about 50 yards from the truck when I hit the first nugget which weigh in at .24Gram, the little .3Gram nugget was about 20 inches from it bigger brother. Not finding any other siblings and sweats running into my eyes I retreated back to the AC cab of my truck with my gold fixed. I normally got a Nugget Finder open spoke 14" x 9" EMS Mono coil stuck on the end of my 5000, but I have been eyeing some creeks up in the Bradshaw Mountains where the 8" may work well in. Why the Commander 8" and not one of the other fine gold getting coils you mentions? Right place at the right time... great deal! The week before finding the two above nuggets I pass by a garage sale and notice some prospecting equipment. Like a piece of iron scrap drawn to a magnet. I had to stopped and look! There was the coil setting in a new, unopen Minelab box price at $125.00 Purchasing the coil the girls told me they were selling off her father tools and that most items they were only asking half of the value if they could find a original price tag. She told me that earlier in the day they sold the metal detector and it was in the same manufacture type box. I always wonder who was lucky enough to get that detector and what model it might have been? Two of us got some great deals that day!

More Au to you, Robert

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Hey Steve,

This is actually a question I get asked a lot when I'm taking calls from customers. My personal opinion is they are all very close, probably so close I couldn't say one is that much better than any other. The Coiltek 6-inch Round Mono, Coiltek Joey 10x5 Mono, Nugget Finder 8x6 Mono or the Minelab Commander 8-inch Mono Round are all great for small gold. I think it comes down to a customers prefered manufacture (Coiltek, Minelab or NF) and shape (Round vs. Elliptical).

I have used them all, found hundreds of nuggets with all of them but the NF 8x6 due to it being one of the newer smaller coils.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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Thanks everyone. Decided to go with the old reliable Commander 8" mono.

:wub: Good choice Steve!! They compliment the Fine Gold timings really well, have good coverage for such a sensitive coil but will also be easy to use in the brushy areas thanks to the round uniform shape. Years ago my brother found a 30 + ounce honker with an 8" round Mono at over 2 feet, so they do punch in if the conditions are right. :)


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Hiya JP - sending you a surprise package soon. That should give you something to wonder about.

Rob, if I can do half as well as what you have been doing I will be a happy camper. Good thing you did not make plans to come north - I stepped on my appendage big time! Oh well, already have a better gig going I think so we will see.Not sure about the gold but I sure am going to have fun!

At least if the snow ever melts. Latest, coldest spring I can remember going on here in Anchorage. Temps in the teens and two feet of snow in my yard - it should be gone by now.

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