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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Grubstake, Well I was hoping I might see you on the GPAA Prospecting French show! Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Seeker, I have to agree with you on this one. Many years ago I knew of a couple of guys that were roaming around an Arizona Goldfield looking for larger nuggets. The problem was the fact the ground was pretty mineralized and before it was all said and done they dug more large craters that ended up being mineralization pockets. They eventually got discouraged and left the area. I guess they figured since one big nugget was found there would be many more out there for easy pickens. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Doc, Is the "Bull Dog" pick a mini version of the "Gold Squirrel" picks that have the longer handles? Too bad Walco went down the drain. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  4. Hey Steve, Total of all the gold on the coil was 28 Dwt's. There was a few other pieces that were not shown. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, I attached the picture above. I'm here on Dawn's Laptop, so it has different programs that don't work like I want to. Thanks for all the comments and wishes. Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Here is a picture of my little baby Angel "Riley Nicole." I know some wanted to see. Rob Allison
  7. Hello Doc and all, Thanks for posting the information. We are still here in the Hospitial and plan on being here until Monday or Tuesday. Everything is going very well and all the baby checks have came back very good. I have my laptop here in the Hospital, so will keep everyone updated. The Lord blessed me with an amazing gift. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Mono Man, Good looking website. If you want to link my forum to your site you're more than welcome. Hope to see some nice gold finds and stories from you in the future. Rob Allison
  9. Hello Guys, Claim Jumper - You're talking about Richard and Patricia Doherty. If anyone knew Richard, he was a Master metal detectorist! Back in the mid 80's he owned a store called the "Gold Dust Twins," located at Rock Springs, Arizona. Richard later got into selling Vitamins and Herbs and moved the store to the very East end. He was still selling metal detectors and gold, but his main business was Health and Wellness. Richard was one of my early mentors, along with Floyd Allen and Jim Straight. Over the years I seen Richard pull thousands of gold nuggets from the foothills of the Bradshaw Mountains. I was lucky enough back then to be part of a lot of these adventures when the gold was still pretty good back there. Yep, towards the end they had a bunch of cats running around there. Patricia ended up getting very sick with Hepatitis C and was going downhill fast. Richard couldn't take the stress and ended up shooting himself in that very store. A very sad story ..... I know the spot very well you're talking about. I seen Richard and Floyd pull many ounces, probably pounds of gold from that spot. I got in towards the end, but still found some pieces up to 1/4 ounce. Gilaoro - This spot is now part of the WSPA claims. I believe we talked about it over on their forum some. Yep, it has been hammered, but I'm sure still has a few pieces here and there if someone wanted to spent the time searching. There are actually a few other patches over the hills, but kind of hard to find if you don't know where it's at. Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Montana and All, I was the say way, I tried sales a long time ago when I was younger and they actually taught us to tell the customer anything to get the sale. They called it some "aggressive sale tactic," but I seen it as a way to ripe people off. Long story short, I couldn't sleep at night knowing I was telling people BS information about a product. That is one reason I love my business. If I didn't sell another metal detector it wouldn't effect my lifestyle one bit. However, I have such a great passion for it I've decided there is no reason to not sell them. I'm using and selling a product I've used and backed 110% for the last 16 years. I hate to tell these stories, but about a year ago I bumped into a guy along the Black Canyon River metal detecting. I ended up walking down to where he was hunting and we chatted for bit. When I first looked down I noticed he was using a Minelab X-Terra 30. I just figured he was out coin/relic hunting old sites along the River until he said he hasn't had any luck in the last three months. As much as I hated to tell him, I told him the X-30 wasn't a nugget hunting metal detector and it would take a pretty good sized nugget to sound off. Once I told him this his face expression turned to disappointment. He said when he purchased the unit he specifically wanted a detector that would find gold nuggets, but something he wouldn't have to pay a whole lot for. Well, I'm not going to name names, but the same old BS. The dealer tells him this unit wil find small gold nuggets .... Several months later I was actually dredging near this location and hear comes another guy with an X-30. Same old story, same old dealer. Really pisses me off! Some people (regardless of what you're buying) will tell you anything to make the sale. It's probably much worse now due to the poor economy, but that is no excuse in my book. DO THE RIGHT THING! Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Guys, Just a lucky hit. I've been around this spot many times and never hunted it. Just a small area where only 1-2 guys could hunt it without shooting each other! Thanks for all the comments. It was good to get back out there and found over an ounce of the good stuff. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Steve, My biggest beef was how this dealer was presenting the demo. I agree with you, there are probably some rocks the TDI might balance out and other detectors might not. The same with the GPX-4500, I'm sure it's more immune due to the various timings, but with all the hotrocks out there you just never know. I really don't have a problem with the hotrock test, nor the box test if you're doing it in a manner that shows how the detector works. However, when you're using this single test to say it's the only unit that will ignore mineralization, then I tend to have a problem with that. Hope everything is well up in Alaska. Rob Allison
  13. Hey Propanner, That is one heck of a honey hole for only a few hours. Just imagine if you were still allowed to dredge Lynx Creek. Thanks for sharing your finds. Wishing you much more success at that location. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello All, Well like myself I really like when people post stories and "show and tell" their gold. A few friends and I done some exploring awhile back and hit a nice little patch area. This spot was way off the beaten path, but just goes to show the gold is still out there to be found. All the gold was found with Minelab GPX-4500's and new Goldstalker Lightweight Searchcoils. Right at 1.5 ounces of gold total. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Reg, Let's clarify one thing, I have a White's TDI sitting right here on the floor! The customer spent over 3 months using this detector and didn't have any success. He was promised from the dealer you called field instructions, but the guy dodged out on him! He ended up purchasing a GPX-4500 from me, got the field instructions like promised and now is getting over nuggets and specimens and very happy he made the switch. Don't get on here and preach about what you think you know. You have no clue what I'm doing, what equipment I have and what I've been testing over the last year. I've done numerous test on the TDI vs. many of the Minelab's and I'm not impressed. I do agree for 1/3 the price the TDI is a great PI unit. I have never stated that is wasn't, but when people start to compare them to the high end Minelab's, it's like comparing two different units. You know Reg, over the last couple of years your mind has went bonkers! We spent a lot of time together in the goldfields and I've always respected you (still do), but you've really gone off the deep end the last couple of years. I sure hope notihng is wrong with you in a nice way. P.S. Just so you all know, I haven't named this dealer and I won't. I'm sure they have read this and that is all I wanted them to do. I just believe it's a false way to advertise detector A against detector B. The old ironstone in the air and black sand box are the biggest tricks in the book (seems like everyone else also agrees!). Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, I've had a few people ask about a certain dealer. I want to make it real clear this is NOT Jim McCullough. Jim is not only a good friend, but he is one of the last guys that would advertise something wrongly. I've watched Jim over the years at the GPAA gold shows and know he is top notch White's dealer. I give props to Jim McCullough! Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Bob, Once again I have to agree with you. I guess we see "eye to eye" on a lot of things due to our experience with the Minelab's. This weekend I found my detector was running very quiet the first part of the day, but later the clouds came over and the unit started to make a little bit of noise. With a quick adjustment on the manual tuner I was able to elliminate it all. The manual tune control is also great when you start hearing your friends sneaking up on you! Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Claim Jumper, Gold Specimens like that are common on the flats ranging for many miles in distance, but I've personally found and seen them found all around Rich Hill just like that. Most of the typical gold slugs are found on Rich Hill proper, but in certain areas of the hill you can find gold/quartz specimens, crystalline gold, gold in ironstone and other host rocks. Congrats once again to David and the nice Gold Specimen found! Take care, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Harvey and All, The reason I harp so hard on this subject is because it's the very opposite on how I operate. I would rather a customer tell me they can't afford that metal detector or tell me they will have to wait on the purchase rather than showing them "Smoke Tricks!" I don't care what metal detector you're selling, but present them in ways they really operate in the real world. I've been selling Minelab for a very long time, but I've never ... ever told a customer it would do something it wouldn't! Ok, this person is selling the White's TDI, I've let it out of the bag. I think the White's TDI is a great PI. I've used it here in the Southwest and Alaska for some time. I've seen some great features on it, but also some that I didn't care for (like all metal detectors). However, to tell a customer that the White's TDI can balance out certain ironstones and no other detector, such as the Mienlab PI (including the GPX-4500) can, I have one comment .... "PLEASE!!!!" Just my ramblings .... Rob Allison
  20. Hey Montana, I really want to say who this is, but figured it was best to not. However, the person I'm sure knows what he is doing. I guess White's allows their dealers to do this. :blush You're exactly right about the newbies. All of the customers that have called were really GREEN and bought right into the fact that this machine will balance out Hotrocks, but no other units would (from what the dealer told them). I guess I will have to get one of those units .... Rob Allison
  21. Hello All, Over the last couple of months I've had a handful of local customers call and state they purchased metal detectors for a shop and now realized the unit they purchased won't perform in the field like they stated. I first would like to all this is about the lowest "metal detecting" trck a dealer can pull on a customer. I'm not going to name names, but this person is even telling them that the unit they are selling will outshoot the GPX-4500 and the GPX-4500 can't even balance out these hotrocks they are showing. After hearing all these complaints from their own customers, I was real tempted to call the manufacture and let them know how this dealer is advertising units falsing in my opinion. FYI - Just about any metal detector, even a VLF in some cases can balance out a ironstone in the air. Keep in mind when you have no referrence point (normally the ground mineralization), you can ground balance to that single rock. Most cases if you balance to the ground, you will occasionally pick up some ironstones and basalts. If you balance to the ironstones or volcanics, typically the ground mineralization will give you noise. If neither the ground or ironstones are too hot, then you can balance them all out. Over all the years, I've found the GPX-4500 to date to have the best mineral immunity to all rocks and minerals that I've crossed over the last 16 years in the Southwest. The GPX has much more timings and features that allow you to balance to most ground conditions. Conclusion - Don't allow a dealer to show you a ironstone in the air test and convince you it's the best detector and no other detectors can do the same thing. I can do this with old VLF's, mid line and top end PI's. Hope you understand my thoughts on this. Rob Allison
  22. Hey Dave, I want to first give you a big Congrats on the beautiful gold specimen you found!!! I want to also Thank You for your business and I wish you much success with the GPX-4500. I actually done very well today nuggetshooting, but will post more about that on another thread. Hope to see more pictures from you soon. Rob Allison
  23. Hey Del, Your buddy called and purchased the Minelab GPX-4500! Thanks a million for the referral. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, Today my partner and I took several Minelab customers out to the famous Rich Hill area. We decided to try our luck out first on the remainder of the 24K Gold Hunters Claims. On these claims I conducted field instructions to Lynn, a new Minelab GPX-4500 customer. My partner helped Bill and Pat get up and running with their used GP Extreme and XT-18000 they got from me. Even though some of the best Devil's Nest claims have been sold, I still managed to find a small gold nugget on the claims. My partner and the rest of the group found many targets, so there is still potential for more gold nuggets to be found. After about four hours of hunting the claims, we decided to try out luck out in the flats. Here it was pretty easy hunting, but you had to weed yourself through all the iron rubbish. Unfortunately, we didn't have any luck down in the flats, but with all the targets still left behind there is more gold to be found. Down in the flats you not only have potential to find gold nuggets and specimens, but many old relics, coins and tokens left behind from the old-timers. Over the years I managed to locate one really nice Octave Token that is valued from $400 - $500 in price! Overall, it was a great day and the weather managed to stay somewhat cool. Below are a few pictures of today's fun nugget hunt. Thanks Bill, Pat and Lynn for the purchases. I can see that Pat is really wanting a GPX-4500. Let me know when you're ready. Take care, Rob Allison
  25. Hey Lon, Congrats on your new gold nuggets. That Joey is a killer on small gold and also get pretty good depth. Yep, I do have replacement coil covers when you're interested. Hope your streak continues! Rob Allison