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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Just curious if anyone made it out to the 24K pushes today? How many nuggets were found? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Steve, You don't need the Signal Enhancer, but it really helps since the audio is lower on the SD2100 vs the newer PI's. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Al, Thanks for the large order! Will give you a call when the detector arrives for you. Great talking with you this evening. Rob Allison
  4. Hey Sfrerjo, Good to hear you're finding some deep targets. I received your phone message about the machine being more stable in the field vs. at home. Like I stated, it was proably just EMI Interference from Powerlines, which you stated were in the nearby area. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to give me a call or email. Thanks once again for your business. Rob Allison
  5. Hey Angmo, No, the Desert Specials are on the West side, but you have to drive around a little bit and then backtrack up the road to them. This is where you want to be tomorrow morning (Desert Special #1 & #2, on the Westside). If you at the "T" in the road just after Stanton looking East at Rich Hill, you need to continue to stay on the main dirt road that heads SouthEast or in a Eastern direction. I've been there a million times and believe it's about a mile down the road and then you turn off to the left. Sounds confusing, but you will find it very easily. The Devil's Nest Claims are on the East side, or East Basin. However, over the years I've always called in the South side. Heck, if you need to, give me a call 623-362-1459 this evening before it get tooo too late. Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Many customers are now very interested in purchasing the Minelab SD series (2100v2 & 2200v2) since the price has been reduced. The Minelab flyer I received said the SD2100v2 is now selling for $400.00 less than the White's TDI. The Question is, "What are all the various mods and Accessories" out there for the SD series metal detectors? I know of these ones - (1) Coiltek Pocket Rocket System (6.7/7.3v system) (2) Ismael's Australian Mod (3) Woody's SD2100/SD2100v2 mod (4) Others ... ? If you know of others please list them on this thread. Thanks, Rob Allison
  7. Hey Doc, Thanks for the help, my Brain was fried earlier. I don't recommend running anything over about 7.5 volts to the SD's. Some good friends were running 8+ volts, but the units were very unstable. I think long term you would be putting a lot of added stress to the circuit board and components. The GPX series run at a higher voltage than the SD or GP's. The SD's are not regulated, so you can place more voltage to them to gain some performance. The GP series are regulated at 6 volts, so adding more voltage don't help. The GPX series power down at 7.2 - 7.3 volts, but run anywhere from 7.4 to 8.5 volts. Yes, the Gender Adapters, 4 pin to 5 pin, or 5 pin to 4 pin can adapt a lot of pieces from older units. I also have these in stock also. Many don't even know about them. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Angmo, I'm a Board Member of the 24K Gold Hunters Club, but will not be making the pushes tomorrow. The best way to find those claims are to get to Stanton, Arizona. From the Stanton or the LDMA Camp, continue on the main dirt road that takes you around Rich Hill (not the road heading North). Once you pass over a cattle guard (less than a mile) start watching for a road that takes off to the left from the main dirt road you are on. I believe there might be a Black 24K sign, just can't remember for sure. One you find the road to the left, take it and continue on that road for a bit until you hit a fence and gate. There should be several 24K Security and Members waiting there in line. Normally all the vehicles and quads will line up right there and check in. Around 8:30 - 9am, they will release everyone up the hill to the push sites. From there the club will give everyone time to get all their stuff out and get ready. Everyone starts hunting at the same time, the first up the hill don't get to start hunting before anyone else. Just take you time up the road to the pushes. Elly requires 4x4 or quad since several 2-wheel drive vehicles got stuck last year and held everyone up from getting to the pushes. What a nightmare .... (tires spinning, rubber burning ... members cusing and screaming!) Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  9. Hey Largo, It's my understanding since the Coiltek Pocket Rocket is a proven safe system using a safe voltage for the Minelab's, it don't void the warranty. However, I haven't heard it from the Horse's Mouth, just telling you I doubt anyone would have anything to worry about. I've never heard of any Pocket Rocket System harming any SD, GP or GPX metal detector and I've sold hundreds of them. Good question on the GPX-4000 Pocket Rocket System with the Gender Adapter. Humm .... I'm trying to think if I tried it or not? Thinking ..... Rob Allison
  10. Hey Uncle Ron, Congrats on the new finds and patch. Just goes to show it is still out there to be found if you explore and spend the time pounding dirt. That new Coiltek 6-inch is selling great. Without a doubt the most sensitive coil on the market right now for small gold if you're using a Minelab PI. I'm hoping to have another 10 or so for the upcoming Phoenix GPAA Gold Show, but don't expect them to last more than a few hours after the doors open. Hope you continue to pluck more from the new spot. P.S. Never heard back from you about the map packets you wanted me to take to the show. Rob Allison
  11. Hey Darryl, I've seen many Minelab users using padded rifle cases, which seems to work very well. Also, you could have used that GP Extreme hard case, but you would have needed to purchase an upper 2-piece Minelab shaft for it to work with any other Minelab PI besides the GP Extreme. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Al, The other guys pretty much covered it. Many seem to believe you can do more with the older unit, but that is not the case. The older unit has older components than the new SD2100v2. For the price, it's pretty hard to pass on one of them. There are a lot of things you can do to an SD and they are very simple to understand and use in the field. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Lizard and All, Ya, I was on the run this afternoon and goofed on the price. The reduced price is $1,199.95, which is a smoking deal. I heard this evening from Minelab that there are only 48 SD2100v'2 left in inventory. Once they are gone you will have to search for a used one. I'm still offering FREE UPS Ground with Full Insurance and Extended Warranty. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Uncle Ron, I've been selling a crap load of SD2100v2's at the new lower price of $1,199.95. A matter of fact, my Wife called this afternoon and stated two more sold and we need to order another big batch before the Gold Show in Phoenix. The Pocket Rocket System is a must for the SD's. I would also recommend a good pair of headphones (Black Widow's Rock) and a Monoloop coil. I have all this stuff in stock at all times if anyone is looking for a new Minelab PI. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Steve, That is a great setup you have there at the Moore Creek mine. One question for you though - "Will this years guest be staying in the tents or the cabins that the Mining Company was staying in?" Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  16. Hello All, Sunday I conducted field instructions with two customers that purchased Minelab GPX series metal detectors. We went over to an old nugget patch area that still potential for the newer metal detectors. I spent several hours with each customer helping them with the settings and then I decided to do a bit of beeping myself to help them locate potentially good targets. After a couple of hours I seen one of the customers back at the vehicles, so I figured maybe he gave up already. When I arrived back at the vehicles, I asked him, "Did you have any Luck?" He stated, "Yep, one gold specimen and several pieces of trash!" The specimen he found was small, but proved the area still had potential for more finds. Later in the day I located several targets that sounded potentially like gold nuggets and had the other customer come over to check them out. One ended up being a boot tack (figures ....), while the other one was a small solid gold nugget around 1 Dwt in size. This customer seemed very pleased and mentioned his Father was going to purchase a GPX-4500 very soon and wanted instructions also. Overall it was a great day and the weather was beautiful. A couple gold nuggets were found, met some new friends ... what else could someone wish for. Below is Darryl from California displaying his new gold specimen he found with the GPX. Take care, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Bob, Can you list what brands and sizes of dredges you have on hand and willing to sell? I'm really interested in a 4-inch Gold King, Keene or Proline if the dredge is in decent shape and the price is right. Thanks, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, I'm hoping with the bad economy the show will still be good. I will have a full display of all the products that I carry. I will also bring some Super Magnets to the show for you Bob. Last year with three Reps. helping me out I couldn't even get to all the customers that had questions for me. Last year the first 3-4 hours was non-stop business and questions about the various metal detectors and products. Please be patient if you see me chatting with another customer. I will do my best to make sure I can get to everyone. As far as directions, if you're coming from Wickenburg it's best to take State 60 (Grand Ave.) all the way down to 19th ave. The Fairgrounds are on the NE corner of 19th ave. and McDowell Road. Hope to see you all there, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, A partner and I are looking for a good deal on a Keene 4-inch Mini or full size gold dredge. We would prefer to have the Honda 6.5HP engine and Hooka if someone has one out there. Would like to deal with someone in Arizona if possible to elliminate shipping or delivery. If you have something along these lines, shoot me over a picture and price. I might be willing to Horse trade a metal detector or something. Thanks, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Lucky, Going back to when I first started electronic prospecting, my favorite prospecting pick was the Estwing Hoe Pick, which was solid Steel. This pick could dig almost through solid rock due to the weight, but drove me nuts if I tried to wear it on my side. I ended up carrying it everywhere, which kind of got old after awhile. With smaller searchcoils I was able to wear it on my side (opposite side). Keep in mind, back then (15+ years ago) there wasn't all these new prospecting picks available back then. P.S. Looking at your original picture it looks like that might be a meteorite on the ground? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  21. Hey H2OProspector, Raking an area with a "Garden Rake" will allow you to get the larger rocks and cobbles from the area. This will allow you to get a couple more inches of detecting depth. Doing this also rakes away all the ironstones and basalts for the most part. If you're in a good spot, you can continue to dig, rake and detect down and find gold. Digging, Raking and Detecting sometimes can be rewarding, but keep in mind it don't work well everywhere. It all depends on where the gold is sitting, which can be only on the surface, only on bedrock or all throughout the layers of gravel. Sometimes the best situation is to set up a small drywasher in an area and process the gravel. When you're done, detect the bedrock or the bottom of your hole you dug along with the oversized tailings that didn't go through the drywasher. Just some thoughts, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Guys, I can tell you I really thought the PI Discrimation was working until I dug up a very nice gold nugget with host rock at depth. This was a real "eye opener" for me! Since then I've never put any faith into the discrimation. At Moore Creek guys were digging gold specimens up and leaving them right on the edge of the dig holes. One guy several years ago found a nice 3+ ouncer right at the edge of a dig hole. The person dug it up, the PI probably blanked out and they walked away with a 3+ ouncer on the pile. I've only had a couple of solid gold nuggets blank out, but many ironstone and other host rocks with gold. I heard about the White's TDI discrimator, but it also "discriminated" out one of my Moore Creek specimens that my Minelab PI blanked out on also. I would put more faith into the discrimation of any PI if the gold was solid and shallow. If the nature of the gold was specimens I personally wouldn't be using the discrimation. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Guys, Uncle Ron - Those are Glenn's gold nuggets. I know where all of them were found, but I promised not to say anything. He just wanted me to mention someone was missing a lot of gold nuggets where they have been working. Lon - I believe Dave had a great time. When he seen that first gold nugget he wanted to tear the wash apart. A buddy showed up later that has been working the area (not Glenn) and mentioned he just found a 19 Grammer there. LuckyLundy - If you're going to do something (my thoughts), why not do the best you can. I give 110% when it comes to service and field instructions. You treat one customer right and he tells his friends. Those friends tell their friends and the ball really starts to roll. I've never done any advertising (besides the website) and still keep up with the Big Dog Dealers. Just imagine if I decided to toss a few full page ads out there ..... Take care guys, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Steve, Why are you highgrading all my Arizona placers? LOL ... Congrats on the new finds. There is nothing like finding new ground. Yep, Ken is a great guy and one of the best partners you will find. Ken and I have hunted together a few times. If you talk with him again, tell him I said Hi. P.S. I know you're probably getting used to the new digital camera, but if you can post some larger pictures with higher resolution they will be better for viewing. Those look like they might be a "email" picture setting. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  25. Hello All, From last Friday to Monday (Martin Luther King's Day) I spent in the goldfields conducting field instructions with new customers. The first day I was able to get David over three small gold nuggets from the Bradshaw's with his new GPX-4500 metal detector. Picture one shows David with his new GPX-4500. The second picture is a display of three gold nuggets he found in several spots I showed him during field instructions. Saturday & Monday I spent with two other customers that also purchased GPX metal detectors. We hunted all day, but was unable to snag any gold nuggets. Both of these customers knew it was just a matter of time until they got over one. During the Field Instructions I was able to swing a little bit on my own and managed to snag four small gold nuggets. My partner found two small gold nuggets from the same area (Picture 3). One day I met up with another partner hunting around the same area and he showed some of the nuggets he has been finding (Picture 4). Several gold nuggets he found were around 1/3 ounce, or approx. 7 Dwt's in size. I'm hoping to have more free time in the next couple of weeks. Take care, Rob Allison