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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Guys, Sounds like these guys were probably sneaking in and hunting the area a bunch before they got caught. I know if you're out there and someone spots you on their property and you don't know you are on a claim they are not going to arrest you and haul you off to jail. Many of us have wondered onto other claims not knowing. I have a bunch of claims now and if I caught someone on them I wouldn't be running down to the Serriff's office unless they continued to come back after they have been told. I would tell them in a nice matter these are my claims and we don't allow any prospecting on them unless you have permission. If the guy told me to Fuck OFF and stated he would come back anytime, that is a different story. Keep in mind, not everyone can spend hours researching areas and some only have a day or so off to play in the hills. I'm not going to try to arrest anyone I see walking on my claim. This is just me, I love this hobby and I know others do also. I think each senerio is different, but keep in mind when you first started you probably had no clue where to start (like many of these guys). Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hey Flake, I used the White's MXT for a few days in the Bradshaw Mountain Range and found some very small gold nuggets. I also used it for over a week at Ganes Creek and scored a few hours of bigger gold in the "Relic Mode." For max. sensitivity I would stick to the "Gold Prospecting" mode if you're looking for small gold nuggets. Welcome to the forums and great talking with you a few nights ago. Rob Allison
  3. Hey Nathan, To my knowledge there are no Weaver claims on Rich Hill proper. Most of the claims are South out in the flats where big specimens have been found. They also have a group of claims behind Weaver Mountain and around the 3lb Patch area. There it another big block of claims before you hit Stanton area around the Leviathan Mine. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Darryl, Like Bob stated, the 14-inch elliptical is a sleeper coil. However, sounds like you already have a NF 14-inch, so not sure you want another coil the same size. You might consider the 18.5-inch Elliptical Mono, which is also very sensitive to small gold. I just don't know if you want to duplicate the same sized coils NF & New Coiltek ones. Let me know, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Guys, Here is the picture of the new Pistol Pinpoint Probe. They are selling very well and don't interfere much since they have a freq. adjust switch. Your Price - $185.00 + Shipping Here is a PDF file that will tell you everything about the Pistol Probe - I still have a couple left in stock if anyone is interested in them. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Jerry, The new Pistol Probe is very popular and selling very well. My last order I received I blew them out within a few days. I have more back in stock if anyone is interested in one. They are very sensitive and speed up target recovery time, especially if you have a very deep target and can't figure out which way to dig. The new 6-inch coils are also selling like wildfire. Hope to see you at the Phoenix Gold Show this year. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, Just seen over on the High Desert Forums that Chip Pivit had a Heart Attack and passed away. I know some people kept their distance from that forum due to certain members, but I never personally met Chip. He always was pleasant with me through emails and PM's. I would never wish anything like this on anyone. You can be here today and gone tomorrow. I guess what I'm getting at is we all need to get along. Live is too short for forum BS and fights. Chip just wrote me a PM from his forum last night and now I find out he is gone. You're now in a better place my friend. Sad regards, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Darryl, When it really comes down to it, it's all about preference. Coiltek, Minelab and Nuggetfinder all make great coils for different applications. Each manufacture have different shapes and configurations. I have used them all and found gold with all of them. Coiltek was the first aftermarket searchcoil manufacture, so I've always stuck with them. I believe they make the most reliable searchcoils when it comes down to reliability, warranty issues, quality and customer support. I think I made a great choice sticking with Coiltek from day one. My distributor, Doc, is top notch! He both believe in taking care of the customers when their is a problem along with answering or giving suggestions about Coiltek products. I can't say enough about the new Coiltek Goldstalker line of coils. Trev at Coiltek has really worked to fixed the "falsing" that most searchcoils encounter eventually. They are also super lightweight and get great depth and sensitivity on all of the Minelab PI's. I've heard rumors that Coiltek has put such a damper on other Searchcoil manufactures that they have already tried to reverse engineer what Trev has done with the new Coiltek Goldstalker's. Just goes to show who is the real backbone when it comes to building searchcoils. Coiltek has never chased anyone else, they have always tried to beat Coiltek! I can't tell anyone what to purchase, just the fact you can't go wrong with Coiltek. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Everyone, I just wanted to Thank everyone for their comments about my business. My Grandfather planted the gold prospecting roots in my blood when I was very young. I figured how could you go wrong if you start a business doing something you have a great passion for. I never plan to get rich (which I'm not), but I have gotten rich with friendship and experiences shared over the last 15 years. I love this hobby and more so enjoy to talk about it. Anyone out there wanting to learn more about gold prospecting/electronic prospecting, my door is always open. Shoot me over an email, PM or even give a call directly. Heck, I even like to talk about it so much, I will call you on my dime. If you end up purchasing a metal detector from me, I can guarantee I will do everything in my power to make sure you understand what to look for, what to listen for, how to ID potential areas and most important all the tips/tricks I have learned over the last 15 years from "Hard Knocks" learning. Wishing you all a very prosperous 2009 season. Rob Allison
  10. Hey Blues Dad, I find that so funny. If people only knew how many customers I have gotten over the years from other dealers giving bad service, it would blow your mind. I probably get at least a couple calls per week personally about this issue. I have no clue what others dealers do, promise or tell their customers, but they are not doing it right! I'm not here to talk about other dealers, but to tell you I give top notch service, way beyond normal sales service. I use and promote what I believe is best and don't have to do this for a living (which is a threat to others). I have a great job, run the business on the side and others can't stand I can do this! I have some of the best Minelab bundle packages any customers can imagine, one reason I sell so many of them. Secondly, my metal detecting experience (15+ years), background in Geology (many years of field and school work) and the thousands of gold nuggets I found only equals excellent field instructions. There is no way you can subsitute this type of experience. I have used every Minelab since the XT16000 up to the current GPX-4500. I spend more time helping others get up and running then I do myself. I built these Internet forums specifically so guys/gals can gather together and chat/learn about Gold Prospecting in general. I never had these type of resources when I started. I spend hours per night on the phone, email and forums helping others learn about electronic prospecting and giving them the best advice possible from what I know. Bottom line, when you're good at something, there will always be people trying to tear you down! I didn't get to where I'm at overnight, I spent thousand of dollars, hundreds of sleepless nights and tons of work. I don't even know this OakWoodTrucker/Drifter person, never done business with him, but he continues to attack me after I have been nice. I hope he is aware of Intenet Defamation, Libel and Slander Laws, which many of his emails and PM's fit right into. Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Tony, I haven't been on the GeoCom. site for awhile, but claims can be on the Forest Service or BLM Land. They are two different land agencies all together. For the most part, BLM has always been easier to file claims with then the Forest. I thought that layer just showed what was BLM or what was Forest Land ... I will have to go back and look at it. The GeoCom. is a good site, but keep in mind (no matter what someone tells you) it's not up to current date. The BLM has a "Black Book" that has claims that were just filed within the last week and those claims will not be on the LR-2000 or GeoCom that quickly. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  12. Hey Guido, Congrats on a very nice Meteorite Find! I've also spent a lot of time searching for them at Gold Basin and the bigger ones are much more scarce. Anything over a 100+ Grams is a great find today out there due to the amount of metal detector activity. Thanks for sharing your find. Hope you find many more in the future. Rob Allison
  13. Hey Bob Moss, I posted on your other thread also, but you didn't make a mistake with that Minelab unit. They are great and I'm sure you will find a bunch of gold in the future. On another note, glad you joined the forums. Hope to see you posting more soon. If you ever have any questions, don't hesitate to post them here on the forums, or even give me a call. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hey Bob, You didn't make a mistake buying the SD2100. Like some of the other guys stated, we have found pounds of gold with the SD's. The SD2100 was one of my favorite Minelab PI's. There is a lot of things you can do to it to increase the performance (sensitivity and depth) even more than stock. You can also seperate the channels, which has always been one of the reasons this unit is really liked. I would recommend in the future to get a good Mono Searchcoil like the new Goldstalkers and the Coiltek Pocket Rocket Li-Ion System. P.S. Where did you end up purchasing the SD from? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  15. Hey Bob, I haven't heard if Coiltek is going to make a 8-inch Goldstalker or not. Right now then have the 6-inch round, 14 & 18.5-inch ellipticals and the 16 & 18-inch rounds. All these coils are amazing to say the least. I believe you mentioned you own the SD2100. You might try the 14-inch ellipitical, it's very sensitive to small gold. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Bob, Great to see you back on the forums. Congrats on the gold you found. I kind of miss hearing about your dredging trips in Alaska. Any plans to head back to Moore Creek? Don't be such a stranger! Rob Allison
  17. Hey DigDeep, I never had it happen to my GPX, but seen it happen to a friends a few times. He would just shut it down for a few minutes and then power it back up. He wouldn't have any more problems once he done this. Take care, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Nathan, If you're looking for a signal enhancer for your Eureka Gold, I have several types including the new GoldScreamer. I believe I also have a few of the Detacc Super Sounds in stock that will work on any VLF metal detector. Just wanted to toss that out there. Rob Allison
  19. Hey All, I know a handful of guys were still wanting the new Coiltek Goldstalker 6-inch Round Searchcoils, but they were out of stock when you contacted me. I just got another batch in, but they are half gone already. If you're still wanting one, call me ASAP to get one of the last one from this recent batch I received. Doc stated there is another small batch coming, but after that it might be awhile before we see them again. Coiltek can't keep up with the demand of these new Coiltek Goldstalker series! Trev needs to push double and triple shifts over there at the manufacture. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Nathan, I seen where you posted you found about 3 Grams of gold on Turkey Creek. I've found some really nice nuggets on Turkey from metal detecting and dredging. Make sure you check out all those shallow and bedrock zones with your Eureka Gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Guys, Even for pinpointing, the Cancel mode works great. This is the only method I use when I'm digging a big target down deep. Normally when you get a large target down a couple of feet, the detector will scream when you start to run the coil down in the hole. If you flick over to Cancel, you can run the searchcoil all the way down without any noise and pinpoint exactly where the target it. IF you don't hear anything, then you're not even within 3-4 inches of the large target. Once you start to hear the target in Cancel, then you're within 3-4 inches of recovering it. Trust me, this method works better than most! Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Chris, Wish I could make it, but I'm stuck here in Arizona. I'm might set up at the Phoenix GPAA Show, not sure though. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hey JP and DigDeep, Thanks for the comments. JP - Always have your DVD's in stock. They have helped hundreds if not thousands of people in the goldfields. DigDeep - Thanks for all your business and friendship. You know me, I love to chat about gold more than anything .... well almost anything! Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Bill C., People have done both, purchased the machine and package, while others have purchased just the DVD to see how the detector works. The Minelab GPX-4500 is not really that hard, but does have a lot of functions once you learn the basics. Probably the most important is field instructions. I would highly recommend you purchase from someone (like myself) that does extensive field instructions with customers. The new AZO DVD on the GPX-4500 should be very good, not only cause I'm in it!~ I should have this DVD available very soon. I also recommend to many customers to purchase the unit, read the manual and watch the DVD and then take the unit out for at least a few days. This allows them to get familar with the new unit so it's not all foreign during the field instructions. When customers purchase the unit the same day as field instructions, we burn many hours setting up the unit and getting ready. This extra couple hours can be used for more tips/tricks and hunting techniques. Just some of my suggestions that seem to really work with the customers. Give us a call Bill. Rob Allison
  25. Hello DigDeep, I seen where you asked a questions about knocking down your sensitivity on the Minelab PI's when you're around larger targets. The best suggestion to you is to use your "Cancel" mode, which will knock out a good 50% of your sensitivity and depth. This will allow you to easily pinpoint big targets down deep. When you switch over to "Cancel" you have to be pretty close to the target before it will sound off. Depending on the target size, you might have to get within 2-3 inches. Keep in mind, the "Cancel" mode is only availabe on the GP and GPX metal detectors, not the SD's. Give this tip a try and you're going to love it for large targets, gold or iron! Take care, Rob Allison