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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Donna and Bill, As much as I would love to say pounds are coming from the claims, I have to say I haven't heard of much recently. The pushes have slowed down a bit, but believe that has to do with the smaller dozer doing the pushes. Many of the pushes are and have been down to bedrock for some time. For the pushes that haven't reached bedrock, a bigger dozer is needed to push and unearth the larger Granite boulders. Some of the best gold is at or near bedrock on the claims. Over the years I've done very well on the claims and surrounding areas. Rich Hill will always be a place where someone will continue to find gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Steve, Everyone has their own opinions, but believe yours are realistic. Many customers can't afford a big Minelab, but then again some can and will purchase one. I've been getting a lot of calls from customers stating they just want the best and they will pay whatever to get that detector. Well the "best" is hard to ID, but for the most part they are looking for better mineral immunity (less frustration with hot rocks and ground noise) and better depth (pushing deeper than VLF's). This would put them into the PI, or Pulse Induction range. Now, personally for me, I want the best! I'm not interested personally in a $2,000 PI that can't do what my GPX-4000 can now. It would just sit in the truck collection dust. I will compare everything, performance wise against the GPX-4000 for now. If the new White's or some other manufacture can't punch down like a Minelab, find small gold like a GPX and have similar user controls, I'm flat out not interested! For someone just getting started or someone not able to purchase a $4,500 unit, I completely understand a lesser PI will be best for them. Many years ago I thought maybe it would be best to have a good VLF, an SD and a GP series metal detector. I actually found less gold with all the units since I spent more time trying to justify having three units vs. just good PI. I ended up selling all of them and stuck with just the Minelab GP series. Hard to believe an American Manufacture hasn't came out with something, but I believe Minelab is light years ahead and it's also a small market to capture from another Manufacture. Just some more of my thoughts, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Hoss, Thanks for the business. Great talking with you a few nights ago. Wishing you a handful of gold. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Chuck, I'm with you, sure would love to support an American company. In my opinion, one of the major reason Minelab is superior is their huge R&D when it comes to Military mine detectors. Minelab has really big Military contracts that generate a lot of money to research. Anxiously waiting for the American PI. Rob Allison
  5. Hello Matt, Would love to do one of those California shows, but I'm so limited on time. I've heard a few California shows were pretty good and the Primm, NV Show the last couple of years has really went down hill. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Pennyweight, I have to disagree with you on this one. I could be wrong, but I believe sales are skyrocking right now for Minelab and they have no worries. I find it hard to believe a new big Minelab will be introduced since the GPX-4000 sales are great. However, Minelab may want to capitalize on this modern day gold rush and push something out .... Only time will tell. I've heard from a few reliable sources that if you're trying to compare the new White's to a big Minelab you're going to be disappointed. I think the White's PI will be more of an entry level type PI like the SD, or very similar to the Garrett Infinium. This is what I'm gathering. There is a market for a PI in the range of $1,500 since Minelab increased their SD2100 to $2,000. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Ken, You made a good decission going with the SD2100. It's one of Minelab's most popular metal detectors. There are a lot of things you can do with the SD's. I would suggest looking into a regulated battery system in the future for added stability and performance. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Uncle Ron, Thanks for letting me know. I revised the original post, but the dates are Feb. 9th & 10th. Just a couple of weeks away! Are you going Ron? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  9. Hello All, Just wanted to let you all know I (Rob's Detector Sales) will be setting up 5 tables at the upcoming GPAA Show Show that will be in Phoenix. I was able to call and get one of the last booths for this event. I've done the GPAA Gold Show in Mesa the last couple of years and got to talk with a lot of people here on the forums. I'm hoping this year since it's in Phoenix the crowd will be a bit bigger. This year I have some different ideas, but will have a full display of Minelab Metal Detectors, Coiltek Searchcoils and Accessories, Picks, Amps, Headphones, Speakers, Snake Gaitors, Gold Scales, Battery Systems, Books, DVD's and much, much more! Some of the new stuff I will have this year will be the new Goldstalker Prospecting Pick and hoping on some new Coiltek Searchcoils. I will be bringing mine down for display purposes if the new coils don't make it on time. If there is anything you want me to bring or display that I didn't have last year, please let me know. I'm open for suggestions. Inforformation on the show is below. Hope to see you all there! Show Location: Arizona State Fairgrounds 1826 W. McDowell Road Phoenix, AZ 85007 (602) 252-06771 Google Map - Map to Arizona State Fair Grounds/Gold Show Show Dates: Feb. 9th & 10th 2008 Show Hours: Saturday and Sunday 10am - 5pm Admission: Adults $5.00, Kids 12 & Under FREE Take care, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, This weekend I had a couple of field instructions scheduled, but never got to conduct them. Late Friday night I received a call about my Grandmother. She stopped breathing (code Blue) in the Hospital. She was there because she was having some minor breathing problems, but they were having trouble getting her blood pressure down. They ended up giving her a bunch of medications too close together and dumped her blood pressure and sent her into a seizure. She coded twice, but they were able to get her back (Thank the Lord!). Long story short, they ended up putting her on a vent (breathing machine) and we were all scared she wouldn't be able to come off it. Thanks to the Power of Prayer, Strength of the Family & our Loving and Caring Lord, she came off the vent the next morning fine. She's one strong Hungarian! Just goes to show how something can happen in a blink of a second. Early Saturday I was going to take a new GPX-4000 customer out and later in the afternoon meet up with another potential GPX customer that wanted to see the machine in action. Thanks guys for understanding the situation, I promise to get you out there. Last night to relieve some stress, Dawn and I went out and purchased a Sony Playstation 3 Game System. Just something to play around with when we both are bored. Dawn kicked my butt in NBA 08 Basketball, but I was able to hack & slash for several hours playing the Conan game! They need to come up with some type of gold prospecting game. Well, it now about 7am Sunday morning and its raining "Cats and Dogs" over here. So much for trying to nuggetshoot today .... Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Tool, I have a couple of different sizes in the Super Magnets, Square and Round. Let me know if you're interested in one. Also, the new picks (first 15 I sell) have a small round Super Magnet. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Chuck, Thanks once again for your business and great friendship! Dawn is going to crap tonight knowing we both will probably be up to midnight packing up metal detectors and the new picks. Have four detectors to pack up, a bunch of the new picks and some other accessories and books. Maybe if I act like I'm sleeping when Dawn comes home she will pack everything up. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Guys, I know Doc won't have any problem selling these picks. I took a bunch of orders last night and have to make another order with Doc ASAP. As for the price, I think it's about right for a pick that will last forever (warranty wise). I've never seen another pick have a "lifetime" warranty, so this is a major plus. The handle lenght is a long, but can be easily cut down to your prefered size. If you have questions, don't hesitate to send a PM, email or phone number. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Chuck, I seriously doubt we will see any big Minelab, such as a GPX-4500 this year. The GPX-4000's are hard to keep in stock. Talked with my cousin a few day ago and he also stated the GPx-4000's are selling very well. I just sold (4) more this week and have 5-6 inquiries that I need to get back with. The price of gold has really gotten people excited ... much more interested in metal detecting than before. Speaking of other metal detectors, I'm hoping a good USA manufactured PI will come out. However, don't put much faith in anything coming close to a GPX at this time. I've watched the forums since the Internet began and seen all the hype and rumors about these great metal detectors coming out. I've yet to see something outperform the Minelab PI's in the last 10-years. What happened to the great "Titan" that Ken Roberts promised us all last year? The last I heard Finder's went under along with the Titan. This metal detector might have been a great detector, but the point is, it never got off the bench! Just another way a manufacture can try to scare Minelab. As you can see, Minelab was so confident they are superior they raised the prices to prove it! Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Just wanted to let you know a batch of the new "GOLDSTALKER" prospecting picks have arrived. These picks are manufactured here in the good ol'd USA! They are approx. 33-inch in total lenght. The pick blade width at the widest point is 5 1/8 inches. The pick blade length is 12-inches. The total weight of the pick is approx. 4.5 pounds. There is a round ring attached to the top of the pick for a super magnet. These picks are going to be a top of the line seller! The first 15 picks I sell will include a FREE round super magnet. Cost is $79.95 + Shipping. Absolute lifetime guarantee to original owner. If you're interested let me know ASAP. Many of them are spoken for already. P.S. If you would like to see the pictures, please click over onto the "Gold Prospecting" forums to see (4) pictures attached. Rob Allison
  16. Hello Guys, I have added the pictures to my first or original post. Scroll back up to the top to see the pictures of the new "Goldstalker" Prospecting Pick and info. on it. Thanks, Rob Allison
  17. Hello All, I know a few weeks ago members were asking about when the Roadrunner's were sending out membership cards. I just received my 2008 membership card today in the mail. Just wanted to give you all an update, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Just wanted to let you know a batch of the new "GOLDSTALKER" prospecting picks have arrived. These picks are manufactured here in the good ol'd USA! They are approx. 33-inch in total lenght. The pick blade width at the widest point is 5 1/8 inches. The pick blade length is 12-inches. The total weight of the pick is approx. 4.5 pounds. There is a round ring attached to the top of the pick for a super magnet. These picks are going to be a top of the line seller! The first 15 picks I sell will include a FREE round super magnet. Cost is $79.95 + Shipping. Absolute lifetime guarantee to original owner. If you're interested let me know ASAP. Many of them are spoken for already. Rob Allison
  19. Hello Ted and Ken, Ted - I agree with you. I think some put too much into "this one is better than that one" rather than spending time on research and exploring new areas. Ken - I've seen the original version of the SD2100 go as low and $800 on the forums, but most will probably range from $1000 - $1200 like you stated. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Ken, I'm not convinced the older models are any better than the new. I've used both versions and never seen much difference from my testing. Rumors are the older SD2100's have a different circuit board .... Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Dave, The country rock is Granite, but does have Schist Intrusives. I believe most of the veins are along the contact zones of both rock types. This was does have a lot of fines and probably a bunch of smaller crystalline nuggets that we can't hear. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Gary, Your new avitar reminds me of Groucho Marx! Just razzing you a bit. I also heard there was another glass etcher solution, but can't think of it off hand ... Rob Allison
  23. Hello Ken, The Minelab SD2000 was the first Pulse Induction (PI) detector from Minelab. This metal detector pretty much made all the old VLF goldfields virgin once again. Many prospectors were finding not only ounces, but many pounds in old mineralized patches. The SD2100 was the next detector to be released after the SD2000. The major difference between the two was increased sensitivity and depth over the SD2000. Now, I'm talking stock to stock units, not SD2000 mods vs. SD2100's. I found a lot of gold with the SD2000, but realized I missed a bunch that I later found with the SD2100. The SD2000 has been long discontinued, but still a hot item for the Aussie's with the mods. The SD2100 is still around, but is now called the SD2100v2 (version 2). Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Ken, I've heard of people using Pool Acid (Muriatic) to disolve quartz, but heard it takes a bit longer. I've also heard of people destroying beautiful quartz/gold specimen by using Muriatic Acid. Maybe some others would chime in .... Rob Allison