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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, Leaverite and I decided to hit a new spot before it got to freaking hot today. We were on the road at 3am and arrived at the hunting location around 6am. The area was pretty shallow, so we both decided to use the Coiltek 10x5 Joey Mono Searchcoils on the GPX-4000's. After about 4 hours of hunting this new area I ended up with 3 small nuggets. Not much to get excited about besides we found nuggets in a completely new area! By the looks of the area, more nuggets will be found in the near future. Here are the ones I found today. Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, My family would like to "Thank You" all for the special prayers. My Grandmother returned home today and is doing much better. She is still having trouble dealing with the lost sight, but beyond that she is doing great! P.S. Grandmother also wanted to personally thank "Chuck A." for the very nice card. She received it today and was tickled. Thanks my friend. God Bless You All, Rob Allison
  3. Hello All, My family would like to "Thank You" all for the special prayers. My Grandmother returned home today and is doing much better. She is still having trouble dealing with the lost sight, but beyond that she is doing great! P.S. Grandmother also wanted to personally thank "Chuck A." for the very nice card. She received it today and was tickled. Thanks my friend. God Bless You All, Rob Allison
  4. Hello NvChris, Well I still would like to do it, but lets just say it pissed some other dealers off and it's on hold for the time being. Looks like an interesting area you have been exploring over there. Have you tried detecting the placer drifts? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Capt. Grumpy, Well I would first like to tell you "Thanks" for all the great business! Also, seen you called earlier on my cell, but I was in the Hospital visiting my Grandmother. As for my packing, it's one of the most important things I do. I would hate for anyone's package (regardless of price) to show up broken. I've heard about other dealers just wrapping Minelab Metal Detectors in Kraft Paper, I've done it in the past and will never do that again. All Minelab Metal Detectors are shipped in the factory box with another heavy duty box around it. I spend a lot of money on Boxes, Heavy Duty Tape and Bubble Wrap, but it's worth it. As for the "Fragile Tape," I love it! I normally run a couple runs of that tape around the box to make sure UPS or the US Postal Service knows the package is Fragile. You're going to love the new Minelab GPX-4000! Keep us updated, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, This morning my Grandmother (Mom's side) suffered from a stroke in the brain. She lost complete vision in the right eye and wasn't doing the greatest when we were at the hospital. She is under close supervision just in case she would suffer from another stroke. I believe in Power of Prayer, so I'm asking you all to say a special prayer for my Grandmother. Her name is Helen Gholson. We are all hoping she gets better soon. Rob Allison
  7. Hello Guys, Shep - Nice nuggets you found there. I like the pieces with the Milky White Quartz! T-Bone - I still have about 10-12 Hipsticks left in stock. I'm not sure if they are still being made or not. The maker kind of disappeared. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello All, Leaverite and I left early this morning to check out a wash that was very productive in the past for gold nuggets. There is only a couple of guys that know about this spot, so was hoping to beat them back to the spot with the Minelab GPX-4000. Well, I'm not sure if they had a GPX-4000, but someone hit the spot recently. Leaverite and I still managed to find a handful of targets that were missed. I also found one small nugget about 4 inches deep on bedrock and kept the good old skunk away. We scouted around and found several areas that need to be check. A couple of them look promising! I found the small nugget with the Minelab GPX-4000/Coiltek 14-inch Round coil in the Sensitive/Smooth mode. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Ron, This claims is pretty close to the APA claims and should have some good nugget hunting potential. Thanks for adding the new RR claim to the maps. Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Gaine - Great to hear you found a nice piece of there. There is nothing like the Alaska outback, especially Moore Creek. I'm strongly considering going back next year if the camp is still roaring. Hopefully Steve will allow me to book a complete week and we all can go together. Steve - Talked with Glenn tonight and he mentioned he's excited to hit the ground up there. I'm sure since he will be equiped with the GPX-4000 he's going to find gold that others have missed. Sounds like there is a lot of new spots to hunt with the new dozed trails and such. Jim P. - Are you going to be ready for next season? You have a good year to plan and prepare! Take care, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Chris, You're going to love the Minelab GPX-4000. The package I have going is one of the best and only offered from me. Besides the most powerful handheld detector, the Coiltek Li-Ion System and Coiltek Platypus Completely Waterproof Searchoil make this package one of the best anyone is going to find. Just remember, Coiltek builds it, someone copies it! Coiltek has always been on the leading edge, while others just follow behind. This is one reason I stuck with Coiltek from day one, they are the best searchcoil manufacture with it comes to quality, reliability and support. Ribs??? Dawn burnt our last ones, but I kind of liked them a bit Black. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello All, Tomorrow morning Leaverite and I are heading to a spot that I haven't been back to in at least a year. The area is up North and was very productive in the past. I've hit the area over the years with the SD's and GP's, but never been there with the GPX-4000 yet. Not sure if someone has beaten me back, but we are going to give it a shot in the morning for few hours. I've got the itch to find another Arizona nugget. Haven't done much since the California trip. Will post some pictures tomorrow. Wish us luck. Rob Allison
  13. Hello Grubstake, Yep, the GPX-4000 is revolutionary! However, if you can't afford a GP series or the GPX-4000, the SD2100v2 is the second best choice. I still sell a lot of SD2100v2 over the SD2200v2's. For the difference in price ($1,695 - $2,195), you can get the SD2100, Coiltek Li-Ion System, Good Mono Searchcoil and some other small goodies for less than you can purchase the SD2200v2. The SD2100 is the better buy and with the Li-Ion System in 7.3v setting and a good mono you're much better off than a stock SD2200v2. Just my two cents worth. The GPX-4000 are selling like Hotcakes. Just ordered a batch of 10 if that tells you anything. Take care, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Grubstake, I'm just like you, love to see others find gold. If I didn't I would be in the business of selling metal detectors and accessories. Over the years I have seen hundreds of new customers find their first gold nugget(s) here in Arizona. I've seen more smiles than one can believe! There are a few out there that believe I'm just into getting the gold and running, but have no clue what type of gold I've personally handed out over the years. Some of my close friends have found pounds and pounds of gold due to my help. Heck, at Rich Hill alone one "7-ounce" nugget was found in a spot I showed a person and two "5-ouncers." I couldn't tell you how many "1-ouncers" I've seen dug out of spots I've shown others. I might have found some of them, but sometimes it's just meant for others to find them and it's sure fun to see. The real gold is the friendship, experiences shared and hunt. The little (sometimes big) yellow metallic rocks are just a bonus! Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Joe, Doc got back with me. I needed a bunch of coils and accessories and was worried it wasn't going to show on time. However, Doc is always on top of it. Hope everything is well, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Grubstake, Congrats to Shep on his nuggets. Any size to them? How is the GPX-4000 working out? You like it .... Rob Allison
  17. Hello All, Grubstake's plan was to take Leaverite and I to three very well know nugget patches in California. The first patch we hit had history dating back several hundred years. The mines were very rich "Pocket" mines and were noted for highgrade specimen gold. The area was pretty thick with vegitation, but with all the shallow prospects you just knew there were nuggets to be found! Grubstake gave us a short tour of the area and told us where other stuff has been found. I first tried to use the Coiltek 14-inch Mono Round on the Minelab GPX-4000, but knew shortly this was a mistake. This ground was some of the most mineralized places I've ever hunted. This was also the first spot I couldn't use a Mono coil on the GPX-4000. Grubstake allowed me to borrow the Coiltek Wallaby DD Pro for this area and it worked great. The second part of the day I went over and worked around some shallow prospects. Grubstake also mentioned this is where Shep found a really nice 1+ ounce nugget near some trash. I work the area very slowly and managed to snag one nice nugget from the area. My overall goal was to find at least one piece of gold from each of the three famous gold locations. Leaverite also found a small nugget from this location around the same time I scored. Here are some pictures - Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Just wanted to post a picture of Grubstake Gary. He's one of the best guys I have met in the last 10 years. Here's a picture of him posing with his new Minelab GPX-4000 and Coiltek Platypus Searchcoil. Hope you found some gold today, Rob Allison
  19. Hello Coach, You must be the one that purchased Capt. Grumpy's GP3000. Very few of the Minelab's break down, so I wouldn't worry much about it. However, it's nice to know you have a full manufacture warranty when you purchase something in the range of 3-4K. Wishing you both the best out there. Rob Allison
  20. Hello Uncle Ron, Did you happen to get Roadrunner's new claim on the maps right outside of Bumble Bee? The claim is right next to the APA claims. Rob Allison
  21. Hello Steve, Thanks for the Moore Creek update. Sounds like some nice stuff is being found. I would agree, I think the experienced users will have the edge at Moore Creek. There will always be a "Lucky Find," but when it comes to numbers the experienced guys always come out with more. Glenn should be coming over soon to get the GPX-4000 for his Moore Creek venture. Wonder if Glenn can pull out another 12 ounce (Troy Pound) of nuggets from Moore Creek with the new Minelab? Keep us updatd on anything new at Moore Creek. Rob Allison
  22. Hello Capt, Thanks for sharing the story and congrats to Dennis on the nugget/specimen find. The Coiltek Waterproof Platypus is one sleeper of a coil! Great for sniping Creek & Rivers, working around Beaches or even checking your dredging holes on bedrock. Done this here in Arizona and found several small nuggets missed. Hope you guys find some more. Good luck, Rob Allison
  23. Hello All, All members can "Read" the forum, but you must register and be validated to post. This forum gets at least 150 new members a day, 80% of them are spammers! If anyone is having log-in trouble, username or password issues or have been declined a membership to this forum, please contact me at this email address - To ensure validation from the Admin, please make sure you have a username that is understandable (real name, code name, nick name ... ect.) and an email address that is not related to a spam email site. For all the lurkers, I would love for you to join my Rob's Detector Sales forum and get in on the action. Also check out our Youtube Channel - Nuggethunting Take care, Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, Anyone know if Doc is out of town? Been trying to get in touch with him through email since Sunday. Hope everything is ok, Rob Allison
  25. Hello Steve, Thanks for the update. Hope to see some pictures and more about the first week soon. Good to hear the GPX-4000's are doing well at Moore Creek. I know I recently sold 5-6 just specifically for your Moore Creek trip. Glenn is coming over before he leaves to get his GPX-4000 also. Wishing you all well, Rob Allison