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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Steve, Looks like the food has improved from last year. However, last year was fine with me. I think between both of you (John and You), you guys did a great job at cooking and running the camp. Be great to meet your Brother (correct) Bob this year at Moore Creek. A few guys have been ordering more batteries, searchcoils and accessories for Moore Creek. It's just around the corner .... Take care, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Grubstake, I found one similar to that one about a year ago down South. Mine had a few small markings on the outside of the spur, but since it was so rusted it was tough to make them out. Just makes you wonder who was wearing it and how they lost it. Good piece of history to find. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello Lamar, Sent you a PM, but not certain you received it. I have everything now in stock besides the Coiltek External Speaker. A customer came over last night and I showed him your order. He couldn't believe all the stuff. However, I told him you were in Bolivia and it's tough to order one coil at a time! I just received another large batch of Minelab Commander Searchcoils, so I have all the ones you asked about. Hoping to hear about the External Speakers very soon. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Jim, Those nuggets cleaned up nice. Congrats on finding them. I would rather see them in your poke than anyone else's. You don't get out much, so it's refeshing to see you get over some gold when you can get out. Hoping to get out this weekend and do some beeping. Grubstake - Hope this is the "One Ounce" Weekend for you at your patch. Good luck! Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Newby, I personally haven't used the White's GMT, but have used the White's MXT. I like the Minelab Eureka cause it has three freqs vs. other gold hunting VLF's with just one operating freq. You might also consider the newest Minelab X-Terra 70 if you also like to coin/relic shoot. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Jim P. must be so busy he couldn't post, so I decided to share his new finds with you. About a month ago or so I found a potential nugget locations and within about 15 minutes time I scored two smaller nuggets. Haven't been back, but two good friends returned last weekend and picked up 10-12 nuggets, some pictured below. A partner called today and said he returned and found 6-7 more, one being a 4.5 Dwter! Looks like the new spots has produced nearly an ounce of gold and about 18-20 nuggets so far. Maybe I will be lucky to get a nugget on my spot before it's cleaned out. Congrats on the new finds guys! P.S. Jim's big one pictured below is 5+ Dwt's. Thought you would enjoy, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Grubstake and Pondman, I might just have that new GP3500 for the dredge if you're interested! Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Gold Guru, I was very skeptical of the machine at first and had very little time with it. However, the more I use it the more I'm impressed with it. Now its not a GP3500 by any means, but I think it's a great multi-purpose detector with a great discriminator. I'm going to take it out this weekend for at least a day and spend the entire day coin/relic hunting. Never really thought I could get into coin/relic, but I think it's a good change of pace for a bit. After finding so many nuggets you get burned out! I'm hoping they come out with a DD Elliptical, which would be great for gold prospecting. The coil on the X-Terra is a better coin/relic coil than nuggethunting in my opinion. I also like the Tone ID, where different targets have different tones. Similar to the Explorer II, but the Explorer II has a lot more tones than the X-Terra. P.S. Glenn found a 2-3 grain nugget with the new X-Terra 70 this weekend, so it's better than I expected hearing that! His new coil 3 kHz coil just came in today, so maybe he will get some time on that coil and give us a report. Take care, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Mike, Thanks for the information on the X-Terra's. I haven't been out as much as I would like the X-Terra 70. However, I do know of an old site I found a few years back that is way off the beaten path that might be great for coin/relic beeping. There was also a few old buildings this weekend I discovered up a small drainage and I should have poked around there with the unit. I still can't get a solid answer out of Minelab about what coil will be released next on the X-Terra 70. I know their plans are at least three searchcoils, maybe more if the machine really sells well. As for the FREE coil I was talking about, some dealers (including me) are tossing the 3kHz Searhcoil in for FREE with the purchase of a new X-Terra 70. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hello All, Summer is finally here and it's time to protector yourself against the Summer heat and Rattlesnakes. One of the greatest inventions is the new "Detector Protector Hat!" As funny as they may look, they give the best overall protection from the Sun. I sold a couple just recently to friends and they absolutely swear by them. When you sweat, or even wet them, it's like wearing a cooler around your heat. The wind blows through the material and cools your neck, face and head. One size fits all (adjustable) and you can wear headphones right over the top of the hat. Soft lightweight t-shirt material with SPF 40. Protect your skin and neck from skin cancer. Here is a picture of the "Detector Protector Hat." Your Price - $29.95 + $4.50 US Priority Shipping/Delivery Confirmation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We are moving into the hottest weather now out West and it's time for those nasty Rattlesnakes to be moving around. Last weekend I seen two killed on the Highway. Within no time they will be roaming the goldfields. I highly suggest the Snake Guardz if you're going to spend any time in the desert this Summer. I pretty much wear them year round to keep the cactus/vegitation and critters from getting me. Below is some detailed information on the Snake Guardz that I carry. Snake Guardz™ are manufactured with 1000 denier nylon or 600 denier polyester encasing polycarbonate inserts which stop the fangs of poisonous snakes. They protect to 18 inches high – just like snake boots. Snake Guardz™ weigh only 10 ounces and are impact tested to ASTM test method F-1342-05. They stop a 12 gauge shotgun blast at 20 yards. The gun used in this testing was a Remington Model 11-87, 12 gauge, 28 inch barrel, full choke and 3-1-8 lead shot loads. The fabrics have 1 ounce of urethane applied to the inside surface for water resistance. Snake Guardz™ secure to the leg of the wearer with two 1 inch polyester straps and polyurethane quick release buckles. They may be worn loosely around the leg allowing for air circulation between the leg and the guard. Snake Guardz™ have a unique patented toe cover which covers the laces of a boot or shoe and prevents the possibility of snake fangs becoming tangled in shoelaces when struck. Snake Guardz™ are cool, comfortable leg armor. Your Price - $49.95 + $8 US Priority Shipping/Delivery Confirmation Be Safe Out There, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Largo, Your friends know you're a "Gold Magnet" so they want to stay close by! I know exactly how you feel, everyone wants to hunt the good ground even if it's a small area. That interference noise can get annoying fast. Take care, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Guys, I know a lot of the Aussie's in the Bush use those Solar Panels, but not sure what model or size. I know they charge their batteries and other stuff since their out in the bush for months at a time. Rob Allison
  13. Hello Grubstake, Thanks! Our weekend prospecting trip was nice. I only found a small piece, but a new customer found a nice 12+ Dwter. This was his first nugget find, so you know how excited he was. Anyone score at your patch this weekend? Any gold for Shep's Wallaby? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Big Ed, I also forgot to mentioned, that coil size also can make a different. I know if I'm using a smaller coil I can get close to another Minelab PI, unlike if I was using a larger coil. You still can't get side-by-side, but a bit closer with smaller coils. Take care, Rob Allison
  15. Hello Mike, As much as I hate to say it, there are more "Clowns" in the field than people that actually know what they are taking about. BLM Land is open to the public, so you can camp, hike, wonder around and even detect if the area is not under claim by someone else. You can find out if it's BLM Land by purchase a BLM Land Status Map at the BLM office. You might even be able to order it online or call and have one mailed to you. I know you can get them from the downtown BLM office. This map will show you the Land Status of the Rich Hill area, such as Private, BLM & State Land represented by different colors of blocks. The BLM is normally a Yellow-Orange color, State is Blue, Private is White and so on. So you can see someone had no clue what they were talking about, which is very common around Rich Hill. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Mike, Most of the good areas around Rich Hill are heavily claimed and it's probably smart to join a club. However, keep in mind there is also a lot of open BLM Land around, so I'm not sure who told you that you couldn't hunt BLM ground. Also, the BLM would never take your detector, so don't fall for that "Buffalo" BS. There would be a larger lawsuit if someone took your detector on public land with no signs or notifications of "No Prospecting." Not trying to encourage hunting anywhere, but don't buy into what a lot of people tell you when you're new. Hunting on BLM ground is 100% legal unless it's under Federal Mineral Claim or there are other restrictions posted. When it comes to State Trust Land, Privaite Property (patented land), Indian Reservations, Refuges, Wilderness Areas, National Parks, Bombing Ranges and such, then it's a different story. Rich Hill's a great area to hunt for nuggets and there are nuggets still to be sniffed out. You kind of sound like me about 15 years ago driving a 89 Firebird out prospecting! I managed to get it stuck out near the Vulture and luckily a Rancher drove by and pulled me out. He thought I was crazy driving a sports car that far down a sandy road. Well I was ..... Keep up the hunting, Rob Allison
  17. Hello Gary, Glad to hear the show was a success for you. I did the GPAA Mesa show awhile back and it was worth it. I did some good sales at the show, but the residual after the show was termedous! With the Summer right around the corner I still can keep enough detectors in stock. The X-Terra 70 looks like it might be a big hit for multi-purpose detecting and a great mid-ranged price. P.S. You still interested in the GM3? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  18. Hello Mike, Is the DD going to be round or elliptical? I can't seem to get the answer from Minelab USA. Wish they would make a true mono round or elliptical for it, which would make a great prospecting searchcoil. Are you hunting mostly in "Prospecting Mode" with the Iron Id cranked up to elliminate more trash, or do you hunt in "Prospecting Mode" and then toggle over to "Coin/Relic" mode for potential trash targets? Wish Coiltek would make a 15-inch Wot for it. P.S. About a month ago I ran into a guy with an X-Terra 30 along the Black Canyon area. I tossed down a small nugget and with the sensitivity all the may to max it wouldn't hear it. However, the X-Terra 70 had no problems hearing that small nugget. Searchcoils are on backorder and will be shipped to the dealers when they arrive. Did you get one for FREE? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  19. Hello All, I just wanted to give you all a brief update on the new Minelab X-Terra 70 that just got released a while back. Well I must say I'm more impressed than ever, especially after what my hunting partner found out in the Bradshaw's this weekend. I was skeptical about the "Nuggethunting" abilities (Prospecting Mode) of the new unit. However, my partner Glenn this weekend found a dinky-ass nugget with it this weekend just experimenting. Now before I jump the gun, he found the target, but couldn't get a good pinpoint on it cause of the coil design. He new it was a small target, but had trouble pinpointing since the X-Terra's coil isn't hot on the outside edge. He came back with the Minelab GP3000 and Coiltek Joey and low and behold it was a 2-3 grain nugget in a small crack! Just goes to show it will find small gold, which I was not real certain about. This weekend Leaverite and I played around with it and the discrimination is awesome, much better than the White's MXT in my opinion. I could actually cancel out targets completely, which is a feature of the Minelab Explorer II. Now I still think the Minelab Explorer II is the best coil/relic machine and it's one of my hottest selling units to archeologist now (Thanks You Know Who!). However, from what I'm seeing the new X-Terra 70 had a lot of similar features like the Explorer II and then some good gold prospecting abilities. More testing needs to be done, but I'm quite impressed to say the least. The depth is very impressive. P.S. I have plenty X-Terra 70's in stock and you will also get a FREE 3kHz Searhcoil with the purchase of one (limited time only). Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Ed, I would say about the same. You will know cause you will get a "Woo-Woo" type sound. The closer you guys get to each other the louder the noise will get. I recommend tuning the GP3500 (and even the manual tune) and also tune the GP3000 when you guys get close. I have noticed by doing this you can get a bit closer, but still not side by side. Good luck at Union Hills. I smell gold also .... Take care, Rob Allison
  21. Hello Shep, Thanks for the purchase. I had my fingers crossed that it would show on time. Normally Priority Mail to California is only 2 days, but I know sometimes to Grubstake it can take three. Glad the coil arrived and hopefully you can get over some gold! Just got another raise at work, now making a lot more than my own Father. I don't think he likes it, but you know how it is! I guess I will have to buy a house for Dawn and I now. Take care, Rob Allison
  22. Hello John, You would think all the time I have spent in the field I would have found at least a small one. I have been to most of the goldfields in Arizona and no meteorite to speak of. I have a nice collection of the Gold Basin's, but not my own find. Makes me wonder since I use that Super Magnet and always have rocks attached, if I might have had one in the past and toss it off. I never look at all the stones attached .... Any thoughts? Rob Allison
  23. Hello Grubstake, Thanks for the comments. Been pretty busy, but I still try to get all the products ordered out ASAP. Dawn is great, without her I would be lost at times! She's always been supportive in what I do, even this gold prospecting stuff. I told her when we get a house she can do all the ordering and processing and I can go play. I hope Shep gets the Coiltek coil today. It was shipped Wednesday and should be there today if there are no delays with the mail. Sometimes it takes an extra day to get up to you guys. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  24. Hello Lotsa Luck, Congrats on the new gold. What settings are you using on the SD2100? Those are very small for the SD series, maybe even pushing the limits for the GP's. You're doing a great job if you can find those dinks. Keep up the great success, Rob Allison