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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Bob, That's pretty damn slick if you ask me! I like how you have the Coiltek Li-Ion on one side and the other piece on the opposite side to kind of give it balance. Sorry I didn't call last night, I didn't have any solid plans to get out today. Glenn and I ran out to a spot just for a few hours and we almost didn't get back. Pretty rough area, but we found some areas that look good. As you seen I found a couple of small nuggets on the way back in from the area on RR claims. We will have to get back into the hills soon. I want to get you over some copper nuggets .... well gold too! Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  2. Hello Guys, I agree! That's one heck of a set-up. Thanks to Coiltek for building something that can be mounted on the detector with minimal weight. Bob - I'm sure guys will be PMing you about your mounting hardware and customization. Great job!!! Rob Allison
  3. Hello Lotsa Luck, There is no doubt this new Coiltek "Pocket Rocket" Li-Ion System is beneficial to all the Minelab SD and GP series detectors. I'm going to take a bunch of them to the Mesa Gold Show since I already had 6-7 inquiries about them. I know they will be a hot seller at the show and will probably sell all of what I have. Just like I told you, the increased voltage on the SD2100 really makes it perform better. It's real simple, "more voltage creates a stronger electro-magnetic field" and it shows on the SD series with increased voltage. The Coiltek 7.3v system is a proven performer on the SD's. Just imagine if the Minelab ran off of AC power! I'm real interested in the wireless headphones and even how you mounted the Coiltek system on the side of the control box. Please give us more details on mounting and what wireless headphone system you are using. Let's get back out there and beep some gold! Rob Allison
  4. Hello Garimpo, Very nice piece of gold. Curious if the ground was virgin? From the picture it looks like layers of gravel, but it might be just the way the picture looks. As I scanned down, looks like someone dozed the area. Was the piece 9.4 Grams or 94 Grams? Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hello Garimpo, I would consider something a nugget if 3/4's of the piece is gold. As for specimens, anything that has a small amount of gold, or only about 50% visible gold is a specimen to me. I think everyone calls a nugget or specimen something different from the next guy. I love to find gold and specimens though. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hello Garimpo, Great looking nuggets. Most of them are pretty coarse and crystalline. However, they still seem to have a pretty solid mass if that makes any sense. Some of the stuff found down south (here in Arizona) has a very porous or sponge characteristic to them. I have a piece in my collection that a PI wont detect. I will try to dig it out later tonight. That's some beautiful gold your finding there. P.S. Looks like your scoops arrived. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  7. Hello Guys, Well that is one of my better finds found in 2003 at 28-inch deep. I found the piece with the Minelab GP Extreme and Coiltek 14-inch Round Mono Searchcoil. The target just responded as a whisper one direction, but nothing the other way. I actually walked away from the target and then for some reason I came back to investigate it a second time. I just had a "gut feeling" it was a good target at depth. Low and behold it was a nice nugget. The Aussie would call that piece a "dink." P.S. Garimpo, weather was in the mid 70's today with a nice overcast. Some of the best nuggetshooting right now here. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hello Garimpo, Very nice nugget. Don't worry, I only found one nugget this year at an ounce. I sure wish I was somewhere like you are. I'm sure there are a bunch of lunkers just waiting to be located. Most of the areas out West have really been pounded to death, so we spend a lot of time looking for overlooked, small placer deposits. Unfortunately I haven't found a real good one yet, but most of the ones we find produce some nugget gold. I was going to head out today and do some beeping, but talked myself out of it. I guess I don't have the motivation to hunt gold like I did 10 years ago. Well, we were also finding no less than 1/4 - 1/2 ounce per day back then. Boy, those were the good old days with the first Minelab PI's and pretty easy to stay motivated when you're finding that kind of gold. This year I found one good patch on a hillside that produced 47 nuggets for me. I also found a couple of virgin washes that produced 30-40 nuggets from each wash. This year I found the normal quanity of nuggets I normally find, but most of them being smaller than the previous years. One of my best solid nuggets to date would be this 283 Gram Guy You're probably finding more of these over there then we are! Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Garimpo, Interesting information about what goes down there. As for the Quartz crystals, people do search for them and those aren't to shabby from what I seen around here for sale. Large Quartz crystals mean slow cooling, so they can be found in gold bearing areas like where you're at. I found some of the best nugget patches in areas where large quartz crystals were found. Curious if they ever hit bedrock in those pushes, or is the alluvial gravel too deep? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  10. Hello Garimpo, Damn, must be nice to have a dozer! Curious how deep you pushed from the original surface? Do you think you could of found those 180+ Grammers with a larger searhcoil scanning the surface slowly, or did you need the dozer? Would love to hear more. Lamar - Your GMT and Coiltek Li-Ion System will ship UPS Ground Tomorrow. I tossed in a couple of the new GRG Scoops so you can test them out. I wanted to toss in one of the Trinity Gold Pans, but couldn't get the damn think in there without blowing out the box! Talk with you guys soon, Rob Allison
  11. Hello Garimpo, I can tell you one thing, those Toyota's are reliable! I owned three of them, two being 4x4 trucks and I ran them both over 250k and they were still running strong. Sorry to hear about the trouble you had. Was hoping you would get over some more gold. Would love to hear more about your adventures in South America. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  12. Hello Garimpo, Thanks for joining the forums. Followed your thread over on Bill's forum for some time. I think that is the longest forum post in history! Really enjoyed all the pictures and history behind it. Would love to see some of that information over here if you get a chance. I'm hoping I can take Lamar from Bolivia's offer and visit South America someday with a detector. I can care less about finding gold, I would just love to see the country and some of the old diggings. Wishing you the best of luck on your hunt and hope to hear more soon. Take care, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Paul, I used to watch the old GPAA shows every Saturday. However, like some mentioned the staging seemed to get too fake and most lost interests in the shows. George "The Buzzard" Massie was one hell of a promoter, but he also knew more about mining than most. I believe you have to have the Outdoor Channel to view the shows anymore. I have Direct TV Satellite, but don't have the Outdoor Channel. I think you have to place that station separately if you want to see it. Thanks for posting, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Doc, I have tested the Coiltek Platypus searchcoil several times, but did not make any announcements. I have not tested it under the water as of yet, mostly sub-surface detecting. I was very impressed with the results so far, but like I said these were above ground results. I found several nuggets down to 2 grains so far with the Platypus 11-inch DD Pro. The coil is very light; almost to the point you don't think there is even a coil on the end of the shaft! I banged the coil around and could not get the coil to false. I really believe this coil will be a hot seller for those that like to prospect in around shallow Rivers and Creeks. I'm heading out for a camp over, so I will bring the coil with me and give it a whirl there. Sorry I have slowed down production, but everything is hectic here once again. Grandmother is back in the hospital and my Father was in a car accident a few days ago. He is ok, but my Grandmother's health is up and down. Thanks Coiltek and Doc for giving me these opportunities to test the new coils. I'm taking the R-Factor with me once again! Talk with you all soon, Rob Allison Rob's Detector Sales (623) 362-1459
  15. Hello GoldstudMuffins, Floyd Allen talked about the area several times, and stated there was some very large nuggets found there in the late 1800's. However, he never stated he found anyone of any size with the SD series detectors there. What do you know about the 53 ouncer? :shock: Take care, Rob Allison
  16. Hello Steve, Thanks once again for all the great information on Ganes Creek. Man, I sit back and look at those pictures and wish I was there now! I'm very interested in getting a party of 10 close friends together for the following year. I also agree that if someone is looking for their first one ouncer, this could be one of the best spots to find it. Please keep the forum updated on the new finds from Ganes, and if any changes have been made. Thanks, Rob Allison Rob's Detector Sales
  17. Hello Steve, Thanks for the reply. I have tons of questions, and I'm sure some of the questions are the same as others would like to ask. Frankly speaking, I think there is huge potential at Ganes Creek. Anyone that can make the trip surely should. Without a doubt, you can get skunked anywhere, but why not go to where the huge nuggets are being found. Most of the work has been done for you; the nuggets are lying in the piles just waiting for a detector to hit them. $2,500 per week might seem expensive, but I doubt the guy that hit the 20 or 33 ouncer is thinking about that now. I'm sure they are book for another trip back there! Steve, I'm not certain you know Stephen Freeman, but he is a good friend that attended the first trip to Ganes in 2002. Stephen used the Minelab GP Extreme and came back with around 5-6 ounces of gold for one week if I remember correctly. He said he could not wait to return, and even wanted to know if I was going the following year. I think he might be there, or could be book for a trip in real soon. Steve is holding the GP Extreme in the picture (first week at Ganes) Roland - I'm very serious about getting a party of 10 together. It might be too late to gather everyone this year, but I'm sure we can get something organized for the following year and allow people to get the funds and time off. I'm sure good gold will be found there for many years to come. Looks like some of the piles are untouched, and some are so deep you will never get to the bottom of them unless Doug does some pushes. Wow... My blood is pumping! Thanks again Steve. P.S. Anyone looking for a sure shot at their first one ouncer, I’m sure this is the place! Rob Allison Rob's Detector Sales
  18. Hello Steve, Wow... Thanks a million for posting a very informative post about Ganes Creek and what is being found. I know several forum members have contacted me about the trip, and wanted some more details. Well there you go, thanks to Steve you all have the information and website. Steve, here are a few questions for you - "How many weeks per year does the Ganes Creek trip run?" "I understand it is $2,500 per week (without Airfare), but if you would like to stay for an additional week, is that possible? Does the rate change if you book for more than one week?" "Is there any discounts for group rates, say 10 guys for a single week? I have 3 guys ready to go, but will probably wait until next year when I'm able to attend." "Can you go anywhere on the property, or are you limited to just the tailing piles?" "Since the property entends over a 10 miles area in lenght, is there transportation available if you wanted to get further away from the camp area?" "What are the chances of running into a bear, and has it happened in the past?" I have a million questions Steve, but just wanted to shoot a few at you. Sounds like the first week has started with a huge success. Man, I can't imagine how many sizeable gold nuggets that are still waiting to be found. Ganes Creek might be one of the last frontiers for large gold nuggets. Thanks once again for posting, Rob Allison
  19. Hello, Glad the cleaner is working out. You will find it has many uses in the future, as cleaning gold is only one of them. Take care, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Jerry, You will truly love that unit have you clean some gold. If you have a really nasty stained gold, or ugly looking specimens, let the GemOro have at them! :Ehhh Short story about the GemOro - Several years ago my friend found an ugly 2-ounce specimen from the Bradshaw range. The piece had a healthy amount of gold, but the quartz was really brownish, and a bit ugly! :Sick I convinced my friend I had the perfect solution, my new GemOro unit. I took the piece home, hoping to return it as a nice museum looking piece. :wink: I arrived home, set up the GemOro with some Green Magic Solution and placed specimen within the tank. About 15 minutes later, the water turned a dark brownish looking color. As I reached down to pick of the submerged specimen, I realized the specimen had tons of cracks in the quartz. I was hoping the piece was not going to fall apart, as I promised my friend this GemOro was going to do wonders. Well long story short, the quartz had tons of stress cracks, and you could not see them before as they were full of dirt particles. The GemOro brought all the details of the specimen out, and several of those hairline cracks were small veinlets of gold! :Scared Did I forget to say the specimen was now in three pieces rather than one? How the hell was I going to explain this one to my friend. His first specimen and I destroyed it! Haha... Just kidding, the piece really turned out well, and my friend was more than impressed. Jerry, hope the GemOro works out well for you. Rob Allison Rob's Detector Sales
  21. Hello Alienbogey, Cleaning nuggets does not harm them, unless you use the wrong chemicals. I have seen people destroy beautiful gold/quartz specimens with too much HF acid. As far as raw, solid gold nuggets, it is pretty hard to harm them. Gold is a noble metal, and really only a few acids combined can dissolve or hurt it. If nuggets are cleaned properly, then they usually turn out beautiful. The GemOro Ultrasonic cleaners will not harm the gold; it is the solution (Magic Green) that can burn the gold. Magic Green is industrial type gold/silver cleaner, and I actually have burned some gold (darkened it) by using too much cleaner. Very little Magic Green is needed to clean the gold. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Ray, I used one of those plastic cleaner for a bit, but realized they don't clean like the GemOro Ultrasonic ones do. I ended up purchasing a GemOro 6x6x6 with heat, but you can get them without. You really don't need the heat, as a good Ultrasonic cleaner will heat up without the heater function. The "Magic Green" Solution is great for gold and silver! Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello alienbogey, Thanks for the detailed story and history about that particular place. Sounds like that was one rich bar. If you happen to have any other stories, please share them, as we all would love to hear. Thanks, Rob Allison
  24. Hello All, Thanks for posting the Picture and story Bob. I could not imagine being back 100-150 years ago with a modern day metal detector. I'm sure you did not need one in the right spots, but just imagine what they could not phsically see! :shock: Without a doubt, California was one rich State! Eureka...... Rob Allison
  25. Hello Guys, Last year John B. and I spent some time at Rye Patch. We tried to make contact with a local of the area, but he was too busy to guide us around at the time. Not knowing anything about Rye Patch besides where it was, we were able to score about 2-3 nuggets apiece per day. The biggest piece, which was scored the first day, was 3/4 ounce. We both were using GP3000's with Nuggetfinder coils. Good luck to you guys. Rob Allison