Snakes!!! They are out in full force

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Hello All,

Last weekend I ran across 5 rattlesnakes prospecting and exploring. However, this was my favorite one. Watch out, they are out in full force now .....

This is the time of the year we sell dozens of Snake Gaitors, which I highly recommend during the Summer months.

Rob Allison

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I found this one last weekend at LSD. Very docile..didnt rattle at all. Just layed there all coiled up watching us.

Eventually he scooted off.

Dad saw a red rattler up at White picacho a couple of weeks prior.

Got to agree on the snake gators...may be hot but it beats the alternative.
Tom H.

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Hey guys, usually by now I am crawling in the manzanita and stirring them up. It seems like they love to lay right where I get sweet signals. I will start getting back out there shortly. I have been busy with other projects.

Deathray, evidently you have not come across one of our Western Timber's, they put our smaller blacktails to shame. They will quicken your heartbeat a bit and really make you slow down. You dont see them as much any more. The same is true of the Valley Rattler's. I dont know what the scientific name is for either the Timber or the Valley but they are out there. I have had more than one person tell me I am crazy but we do several types of rattlesnakes here, not only in Southern California.

I think the Timbers are an offshoot of the Western Diamondback and I think that is also true of what many old timers call Valley Rattlers. I have seen both go over six feet in length and damn near big enough that I would not be able to get both of my hands around the gut. The few times I have come up on either they are not shy and will not back off like a Blacktail rattler.

Keep your eyes open, its their season... TRINITYAU/RAYMILLS

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Hi Ray, yesIve seen some nice big fat ones. Was walking up a trail right at something coming down the hillside, expecting a rabbit...instead a 4foot rattlers lands damn near at my feet...sucker caught some speed on that dry grass, lol. Scared the sheet out of me. You know how it is around here, I wear gators and try to keep an eye out as best I can, they're super common. My sons a firefighter, and last Saturday they got a call for a snake bite at Lake Camanche...a flatlander tried to play Steve Irwin and got nailed in the bicep by a 3.5 footer, lol.

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Hey Boulder,

Ya, it could be. I have been told it's about three types, not sure exactly which one. The "Pinks" are fairly common in this area, stumbled onto dozens of them over the years. They have the wider head and the small horns on the head if you look closely.

They are more agressive than the typical "coon tail" from this area.

Rob Allison

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Trinity, in California you have several types of rattlesnakes. The 'Timbers' you refer to are either the Northern Pacific, or Southern Pacific Rattlesnake. Not sure about the 'Valley' ones, but would guess Mojave Green, or Speckled RattleSnake. Also in California are sidewinders, a type of rattlesnake, Red diamond backs (southern Cal) and in a few south east areas you have Western Diamond backs.

Tom H, that is Mojave Green, and Tom, that is a Speckled not a tiger, very similiar.


And yes Arizona has a bunch:)

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