Discovery of old workings and gold

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Hello All,

A few weekends ago I was able to spend a few hours exploring some new country. This areas was outside the known gold districts, but close enough where the regional geology was very similar. Well towards the end of the hunt, I just happened to cross over a small ridge and looked down and noticed some old workings. Low and behold it was some hand-stacking (placer workings) in a small, overgrown wash. I managed to find a few open areas to detect and found one nugget around 2.5 Dwt's. Not hardly any trash, but very little exposed bedrock and very thick in spots.

No questions there are more, but the wash might need to be trimmed up and dug down to bedrock to see what might be hiding here. These spots are fun to find, as there as never been a detector on site and the potential can be very good.

I'm looking forward to working this wash, but might wait until it cools down a bit. I doubt anyone will find this spot. :ph34r:

Here are a few pictures -

Thanks for viewing.

Rob Allison

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Nice!! :) Big ol nugget. got my itch going again...may have to go out on Friday.

GL to ya out there.

Tom H.

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Way to go Rob

You dont find those detector virgin old workings often enough.The bushes and old leaves can really cover them.

I ran into one of those and standing in the wash did not realize it had been worked until I dug a target in the bank and realized I was digging in classified gravel (dry wash piles) hidden under

the bushes and leaves.

It was that well hidden.

Those finds can turn into real honey hole patches especially when their low on trash."out of the box"

Real important to learn how to spot those old timers workings.

They are out there, good luck to ya. :) AzNuggetBob

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Nice nugget, Rob ... I love hunting those areas that have been overlooked by other detectorists ... Thing is, tho, they can really spoil a guy ... You end up pulling a bunch o' nice nuggets for a while, then they stop ... You can grid'em, rake 'em , etc., but they eventually run out of nuggets and then you are back to research again ... But fun and rewarding while they last!!!! Cheers, Unc

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  • Admin

Hey Guys,

Looking forward to going back. Figure there was one decent nugget and minimal trash, I would guess there are more hiding in the nearby area. The wash was pretty deep, so I know if there are any nuggets on bedrock I wouldn't reach them due to the depth and overgrown vegitation.

I will keep you all updated when I return, hopefully sooner than later! :mellow:

Rob Allison

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