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Hello All,

Well here is some gold a partner and I detected below a quartz outcrop in a known gold area. After enough poking around, we decided to give this area a whirl and it just happened to pan out. The vein itself seems to be pretty barren now, but at one time it apparently had a rich pocket or pockets of nugget gold. All of the gold, including more not pictures was detected below this vein. Funny, many years ago I had thoughts about this spot, but never make it over to the spot to examine. Just goes to show, if you have a "hunch," check it out before someone else discovers it.

The nuggets going across the top, from left to right are - 2.7 ounces and 4.3 ounces. Going down the middle, there is a 3/4 ounce and a 1.2 ouncer. The quartz & gold specimen is around 3/4's of an ounce, but probably has about 1/4 ounce of gold on one end. There are approx. 6 ounces of smaller nuggets on both sides of the Nugget finder coil. Several ounce plus nuggets are not displayed at this time. :o

Not a bad discovery, but it don't happen very often.

It's out there .....

Rob Allison

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Dang Rob!
Thats a really nice bunch of gold.

Well, it was still out there....I think you guys have pretty much gotten it all :o


Tom H.

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Hey Tom and members,

It's far from gone. Look at all the gold guys are scoring over in California. Selling metal detectors really allows me to talk with a lot of customers across the US and even in foreign countries. I can tell you, a lot of gold is being found in the major gold bearing States such as Arizona, Nevada, California, New Mexico, Montana, Virginia, Alaska and more.

No questions it's still out there and waiting for a metal detector to scan over the shallower stuff.

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I found a spot like that one time. Some of the best LSD I ever bought.

Just kidding I have never used drugs, but in order to find something like that I would have had to be on one helluva trip.

Way to go Rob!


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Hey Guys,

Thanks for the comments.

Uncle Ron - There has been more found at the patch, but pictured from Left to Right you have a 2.7 ouncer and a 4.3 ouncer. Then from the Top middle down, you have a 3/4 ouncer and a 1.2 ouncer solid. The specimen off to the right was 3/4 ounce, with about 1/4 of gold weight. There is just over 15 Troy ounces in the picture if I remember correctly. There is around 6 ounces of smaller gold, + or - a 1/4 ounce.

There where scattered down a hillside. The bigger pieces and specimen were up high, all the water wore stuff was down lower, but not in a wash bottom.

This discovery was awhile back, as any nugget shooter would want to get the cream of the crop before anyone would discovery the location.

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Such a find is awesome, Rob ... Did you ever clean any of it up or just leave it butt ugly???? :D Pix??? :rolleyes: ... Can (will) you discribe the ground and the indicators that led you there? .... That's the only kind of hunting I do much anymore, looking for new virgin patches rather than hunt old washes and patches ... The kind of find you made is the real thrill!!! ... Cheers, Unc

Thanks for sharing!

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Hi Rob,

Just think what could be found with a backhoe, or perhaps you did, most likely...

In any case, it is a find that we can agree, is what we gold folks dream about...but dreaming doesn't do it!

I found a seam where the more north westerly it went, the gold continued to become larger in size, until the gold simply

went below my capability to find it any longer. I am confident that a hoe could find more as this location.

In the old days this particular location was known to have fairly large gold nuggets, but only the top layer was pushed, then halted.

It was in the early days that lots of gold was found with simple early coin machines, and their capability, as we know, was quite limited. It is interesting how the gold can dip and reappear in places far removed, but all the while, being of product of the same source.

Thanks Rob, you amaze me!


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