Nice Specimen found with GPX 5000

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I am a Lower 48 newbie but off to a good start thanks to guidance from Chris Ralph, proving again that who you know is often more important than what you know when it comes to finding gold. Chris took me to a few places he was interested in. We had a great few days with some varied experiences, topped off with me finding this nice 0.82 ounce gold in quartz specimen. It was found in the northern Sierras of California with a Minelab GPX 5000 metal detector sporting a Nugget Finder 14" Advantage elliptical mono coil. There is a lot of gold showing so probably well over a half ounce of contained gold. The nugget was caked with mud and cemented material when found so was a bit of a surprise when it cleaned up so nice. Thanks Chris!



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  • Admin

Hey Steve,

Great find and thanks for sharing. I think the most important thing about hunting for gold is being in the right spots and being first on the ground with a detector. When someone in the knows (like Reno Chris) can point out or show someone a location, it could be a good one. Hope you guys can score some more from that same ground.

P.S. Looking forward to seeing you both soon.

Rob Allison

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Man. alll I can say is HOLY COW!!!!

That thing is beautiful.

I hope you get a lot more out of that area.

Tks for posting it.

Tom H.

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Wow Steve,

That's a little bigger than the one you showed me in Chicken...lolol

I will be in the area this weekend and hope to do as well!!!!!

Thanks for sharing the pics and story....


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Here are the little nuggets I've dug at the same general area. total weight is about 2 dwt, or about 1/10th of an ounce. These were also found with the GPX 5000 and the stock 11 inch mono.

Its funny - all Steve has dug were specimens, all I've dug were nuggets. Yet where he dug and where I've dug are only about 120 yards apart.



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