Standard Ounce Club

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Found this about a month ago in an area that has been detected hard in Northern Nevada. All I can figure is that people thought that this target was trash. "Blanked" out as soon as I put detector over it- this piece of gold was only a couple of inches deep as you can see the hole in the background. It pays to get lucky sometimes.





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Hey fi4451,

Over the years, most of the larger nuggets I found sounded like trash. One reason is the nuggets were non-typical nuggets shapes, long, twisted or some type of strange shape. They also gave a blanking or common trash sounding signal, which most would assume is just iron rubbish. As much as I hate to dig them, I try to dig all targets when I can.

Great find and thanks for sharing it on the forums here. I also enjoyed the picture of the dog, man's best friend!

Wishing you many more large nuggets.

Rob Allison

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Hello Gravelwasher,

I think when he said "blanked" he was referring to overloaded - blanking signal, not so much blanking like iron disc. Hopefully he can clarify. You are correct, you can't discriminate using a Monoloop searchcoil, regardless what others might say.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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Great find congradulations on the ouncer. Talk about it blanking out or sounding like trash, I was hunting a creekbed one time. There was a large Cambells Soup can sitting on the side, that just made the detector scream. I moved the can farther away, and got a large sound in the wash, it ended up being a 1/4 ounce nugget. A lot of people must have missed this one, thinking to just go around the can.


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Very Nice fi4451... Its good to see the dirty nose if the field. . . rather than in the yard :) I know mine would be right in the hole with me digging as well. Congrats on the nugget and yes... I agree "It pays to get lucky sometimes".

Take care and wish you more luck


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Thanks for the comments, I should have been more clear. I thought "blanking" meant overloading signal. I always use mono coils. Actually, I have a whole arsenal of the latest and greatest coils but I only find gold with the 11" mono commander series which came in the box. I love that coil- I think it is a little heavy, but that is alright. As far as the dog, I think she gets more excited to look for gold in the desert than me.

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