Minelab SDC 2300 New Info 1/31/14

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If Minelab gets to high on the 3000 side it's not going to be good for them either. Most nugget hunters hunt in dry country. So why pay that much when you can buy a 3500,4000,4500 and sometime with just a little more a 5000. I'm talking about a detector in good condition. Most will out shine the ATX and maybe the SDC 2300. Garrett knew to keep the sales high is to keep the price down with a good all around detector. To be called a mid-range detector for some may be a high end detector for others. It's all about how willing you are to dig down for that nugget. When I get to hunt I'm alone and I don't have anyone to hold my feet to get to deep nuggets and pushing 73 don't help.

Minelab I hope your reading all our post so you think it over before putting a price on the SDC 2300.

Chuck Anders

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I do believe your correct. When Minelab seen the Atx THEY SAID WE GOT TO DO SOMETHING FAST. Well they did. They showed a housing and then said to themselves what can we get into it that will sell.

A mid-range detector under 3000 maybe but over I'd go for the big boy a GP something.

Chuck Anders

PS I don't know why but $2120. has a good ring to it. I will say I'd pay more if the SDC 2300 was a lot better than the ATX. Say list 2800. and sell at 2495.

That's a dollar 2.69 more that I want to pay.Ha

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  • Admin

Hello All,

Chuck, I think it was a huge mistake for Minelab to discontinue the SD V2 range of metal detectors and addressed it many times with them at the conferences. I would get the same answers, they have a reason for it and the fact the parts were getting hard to get for older model detectors. If I remember correctly, the Minelab 2100v2 was down below $2000 when they discontinued it. These units were flying off the shelf here at that price.

We mentioned the new Minelab SDC 2300 will have a new technology, not the conventional MPS like the Garrettt ATX, but rather MP + F, or Multi-Pulse Fast Technology. From what I'm hearing is this is going to allow the detector to be much more sensitive to very small targets with the 8-inch round coil and also still maintain the great mineral immunity. Really until someone gets one in their hands, it's kind of a guessing game on exactly what it can and cant do.

The price has bounced back and forth and I do believe it will be in the mid $3000 range. This could be a concern if there are no great technology advancements with the SDC 2300.

On another note, Lunk and I had a great long conversation about the Garrett ATX. We both agreed there are some places that are loaded with magnetite the ATX seems to do better in. We also had a lot of conversations about potentially missing larger gold at depth with the ATX over the GPX. I guess there is no perfect detector, but rather a combination of several detectors to cover all bases.

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I say if Minelab had sold the GPX 5000 for less and made their money on volume we'd been all swinging it.

I too don't understand why the SD line was stop. I think had they ask the dealers they would had said a big no. With the SD I'd call it your bread and butter to keep you going in the lean times.

I've been reading what's said down under about the SDC 2300 and they like us. Just wondering and waiting.

Chuck Anders

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For 3495.00 it better be a noticeable improvement over the ATX. That's what I'm thinking Rob, and from what I understand its the MPF technology, and if it discerns or analyses the difference between the signal returns faster and more accurately than the MPS. sort of a MPS on steroids. if, that's the case would it also be an improvement to the GPX 5000? and will a software upgrade for the GPX 5000 be coming? is it possible without a logic hardware upgrade? Rob I brought up the idea of online detector software upgrades and GPS built into your detector years ago on mod forums now its a reality. there may be some great stuff coming soon. just thinking out loud.


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I can confirm what Rob has reported that the dealers basically begged Minelab no to discontinue the SD line of detectors. Especially the SD2200 V2.

The answer we got from the Minelab guys from Australia was what they had developed was so much better why would they want to go backwards.

My personal feeling is that there is still a disconnect between what the Aussie's think is important, and it is due to their hunting conditions vs. ours.

For Australia, the move to GPX5000 that allowed prospectors to use Mono coils because of the timings, is a big thing. What I wonder if they understand is that we were able to use Mono coils with the SD2200d, and our soil is not as variable as Australia ground conditions.

I have been hunting with an SD2200 for over 20 years. Guess what, it still finds gold.

God bless their hearts, Minelab just wants to make the very best detectors in the world, and they do. But the obamanomics of the situation is that not everyone can afford a $5800 GPX5000. But plenty of people can still find gold with an SD2200d V2.

The market detests a void. Take the SD2200 away and a big void was left, and here comes the GTX to fill the hole.



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Well Doc I think you covered it all about what you said about Minelab. The sad thing about it all is Minelab lost sales they could have had.The guys in the US could have been swinging a detector they could afford.

They done Garrett with their ATX a favor. Another thing is the ATX is American made and we need more things like that. I hope the ATX out shines the SDC 2300. Minelab needs this to be a wake up call for them for sitting on their butt for so long.

Chuck Anders

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Minelab but the 4800 on sale and wanted to use adverse direction they could have done the same on the 5000. I do hope that Rob sales everyone he has in stock.

This form of adverse direction is to get our thinking off the SDC 2300. This is to give Minelab more time to come out with what they didn't have to start with.

Where O Where are you Minelab with the SDC 2300 ???

Chuck Anders

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Ok Chuck, gotta ask. Are you pining to get the SDC 2300? If so, what is it you want it to do or are hoping it will do?

I want one specifically for looking for gold in the water or in a water environment. Maybe more for gold jewelry than for nuggets - that remains to be seen. I in particular hope that it is something that is pushing at or below the magical 10 uS delay "wall" common in production PI detectors. This would enable it to detect gold invisible to most PI detectors. MPF seems to promise that.

This has applications obvious to nugget hunters but less obvious ones more apparent to beach hunters.

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Hi Steve

Being the beach is within a 150 miles of me I'd have to say beach hunting. I do love nugget

hunting and do it when can. Just like I like to dredge and will try to do it again this year. I'm like

a friend he has lots of guns and a lot are the same but that's what he likes. Like him I have other

water detectors. I didn't know it was a limit on the number of detectors I can buy. I like the ATX but I'd like to see how good is the SDC 2300 before I buy either.

Now Steve you know the rest of the story. I've been told you can't take it with you but I would like it to be a sad day for everyone when I leave.

Best to you Steve !

Chuck Anders

PS I take Lost treasure Mag ,GPAA Mag, and sometime buy Western Eastern Treasure.I also like the Mag you write for and plan on taking it. So I really don't have to have a reason for what I do.

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