Outback Prospector GPX Factor DVD giveaway!

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“The Outback Prospector – GPX-Factorâ€

500th Customer DVD Giveaway!!

To celebrate the imminent sale of our 500th GPX-Factor DVD we are offering the lucky 500th customer* one GPX-Factor DVD absolutely FREE!

We’d like to thank all our existing customers and dealers for their support and fantastic comments over the last 4 months and sincerely hope the tips and hints in ‘The Outback Prospector – The GPX- Factor’ have helped you in your search for gold so far this season.

Remember $1.00 from the sale of each DVD (sold in Australia) will be shared equally between APLA and PMAV so please help support the Associations which support us.

But be quick…you may only have a matter of days before we reach our target!

Good luck!

Jonathan & Frieda Porter

aurum australis

Ph: 07 4983 2637


*Orders received from both individuals and dealers within Australia, the US and any other location included in this promotion. Postage included for individuals.

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I had gotten one of your first DVD on the GPX and it's good to see you are still going strong on sale's.

You may have to go to L.A. put your hands in cement being after 500 you become a Star.

I don't have a 4000 but I had to have your DVD being you do a great job on them plus I wanted to see how big the kid's have gotten from the last one you made.

JP you help alot of people by making them and when the 5000 comes out make one of it also.A friend of mine said that he like that your wife done the intro and to have a wife like yours that didn't care that her shirt wasn't iron is hard to fine.

Take Care!

Chuck Anders

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Hey Chuck (Frieda here under JP's log-in)

Thanks for the great comments about our DVDs - its nice to know blokes like you are happy with our work. Don't know about the Star though - might make JP's head swell with that thought! :)

BTW you're spot on about the shirt! Ironing is not my favourite job - waste of time if you ask me. 5 minutes later and you're all wrinkly again so what's the point of that!

Anyhow as we only got home a few days ago from our prospecting trip over West and JP is still stuck 400km away with truck repairs, I'd best get back to work but thanks for taking the time to let us know your thoughts.

(It's also after 8am and we still haven't had brekky and the boys are gnawing the doorframe so better go feed them first!) :D

Best of luck for the upcoming prospecting season.


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Great dvd JP & FP!!!! I was bummed with my GPX and after I watched your dvd I was far more confident that I was doing the right thing and although the two other dvds you have released were not about the GPX I bought them anyways! Great information and a joy to watch. Thanks again for the hard work.


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Jonathan & Frieda,

I have had your DVD for a couple months and it really helps out to review before going back out in the field after a short layoff.

Thanks for taking the time to do this for those of us that are lucky enough to make the jump to the GPX 4000.

The DVD is a definite asset to my recreational detecting and a big thanks for it!!!

We do need to buy you some better shorts(those went out in the early 70s) because my 14 year old daughter says they are tighter than hers. Sorry! We will get you straightened out yet!

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Hi fellas

Well it would gladden JP's heart to read your comments here as he has been feeling pretty down of late - thanks for the lift.

But anyhow I'm the first to admit I'm 'fashionably challenged' (I was born in 1970 so perhaps that's the problem!) but at the end of the day grinners are winners and as long as I can have a bit of fun looking for a few nuggets now and again outside of school hours then who gives a hoot what I look like. I know you're only kidding but I'm really not that fazed - most of my clothes comes from the op shop as gold is too hard to find to throw it away on fancy clothes :D

Dear me it's past lunchtime already - those boys have started chomping on the dining table...better fly!


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That's where all the money goes..... for the grocery bill! :blink:

My daughter eats more than I do and I am a pretty big guy!

Tell JP to buck up and time will heal all woundsand might even straighten out the fences. He has my condolences because I have had a falling out or two and going through the same betrayal by a mate of mine here. JP is always welcome at my campfire!

Now go feed them boys!!!

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I have bought and will buy all JP's videos. I take that back, only if they are prospecting videos! All kidding aside, those videos have been an excellent learning tool. He packs so much useful information into them that I re-watch them on a regular basis and catch helpful hints that I missed and apply them to my next trip out. He probably does not know how much he has really helps other propectors. The scenery may be different, but JP's knowledge helps prospectors everywhere. Thanks.



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Oh, I forgot to ask, I am interested in the picks that JP uses. The pick in the Latest Update and in the Factor vids are different but both are great performers. So which picks are they, I have been using a short handled pick but I think I need more length and weight.



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  • Admin

Hello JP, Frieda & Friends,

I think JP done an excellent job on all the DVD videos. I've personally watched them all and they are excellent not only for the beginner, but for even the more advanced users. I'm always watching how people detect and picking up different pointers even after 12+ experience. You never know it all, so watching and learning from others can increases your chances of finding more gold.

Someday I hope to have my own DVD video. I have some great ideas that have never been covered in any DVD that I've seen.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Outback Prospector...The GPX Factor DVD

500th Customer wins!

Congratulations to the North Queensland Miners Den* in Cairns for ordering our 500th DVD!

We'd like to thank all our dealers for their continued support and our customers around Australia and the US who have purchased so far for taking the time to post and email their comments and suggestions – it’s much appreciated.


Jonathan & Frieda Porter

aurum australis

Ph: 07 4983 2637


*Orders received from both individuals and dealers were included in this promotion.

P.S For JW...JP uses an EZY-DIG pick

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Well now JP & Frieda,

Your announcement of your 500th DVD sale makes it much easier now,

So now I won't have to worry about buying one more

of something I have already in order to compete!

I still have't finished looking at the second DVD yet,

The first one had me mesmerized..

You are one lucky chap JP,

To have such a dandy

Partner such as Frieda,

To share your common

Passion for finding the

Gold stuff!


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G'day to ya Frieda: It's been a long time since I last posted to you. I too would like to see how much the twins have grown -- how old are the boys now? How is Digit these days? Sorry to hear JP had mechincal problems on the way back to Queensland. I miss hearing/reading about the finds you and yours make while outback -- wish I could tag along to share the joys of finding what I term "a gift from God"! Because of various health problems it's been a while since I last swung my 3000 but hope to do so this Fall.



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Hello there Don (still Frieda under JP's login - he's gone bush again!)

Sorry to hear of your health probs - makes me think of a saying I heard after I was so crook when the boys were born (that was 1999 so they're 8 1/2 now!) 'Health is your best asset - make sure you invest in it wisely.' Hope you do get out beeping soon.

Our old dawg Digit is still on 4 legs although a bit wobbly. She's 15 next Jan but blind and mostly deaf now. Have a squiz at a blog I put together a few months ago http://theportergang.bigblog.com.au/index.do when we thought we'd lost her but then she turned up 3 days later, a long way from home. The pics are mostly all of Digit but shows a bit of our prospecting 'career' since 1993.

The boys are about 4' 6" all gangly string beans and into Bionicles and dinosaurs (we stopped at a dinosaur museum on the way home and dug up some teeth). Funny to watch them grow - one is 3/4 inch taller but a bit lighter than the other. They keep me busy enough!

Take care for now.


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Hi Frieda: Thanks for the URL to your Blog. I enjoyed looking at all of the great pics -- digital cameras and computers are great inventions. Don't know if you folks like Bread Pudding but have hopefully atached a recipe from a famous New Orleansd Cafe for super good bread pudding. Not sure if Digit should partake.

Have the twins taken to swinging a detector and if so have they swcored any nuggetsd?

Thanks again for the Blog and here's wishing all the Porters the best.



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