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Bill is taking orders on the GP4500 being he has some on order and said he could get more if he had enough request for it.

I know the site has been down,so now that the storm is over what do you say? B) I don't think nobody knows for sure what the price is going to be.We seen how the dollar compares to the Qz. dollar but I guess we'll know soon what it will be.

Chuck Anders

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Hello Chuck,

I'm also taking a pre-order list that I have started at the top of the pinned topics on this forum. Anyone interested in getting one of the first please get with me ASAP. My pre-order list has doubled over the last couple of days. Many want to be the first over some of the old patches in hopes of finding more gold nuggets that have been missed.

It's my understanding the US selling price will be $4,995.97, while the retail will be $5,500.00.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

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Hello Chuck,

I'm also taking a pre-order list that I have started at the top of the pinned topics on this forum. Anyone interested in getting one of the first please get with me ASAP. My pre-order list has doubled over the last couple of days. Many want to be the first over some of the old patches in hopes of finding more gold nuggets that have been missed.

It's my understanding the US selling price will be $4,995.97, while the retail will be $5,500.00.

Hope this helps,

Rob Allison

Hello Rob, here are a few things for you to ponder about on the new GPX4500. First of all there is the new S.E.T.A technology which is going to help you guys no end in the US :D . Then there is another mode which will bring tears of joy to your eyes when you see it performing on those difficult little nugglets deep in the Yavapi schists. Not to mention the suite of changes made to the menu with a number of new innovative ideas that only a digital enhancement can possibly allow.

I have just spent the day interviewing on camera one of the main guys behind the development of the GPX4500 here in Adelaide Australia in the very heart of Minelabs stronghold and can't even begin to comprehend some of the stuff I got about the way Minelab are doing things these days. One mode in particular is just begging for me to hop a plane and fly on over to the US just to try my theory out, I'm that exited :rolleyes: .

I can't believe it :blink: , Minelab are doing things completely different this time, they have announced new model pre-release information, they have then heavily discounted exisiting stocks of the 4000 to give late comers a fair and decent choice whether to go with the existing model (the GPX4000) or wait patiently for the latest variant, they are asking existing customers to trust them with what they have made by not advertising what the new model has to offer yet at the same time tempted us with their ability to produce the goods from past experiences. This is a totally new approach from Minelab and speaks volumes of what the buy out from Codan has done to the upbeat nature of such an innovative company.

I can only hope the slump in the Green Back is somehow softened by the knowledge of the elevated gold price which seems set to break the US$1000.00 mark in the very near future. 2008 seems to be getting off to a very good start, what I can tell you is the 4500 is going to help that along very nicely. :)


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JP posted two pictures on Bill's forum showing one on the new GPX4500 prototype but you can't see nothing.

Come on JP you can do better than that.It's going to be out by the end of this month,it's already a done deal.

Don't you think it's time for show and tell?


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JP posted two pictures on Bill's forum showing one on the new GPX4500 prototype but you can't see nothing.

Come on JP you can do better than that.It's going to be out by the end of this month,it's already a done deal.

Don't you think it's time for show and tell?


Hello Ridgerunner, mate not a case of don't want to, but a case of not allowed. I have stretched things as it is. :) Minelab will release pics and info when they are ready, until then I have to stick to what I'm allowed to say, which is fair enough because it's their party.


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It sounds like an interesting jump in the technology.

I just hope Minelab is not turning into one of those software-type

companies where they already have the advances

in their hardware (and now software), worked out (such as better descrimination),

but let the advances out piecemeal to keep a revenue stream going.

For me the fastest way to lose me is if I'm getting jerked around

that way...there are 'way too many examples of that kind of company

policy here in the states right now, I trust it hasn't infected Minelab.

sound of frantic rummaging....

(now where did I put those dang little vials of flakes

from my dredging days, maybe I can make this work.. :lol: )


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Hello Flak, I can assure you Minelab have done a major redesign of the GPX4500 on the hardware side of things. I think you will find the announcement is more in line with what the factory can produce and the way Easter is coming early this year. I would say Minelab want to do a simultaneous release world wide, which takes a lot of forward planning.


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Hi JP,

Any guesses on at least when we might hear what the details are? I'm puzzled as to why it matters at this point since everyone knows about the unit.

You've really got my interest with "Minelab have done a major redesign of the GPX4500 on the hardware side ". I guess I was expecting a tweaked GPX-4000 with some menu additions and maybe a new on/off switch. Sounds like the GPX-4500 may be more than that.

There are three distinct camps these days. Those of us signed up to get one ASAP without even knowing details. We are convinced we can be out getting gold with the new unit while others are still deciding. Then there is the group that is waiting to see how we do before they get one. And then those that are never going to get one and try to explain to us how stupid we are to have done so!

It is going to be a great summer. I'm going to find a pile of gold this year. $1000 per ounce has me more motivated than usual. Only 5 ounces to pay for a GPX-4500! Minelabs are actually getting cheaper every year if measured by onces per model at time of release. Since I pay for my detectors with gold that is how I look at it.

Steve Herschbach

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Hello Flak, I can assure you Minelab have done a major redesign of the GPX4500 on the hardware side of things. I think you will find the announcement is more in line with what the factory can produce and the way Easter is coming early this year. I would say Minelab want to do a simultaneous release world wide, which takes a lot of forward planning.


Hi JP,

Quality photographs of both circuit boards will be required to verify what you say.



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Steve H.

I understand why JP and Digger Bob don't say no more that they have. I'm sure Minelab and Whites said you test it but I'm also sure that if they did say something it would be the last time they had their hands on any new model.

I'm like you the cat is out of the bag,the gate was left open and if you got this detector for sale,tell us why your detector is so much better than the next one.Minelab knows now what's new on the GP4500 and you know they are stock pile them now.I just wish Minelab would quit treating us like step-children being we are users,buyers,faithful to Minelab for a long time.

Now I still don't like their price increase of $1000. within the same year.I guess it's like a old saying,If you can't stand the heat then stay out of the kitchen.

Now Whites is American made and the first PI for gold detecting they have put out other than VLF detector.

Now I know over the years Whites has never put out a detector that would have to be a recall on it because of poor quality.

I'd think by now all the testing would be complete and it would be in production by now.So what would it hurt if we seen just a photo of either one of them.

Here I was at a gold show this month and I'm going to a treasure show the 5th of April and maybe by accident the GP4500 may be out but not good old American made Whites.

The funny part about all of this is the dealers don't know any more than we.


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Hi Chuck,

There has been no official notice to dealers from White's regarding their unit or it's availability. Except for speculation there is nothing to indicate from White's that the unit is finished or in production. I know for a fact the prototype I used will look little like the final product. I'm pretty sure Digger is testing the same unit I had. Lots of suggestions have been made by many people for changes in that particular unit; some, many, or none which might be implemented.

So no, neither Digger nor I knows what the final unit will look like. There is nothing to post a picture of yet. White's simply will not release the unit until they are satisfied down to the last detail. Almost every White's ever released stays on the market for years without needing a revision. They really strive to get it right the first time. I'm hoping the unit will be out before I head to my mine in June but it may not be. White's is very close-mouthed. The MXT300 and DFX300 were on the way to dealers before White's even acknowledged they existed.

The GPX-4500 is another story. The pre-announcement was sent out as Highly Confidential and yet Miners Den had it on their website within 24 hours. The news was not supposed to be out yet. So I understand why JPs hands are tied until he gets a go-ahead. And yet JP has confirmed the unit exists and has dropped hints as to what it does. Unless this unit is still under-going changes I do not understand at this point why the details have to be kept secret.

But all I was asking was if he had a guess as to when official details would be forth-coming. I'm guessing in the next couple weeks. But I really am guessing.

Got mine ordered!

Steve Herschbach

P.S. You're a funny guy, bugwhiskers! JP says hardware and you assume circuit board. One of the biggest improvements in the GPX-4000 was in the battery and charger system - hardware.

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Hi Chuck,

There has been no official notice to dealers from White's regarding their unit or it's availability. Except for speculation there is nothing to indicate from White's that the unit is finished or in production. I know for a fact the prototype I used will look little like the final product. I'm pretty sure Digger is testing the same unit I had. Lots of suggestions have been made by many people for changes in that particular unit; some, many, or none which might be implemented.

So no, neither Digger nor I knows what the final unit will look like. There is nothing to post a picture of yet. White's simply will not release the unit until they are satisfied down to the last detail. Almost every White's ever released stays on the market for years without needing a revision. They really strive to get it right the first time. I'm hoping the unit will be out before I head to my mine in June but it may not be. White's is very close-mouthed. The MXT300 and DFX300 were on the way to dealers before White's even acknowledged they existed.

The GPX-4500 is another story. The pre-announcement was sent out as Highly Confidential and yet Miners Den had it on their website within 24 hours. The news was not supposed to be out yet. So I understand why JPs hands are tied until he gets a go-ahead. And yet JP has confirmed the unit exists and has dropped hints as to what it does. Unless this unit is still under-going changes I do not understand at this point why the details have to be kept secret.

But all I was asking was if he had a guess as to when official details would be forth-coming. I'm guessing in the next couple weeks. But I really am guessing.

Got mine ordered!

Steve Herschbach

P.S. You're a funny guy, bugwhiskers! JP says hardware and you assume circuit board. One of the biggest improvements in the GPX-4000 was in the battery and charger system - hardware.

Hi Steve,

Not just the PCB but the components on it, that is the hardware. Perhaps JP would care to explain how he has the authority to make such claims seeing in the past he has denied even being a Minelab employee.

Before taking any notice of what he says I suggest you ask him for his credentials and on whose authority does he speak on matters pertaining to anything Minelab.



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Hi bugwhiskers,

I have no authority, I'm not a Minelab employee, and I have no credentials that I know of. Yet I post stuff on the internet. Where do I get the right? And what about you?

I've read a lot of Jonathan Porter's posts. I have found them in my opinion to be helpful and knowledgeable. I am glad he is posting here.

I cannot say the same for your posts so far.

Steve Herschbach

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Hi bugwhiskers

If you were JP , Digger Bob and Steve H. lets say that Minelab are Whites came to you to test a new detector wouldn't you do it??You take JP he's no small cup cake when it comes to nugget hunting and he want's the best for himself.With him doing the testing of this unit then he knows if he want's one are not.O'h yes JP makes DVD of each new Minelab but he's the type of guy if you need help you don't have to buy the DVD. You just say Hey JP I need help and he'll help you out in anyway he can.

JP makes his living nugget hunting and you should see some of the gold he has found.Now I can't say if JP gets any perks from Minelab but if I was him and they offer then why not take it.

So if I'm going to put my trust in someone then let it be JP,Bob and Steve on their field test.By this I don't spend money on a detector that's not worth bring home.


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Hi Steve,

I like your measured and smart responses to provocative

posts like the one above by Bugwhiskers.

JP is - along with a small handfull of other prospectors that frequent

these forums - clearly one of the most knowledgable, proactive and trusted

posters I know of.

It is amazing that someone who is so clearly dedicated to

furthering good detecting skills and knowledge, and gold prospecting

as a whole, engenders the kinds of responses that appear from people

who have nothing of any real interest or value to talk about.

The fact that he also has managed to make his passion into a business

(that also benefits most of us), is great with me.

I fail to understand why these guys can't realize that there is no audience

for whiny ranty complaints about their own minor and tediously boring, personal issues.

All the best,


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I am currently doing interviews with key Minelab personnel inlcuding Bruce Candy, obviously the main thread of our discussions has been the GPX4500 and the changes that have been made compared to the 4000. During these interviews a lot of things come to light that explains a lot of things I noticed during the testing phase and helps me to try and explain this on camera once the in field video production starts.

I personally have noticed a huge amount of improvements over the 4000 in the new tech which not only includes the new functions (timings etc) but also in the general behaviour of the machine compared to all previous Minelab offerings, this is largely due to the new SETA technology (starts with the word Smart BTW :) ) and what I can only assume is improvements in electronics since the 4000 release.

The 4500 though similar in appearance to the 4000 is basically a redesign following on from where the 4000 left off, in other words they redid the electronics to allow for improvements in design and also to allow for new technology to be implemented, so even though the two machines are very similar they are in fact very different (a little like two brothers, same family, similar looks but two separate identities).

As I have said before I am not at liberty to discuss too much but I can say that I have been very impressed with the overall behaviour of the 4500 and feel this will be experienced by everyone else who trys one. Readers have to understand there are two sides to Minelab, one is the PD department (product development) who are only interested in making things work (performance etc) and marketing who are only interested in promoting and selling what the comany has to offer. PD have done a bang up job of the 4500 and it is now marketings job to get the word out about the product, this has to be done within the physical constraints of production schedules etc.


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Hi Jonathan,

I have to tell you, you Australians are an odd lot!

I'm not much into brand name loyalty. I've used pretty much all the various brands of detectors over the years. I suppose if I have a soft spot for any one brand it is probably White's since my first detector was a White's.

It was not that many years ago when I first heard of this little upstart company called Minelab. Apparently US made units were not up the the task in Australia, and so this Bruce Candy fellow came up with some units that handled the ground over there better. They worked so well that people started using them here in the United States.

The complacent US companies pretty much ignored this little newcomer and it's clunky, overpriced detectors. But over time Minelab continued to introduce machines with superior performance compared to the offerings of the US manufacturers. These days it appears Minelab is the company pushing the limits of metal detecting technology, while the US companies struggle to come up with machines that can match, let alone exceed the performance of the Minelab offerings.

Now you would think that if anyone would be up in arms over this invasion of our home turf by an upstart foreign company it would be us here in the United States. Yet almost all of Minelabs fiercest detractors would appear to be Australians. What is up with that?

It is all the more interesting when you consider how inconsequential metal detectors are. Nobody makes anyone buy metal detectors. Nobody will die from not buying one. And if you want to buy one, the are plenty of choices. Despite what some people think you can be successful finding gold with brands other than Minelab. Minelab units certainly have an edge in lots of locations, but in Alaska more gold is probably found with White's units than Minelabs.

I've got nothing against Minelab per se, but as an American I would not mind seeing a US company come out with a unit that could blow away a GPX and for half the cost. As an end user I love competition because it helps put better units in my hands. But I'm not holding my breath because it seems the only company competing with Minelab is Minelab. Despite the grousing we are lucky they continue to innovate. They could have stood pat with the SD2100 and to this day nobody would be able to say they have something better to offer for hitting a large gold nugget at depth. Right now if I had to choose between the only existing competition, the Infinium, the Goldscan 5, or an SD2100v2 I'd have to go with the SD2100v2.

So if somebody thinks the GPX-4500 is absurdly over-priced for what it does, just don't buy it! Get a SD2100v2 or my favorite, the SD2200v2. I still have one of those and like it. And if you really hate Minelab then buy an Infinium or an Eric Foster Goldscan 5. Or wait for the new White's or Dave Emery's Nemesis.

But please let those of us who are interested in the GPX-4500 have our fun discussing the unit. Take the tiresome anti-Minelab rhetoric to those forums where it is welcomed and applauded. You folks may pat yourself on the back for being some kind of consumer advocates and the poor prospectors friend. I personally find that sort of attitude to be insulting as it implies the rest of us do not have the brains to decide for ourselves what metal detector we may want to spend our hard earned money on.

That is not to say that critical thinking is not welcome. If somebody wants to point out how stupid it is that a $5000 metal detector does not come with a waterproof searchcoil when every $150 metal detector made does, then have at it. Good point, and something good to know. Don't stick that thing underwater!

But in general I think what most people want to hear is how to get the most out of whatever detector they have. And that is why I like you, JP. You go out of your way to put helpful information out there that can help people be better with their detectors. That is why I read your posts. I'm looking for any tidbit that can make me a better detectorist. I've got your DVDs on order.

All the anti-Minelab rubbish is just that. Rubbish, and a waste of time. It does nothing to advance my capabilities as a prospector, it does nothing to put more gold in my pocket. In forums where it prevails, it drives people away.

I think I'm speaking for most people here that you are very welcome here JP and please continue posting whatever you may.

Steve Herschbach

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I am only speaking for myself (many more will probably agree)...I think it is Great to be able to pose questions to professionals who are good enough at what they do to have major companies seeking them out for field testing not to mention the fact that they make a damn good living doing what they love.

I too am glad to be able to learn from the best in the business.

I am stuck with VLF for a while longer, but I look foreward to what JP and Rob A. and Steve H. have to say about the 4500. Keeps me interested in the technology and keeps me looking foreward to the day that I have 5k extra to spare ;)


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