one little thing to remeber on the next minelab gp

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Hi Russ,

Way cool to hear from you. Please make sure I know how it turns out running your SD over that spot you already hunted with the GPX. As I noted I have a soft spot for my own SD.

I have to tell you, the GPX units are really clicking for me. I like having control over my unit. Seems like my SD I could glue the switches and be done with it. The GPX has more nuance for varied conditions and I like that. But that is just me.

You should visit your sister. It would be fun to go hunt with you. Crow Creek is a different thing than you folks down south are used to. I've taken pounds and pounds of gold out of there, but most people who go there find nothing. It is all about the layers. I'll be down there the minute the snow is gone with the GPX-4500 and the new White's also if I'm lucky. A 1/4 oz nugget is a biggie for Crow Creek but they are there. The largest i ever got there was .98 oz and the largest I know of weighed 2.5 oz so it is not a big gold location. usually I'd use a VLF but the GPX in particular is a killer unit that I think will work for me there. We'll see.

Steve Herschbach

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bugwhiskers -

Allow me to point out the serious errors in your post –

First, there have been many discussions of SD series detectors vs the GP series. It’s been going on for many years. The general conclusions of these discussions is that while the GP series is not a big improvement over the SD in the ability to see big nuggets under normal circumstances, the GPs do represent a big improvement in the ability to see small nuggets.

Why in this comparison test is the smallest target a 20C Australian coin? That target is probably equivalent to a gold nugget of close to half an ounce. The aluminum block would be more like a large multi ounce nugget. These are the types of targets you would EXPECT to see very little difference between an un-modded SD and a GP3000. Actually reading that testing pointed me to ask what, if any, improvement the “mods†in question accomplished. I want to see the results of testing with a half gram gold nugget and see what the differences are with a small target. I think the tester and the forum admins over there would be afraid to show those results.

Finally, what a surprise to see that on a forum run by a person who does SD2000 mods for money, that data is presented that which misleadingly implies that a modded 2000 and a GP3000 are equals. You like to point out bias – how come you ignored that one?

I have never seen even the slightest evidence of the "drip feed" conspiracies you are talking about.


Hi Chris,

There is no serious error in my posting a link to a test on another site. I think you have a misconception of the R&D required to change a platform to enhance the ability to see small gold. Reg Sniff has made a platform that will see nuggets that no ML can see. I suggest you compare the resources available to both ML and Reg and rethink the technology dripfeed. Three months after starting experiments with PI I made a simple detector that can see a porous 0.1 gram nugget at just over 4 inches. Chris, it isn't the rocket science that a company that makes huge profits on a handfull of common electronic components would have you believe.



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Hi Chris,

There is no serious error in my posting a link to a test on another site. I think you have a misconception of the R&D required to change a platform to enhance the ability to see small gold. Reg Sniff has made a platform that will see nuggets that no ML can see. I suggest you compare the resources available to both ML and Reg and rethink the technology dripfeed. Three months after starting experiments with PI I made a simple detector that can see a porous 0.1 gram nugget at just over 4 inches. Chris, it isn't the rocket science that a company that makes huge profits would have you believe.



If that's the case then and it's so easy to do, why is there no competition? Here's the part where we hear about all the platforms that are coming soon I suppose. From the point of view of someone who PREFERS to use a Minelab I sure as hell get tired of all this repetitive stuck needle rubbish.

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If that's the case then and it's so easy to do, why is there no competition? Here's the part where we hear about all the platforms that are coming soon I suppose. From the point of view of someone who PREFERS to use a Minelab I sure as hell get tired of all this repetitive stuck needle rubbish.

Hi Qld Sandy,

My posts are based on facts and figures. Do you really expect to counteract them with an emotional response?



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I've ask that question to bugwhiskers a long ways back and never got a reply.I also said if he had a mod 2000 it's still a Minelab.Now if it is ,if I was him I'd throw it in the trash with any other Minelab that came my way.

He did say he'd been detecting since about 72-74 and he knew all about detectors and detecting.Now that is a long time but I started in 65-66 and yet I can still learn alot from people like you,Rob,Reg.Grubstake and the list goes on.I don't care how good you think you are when you stop learning you got to be dead.


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Hi Chuck,

It is the fourth time I've asked the question. Seems like a simple question.

bugwhiskers likes to imply dealers cannot be trusted. Well buggy, help me out. I stock every nugget detector currently made. The number one question I get asked is what I have asked you. I've answered it countless times.

A fact is that people generally want to buy a new unit from a trusted, known supplier. They can't buy units that do not exist, or only exist on your workbench. Most people are not interested in finding a used SD2000 and modding it.

Nobody that I talk to cares about your drip-feed BS. Most people know companies exist to make money. If somebody wants my buying advice and I head down that road they are going to walk away. How many people here have to point out to you how incredibly useless your posts are before you figure that out? You are the ultimate example of a nattering nabob of negativity.

So let's hear it. What detector do you use? What do you recommend a person choose who is looking at currently available detectors? Enlighten us.

Steve Herschbach

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Hi Qld Sandy,

My posts are based on facts and figures. Do you really expect to counteract them with an emotional response?



If you have the basis, then why don't you manufacture a detector instead of wasting time putting other manufacturers down or is there some other motive?

Talking about emotional responses, that is the norm on your other forum when Minelab are mentioned. Everyone can see that for themselves without me having to elaborate.

Just like some of the previous posters, I'd also like to know what sort of detector you use, and if you find any gold with it as well?

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Guest goldstudmuffin
You should visit your sister. It would be fun to go hunt with you.

Steve Herschbach

Hi Steve,

You're right about my Sister, but she flies down here all the time so we see her at least once a year. If I ever do get back up there I'll look you up, and you can teach me what layer to hunt at Crow Creek. ;) I may have met you 16 years ago when I was there in 1992, we went to over to Alaska Mining & Diving and bought a new 4" dredge with pontoons. We intended to go over to Chicken creek to do some dredging but never made it there. We ended up dredging a little no name creek south of Anchorage, and the second day we went somewhere north of Palmer if I remember right, that was some of the coldest water I've even been in, I think it was right off a glacier. I had all the gear, my gloves and hip waders ect, but after about 2 hours I was too cold to dredge anymore, we got about 2 dwt of gold for our effort. I'm sure you've seen more than one desert rat with blue lips before! I was ready to go back to Crow Ceek where I could stay warm and dry.

I'm not sure if I'll get back to those new 4000 patches before it gets too hot, it's pushing 90 deg here in Phoenix today, but I'll let you know if the souped up 2100 pops out anything the 4000 missed.


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Hello Oakwood,

I'm not sure I know what you're trying to get across, but 99% of all your posts are negative. What I suggest is if you don't have anything good or productive to say, please don't even say it.

Warning # 1 :ph34r:


Rob Allison

warning #1 what is that supose to mean and why? for infoming all that codans products are mfg in we all know everything there is bottom of the barell for quality..and i also dont think 99% of my post are neg..just because i choos not to suck up and kiss butt and tell it like it is or how i feel..and i dont think its fair just because you sell minelab that you get a deep price cut on equipment..and i dont think its smart for you as a dealer to tell the world ..hey i get my stuff at a deep discount while you have to dig deep in your pockets for why dont ou be a nice guy and give us all your discount and get us in a 4500...

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Minelab is like alot of other companys in that they dictate what will be the lowest price you will sell it.So you see Rob is lock into the price and he wouldn't be dealer if he was to change it.

Now go look at the package that Rob has with the GPX4000 right now and you will find that he gives the best package you will find.

Say he does give you a thousand dollars off but you don't get that big package.O'h so now you want extra coils,you want pocket rocket and you want this that plus other things the package had.The only thing you are having to pay full price and you just went over the thousand you started with.

You may be the one person that don't want it all and it may be best for you to get the thousand off but he still can't do it.I myself is like Jimmie I'll take all you will give me.

If and when you want to sell your Minelab this will help when you let all the extra's go with the sale because Rob will have more that likely have the same package with the next detector that comes out.


PS I'm like you I still don't like the price but it's pay it are shut up.I don't wear a bra so I don't have one to burn in protest but I guess I could burn my underwear being some need to be burn anyway.

Life is not always fair!


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Minelab is like alot of other companys in that they dictate what will be the lowest price you will sell it.So you see Rob is lock into the price and he wouldn't be dealer if he was to change it.

Now go look at the package that Rob has with the GPX4000 right now and you will find that he gives the best package you will find.

Say he does give you a thousand dollars off but you don't get that big package.O'h so now you want extra coils,you want pocket rocket and you want this that plus other things the package had.The only thing you are having to pay full price and you just went over the thousand you started with.

You may be the one person that don't want it all and it may be best for you to get the thousand off but he still can't do it.I myself is like Jimmie I'll take all you will give me.

If and when you want to sell your Minelab this will help when you let all the extra's go with the sale because Rob will have more that likely have the same package with the next detector that comes out.



Minelab is like alot of other companys in that they dictate what will be the lowest price you will sell it.So you see Rob is lock into the price and he wouldn't be dealer if he was to change it.

Now go look at the package that Rob has with the GPX4000 right now and you will find that he gives the best package you will find.

Say he does give you a thousand dollars off but you don't get that big package.O'h so now you want extra coils,you want pocket rocket and you want this that plus other things the package had.The only thing you are having to pay full price and you just went over the thousand you started with.

You may be the one person that don't want it all and it may be best for you to get the thousand off but he still can't do it.I myself is like Jimmie I'll take all you will give me.

If and when you want to sell your Minelab this will help when you let all the extra's go with the sale because Rob will have more that likely have the same package with the next detector that comes out.


PS I'm like you I still don't like the price but it's pay it are shut up.I don't wear a bra so I don't have one to burn in protest but I guess I could burn my underwear being some need to be burn anyway.

Life is not always fair!


only those that stick together dictate the price..i wasnt born yesterday

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It's Minelab's choice to get their components manufactured wherever the want to,

(I don't like it either btw).

It's your choice whether or not you use their product.

Telling Rob, who is constrained by Minelab policy, what he should do as a dealer is just silly.

Do you have that same argument with your Ford dealer (or whatever)? No.

The car dealer gets a break on his vehicle too, it's normal.


Hope you find a great big old piece of gold real soon,

then getting a 4500 or whatever other detector you want,

will be simple.

take it easy,


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It's Minelab's choice to get their components manufactured wherever the want to,

(I don't like it either btw).

It's your choice whether or not you use their product.

Telling Rob, who is constrained by Minelab policy, what he should do as a dealer is just silly.

Do you have that same argument with your Ford dealer (or whatever)? No.

The car dealer gets a break on his vehicle too, it's normal.


Hope you find a great big old piece of gold real soon,

then getting a 4500 or whatever other detector you want,

will be simple.

take it easy,


flak ide be happy to find a tiny piece of gold..


It's Minelab's choice to get their components manufactured wherever the want to,

(I don't like it either btw).

It's your choice whether or not you use their product.

Telling Rob, who is constrained by Minelab policy, what he should do as a dealer is just silly.

Do you have that same argument with your Ford dealer (or whatever)? No.

The car dealer gets a break on his vehicle too, it's normal.


Hope you find a great big old piece of gold real soon,

then getting a 4500 or whatever other detector you want,

will be simple.

take it easy,


flak ide be happy to find a tiny piece of gold..

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i dont think its fair just because you sell minelab that you get a deep price cut on equipment..and i dont think its smart for you as a dealer to tell the world ..hey i get my stuff at a deep discount while you have to dig deep in your pockets for yours
When did he say this? Link

please. You can't say crap like this and not back it up.

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Hello Guys,

Oakwoodtrucker - If you would spend more time with your new metal detector than bitching and crying on the forums you might have a few gold nuggets by now. I don't understand your logic, you purchased a GPX-4000, but now want to cry about the price.

Warning # 1 means just that. Warning # 2 means you're just about ready to push my buttons and Warning # 3 means you never get to see what we have to say about you. :D

Now be nice, we are all here to learn, not to solve the World's problems.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Hello Guys,

Oakwoodtrucker - If you would spend more time with your new metal detector than bitching and crying on the forums you might have a few gold nuggets by now. I don't understand your logic, you purchased a GPX-4000, but now want to cry about the price.

Warning # 1 means just that. Warning # 2 means you're just about ready to push my buttons and Warning # 3 means you never get to see what we have to say about you. :D

Now be nice, we are all here to learn, not to solve the World's problems.

Take care,

Rob Allison

well rob your right...the only reason i bought the 4000..was someone forked out the cash for me..second of all i was guaranteed a full refund on the price towards a new machine if one came out within 6 months of my purchase..whitch one wouldnt ya know it that dealer who sold me this 4000..has apeared to disapear from the face of the earth..dozens of phone calls..many e mails...i could launch a smear campaign agains this dealer but iam gonna be NICE :)

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Hello Oakwood,

It's a shame to hear such a thing, but hear more of it than someone would suspect. I never tell any of my customers something I will not back. I would continue to press the issue with the dealer if he promised you he would exchange it in for the newer model.

I really hate to hear these "dealer promises" when you can't back them. Just imagine how many customers he will now loose since he pulled such a stunt.

I thought I seen a picture of you on the "Highdesert forum" with your first gold nugget with a Minelab.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hi oakwoodcutter,

Did you get the guarantee in writing? Is the dealer in the same state as you? If so I'd go after him. I'm a dealer and I'm telling you right now never believe that kind of guarantee without getting it in writing. In that regard bugwhiskers is right. There are lots of people selling all sorts of stuff who care about nothing but getting your money. As Rob has noted, they always self-destruct. But that does not help people like you.

You might also try the Better Business Bureau.

Steve Herschbach

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Hi oakwoodcutter,

Did you get the guarantee in writing? Is the dealer in the same state as you? If so I'd go after him. I'm a dealer and I'm telling you right now never believe that kind of guarantee without getting it in writing. In that regard bugwhiskers is right. There are lots of people selling all sorts of stuff who care about nothing but getting your money. As Rob has noted, they always self-destruct. But that does not help people like you.

You might also try the Better Business Bureau.

Steve Herschbach


I'm glad to see yourself posting a bit more info to Robs forum than in the past. Your words are not taken lightly. Any honest dealer in the prospecting business today "knows" the trials and tribulations one can expect in maintaining the "trust" of the customer.

Words well Spoken! to the other fabric in this 'thread'.

Regardless of the detector one "chooses" to purchase due to having a mindset of "what is considered the best on the market today for this" and will it also do "this and that".....'People', you have asked Minelab to render a "quality" search tool for Your Beneifit and they continue to PRODUCE.

Has anyone else done the same in the USA to produce a product such as those brought to our shores by Minelab?.....Take a 'few steps back' and again ask yourself this question, "Does anyone Know where these Nay-Sayers are comming from"?..... If they have someting better, "STEP-UP TO THE PLATE" and quit all the BS. MAKE YOUR NAME KNOWN with a product to show for it!!! How about, this....."Whats your current 'detector of choise"?

Well, Minelab stepped-up to the plate and has continued to do so for people like us! Developement comes at a cost to the consumer, it isn't CHEAP, and costs get passed on for this same "development" to the consumer.....thats business!

Minelabs dealer policies are simple, "you cannot sell any Minelab product" below the "signed and agreed" upon Terms and Conditions of the MINLEAB DEALERSHIP AGREEMENT.

Oakwoodcutter, .....there is an old saying....."Buyer Beware"! You still have a great detector in your hands respectine to the GPX 4000. Go out and make some use of it and stop griping about it's origin of manufacture! (Did you question the origin of it's original components before your purchase of the GPX 4000 you currently have in hand)? In my oppinion, the compnents of the GPX4000 could have come from any country that the manufactuer of a product or component wishes to deal with due to cost of making something and profit received. Don't blame China or any other country for profitering, We.....the USA opened the doors with NAFTA.....and this "Signed Bill" sure didn't hurt the "Trucking Industry").

So be it with the GPX4500, no one is putting pressure on anyone to BUY! It's a matter of making the right decision respective to your needs and available finances.

I'm sure if your driving a 'truck' today or have done so in the past, that you did or have done your share of bringing these same "chinese" goods into our quick we can forget the montra or 'tag'..... "Made In Japan". Am I missing something here???

I'm still in the VLF neck of the woods, dig all targets and don't complain about "trash"! I'll hold back on my choice of detectors, I did my researh, it involved 'money' willing to be spent and the amount of quality time in the field that I could use it.....just to mention a few thoughts that crossed my mind in making my decision!

I'm in this for the fun of exploration and not for the profit and I hope I can pass on some of my own experiance to others without a hockey-box of BS.

All said, it really goes without saying a whole bunch more.....PUT-UP or SHUT-UP!

Thanks Steve, Rob and many others.....keep an open mind!


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I have a thought...I think it is real simple if you don't like minelab then don't buy one go get something else and bitch about them. I am sure that whatever piece of equipment a bitching person has there will be something wrong with it! Nothing is as WE think it should be and never will be so deal with it or find a new hobby or job as the case maybe. Personally I have several detectors and there are good and bad with all but if I did not want them I would have just done without or bought a different brand.


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Thanks to Rob, Steve and all the others who have taken a higher road in this thread. I agree with GotGold, you do your research and buy what you feel is the best for your part of the hobby. After 55 years of mining experience, buying the best, the cheapest and what can do the job for the best price, I have learned that some people will gripe no matter what.

I wanted a Minelab for metal detecting but my budget could not afford one. I settled for what I felt was the next best one and got a Gold Bug 2. I learned how to use the machine and it has found me alot of gold.

Thanks to a very kind person on this forum I now have a Minelab GP Extreme. Is it the latest and greatest? No it is not, but I am learning how to use it. One must learn their machine and learn it well, after that when you have the gold in you hand to prove your experience I do not believe your going to gripe about your detector. Those that I run into that gripe the most are those who just do not spend the time to learn their machine.

I have a friend who could only afford a Garrett Gold Stinger. To me its way to noisey and hard to ground balance. He on the other hand has mastered the machine and has done his share of nugget finding. It all boils down to one thing: YOUR MIND SET.


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