Prayers for Seeker

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Yo All...I just heard from Seeker (Geo White) that he came out of surgery yesterday and is recovering back at his second home today near his kids on the East Coast...Please include George in your prayers for a complete and speedy recovery....Thanks, Ron

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Uncle Ron

Thanks for the report on Seeker.It's another good guy that needs our prayers and I'll just add him on with the rest.

If it's okay with George some of us may want to send him a get well card.Check with George if you can give his address out.

Thanks Again!


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What a valued group of friends on these gold hunting forums, I am humbled by your prayers and concerns for my personal being, I am getting better day by day I am a little weak, my stomach looks like I have been hit with a baseball bat, I can't sit too long they want me moving around but I cherish your thoughts and prayers........Tomorrow is a better day for me... :) Good Hunting Geo

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