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O'h Claim Jumper

I know what you say to be true but I don't know about it this time.Haven't some said about having trouble with the amp. thats in the battery? I hope it's not true being the guys that get to hunt all the time will have some down time.Now if it's in the battery it could be a quick fix if Minelab would just send a new one out and they take the loss on the old one.


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Hey Guys,

Sounds like this GPX-4500 recall is a real deal. From what I've heard, over a 1,000 GPX-4500's in Australia might be affected and about 150 here in the US. My serial number is way below what they stated and haven't had any problem with noise or any of the settings not working right. I've only had one problem GPX-4500 and it wasn't for a recall on the Power Circuit Board.

Hope to know solid information in the near future.

Rob Allison

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Hello Uncle Ron,

I won't be sending mine back in until it craps out. Talked with another fellow last night that purchased a GPX-4500 from another dealer. I guess his 4500 was very noisy and sent it back in and had it repaired. He said the unit is very quiet now, but don't seems to be as sensitivity as before. :glare:

You're doing great with your SD2100, but you're probably missing a lot of smaller gold (1/4 and smaller) at depth you don't know about. Hard to believe there is only bigger pieces like you're finding at those spots. You probably have walked over many ounces of smaller gold.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hey Ron Is your motto "If it ain't broke don't sell it." Hmmm!!! Three wheeler and SD2100. Still getting the gold and that's all that counts. Even Grubstake went back to is old favorite. :spank::spank::rolleyes: It is too bad on the recall. Jerry

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Yo Rob & All...I simply think the 2100 is an exceptional detector...You may recall that I found one patch last year and invited three of the best gold detectorists I know to bat mop up behind my old baboo 2100...They did find gold but it was total less than about 2 grams, maybe less than one gram....I firmly believe that an old $1,000 detector sd2100 with the right coils can get 95% of the gold that the later models can...I certainly support Minelab, and I was particularly impressed when the 3500 came out and all the real newbies started finding nuggets...There's no question that there's still gold to be found and that the newer models will allow less experienced prospectors to find it quicker ... But, frankly, beyond turning two knobs to ground balance, without a computer screen, makes my brain hurt... :D:D:D;) This is a great hobby...Cheers, Yer Unc in the Dubyah

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Hey Uncle Ron,

There is no doubt the Minelab SD2100 is the simpliest Minelab PI to use. Very few bells and whistles and gets great performance on most ground conditions. Sucks, Minelab recently discontinued the SD2100v2. :angry: The SD2200v2 is still available though.

Talk with you later,

Rob Allison

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Hey Guys,

Here is some new information on the GPX-4500's.

I just spoke with Kevin at Minelabs and he informed me that there is a possibility of a weak circuit on a few of the GP4500 metal detectors.

You should only be concerned if the last four digits of your serial number is less than 1200.

Minelab will notify any customer that has purchased one of these detectors and will send them a prepaid shipping label so that they can return it at no charge to the customer. Only return the control box and not the complete detector.

Kind regards,

Steve Gholson

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Hey Guys,

Got an updated from Kevin H. at Minelab USA, Inc. last night. This is not a recall, but rather a handful of GPX-4500's in the US that could have problems. Luckily, the USA isn't effected like Australia.

Anyone that has a serial number within the batch Minelab suspects might be a problem, you will get a letter from them in the near future. However, Kevin didn't know the number range off hand.

Hope this helps a bit,

Rob Allison

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I got my letter from Minelab today. It states to contact Minelab or the dealer you purchased it from to arrange to return the control box for check out at Minelab's cost. They enclosed a detail sheet to send in with the control box. I will call Monday and find out how they plan to deal with the shipping. I am sure glad that Minelab is recognizing the fact that there is a problem and that they are willing to fix it and am glad I still have my GPX4000 for the down time. You would know if you have one of the affected machines, mine is probably one of them. Take care.



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Do you know anything about a recall on the GPX4500? I just got this off of the OZ. forum saying some have already received the notice. Maybe somebody out there knows more about this recall if it's true.


hi guys im new to this forum so i hope im replying in the right way im from OZ and i belive the recall on the 4500 is serial numbers for 0 to 1000

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Hey Mono Man,

Minelab wanted me to clarify it's not a "recall." A recall is when all units must be recalled in for some reason or another. The serial number range is from 00000 - 01200. If you're GPX-4500 is within this range, you will probably receive a letter from Minelab in the near future. I have yet to receive a letter and my serial number is under 100 (00100). :blush: Maybe dealers are the last ones to be taken care of.

Welcome to the forums once again. Hope to see you contributing more in the near future.

Rob Allison

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The letter that I received says to contact Minelab or the dealer that I purchased it from to arrange for the shipping. No prepaid shipping label was in the letter. I will call them tomorrow and find out what the deal is. I am pretty sure that I have one of the machines that has a problem. I was out yesterday and the threshold is very unstable. Sometimes it sounds like a plane is overhead when there is not one and you just have to wait for it to calm down. There are also times that you just start getting good sounding targets and then they disappear. I was using the factory presets, autotuned when the threshold would get bad and then even lowered the gain to 6 and finally had to quit. I have still found gold, but it is hard stay out long. I'll let you know what I find out and I need one of the 18" Goldstalker coils as well, so I'll call you in the next couple days. Talk with you soon. Take care.



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I got my notice the other day. I'll send mine in for sure. It's too stinking hot and humid right now anyway. It seems to be working okay , but with all the unstable atmoshere in Az. this time of year , it's hard to make a call. I'm only concerned about the turnaround time. I rarely go a week without getting the urge to hit the patches.----Bob

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