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Yup, Ron but not good news, sandtraps cousin, Jack London, set everything up at Loma Linda, they drove down and was at the heart drs. Today, he was all set to help Alec, The agreement between her insurance and Jack London was that they were to pay 30% and Stella has to pay the rest, Well after getting there and seeing the DR. he ordered a bunch of test and sent Stella down to fill out the paper work, In short, the insurace backed out, and the DR. got them on the phone, there was a shouting match between them, and they refused to pay anything. Now by law she is still covered for 60 days after she was fired, its only been sice last Wensday. The DR. said Alec had to have treatment no later than the 29th of this month. no butts about it. So this is where it stands now, I'm going to have her get ahold of Jack London again and see what he can do. What the company she worked for and the insurance is breaking the law. The way they figure it, is a dead boy will cost them less than life time medical for him. Needless to say my wife is upset and so is Stella. Wheels of justic turn slow, maybe too slow for Alec. I'm going to have her get on the forum and post whats going on, in her own words. Grubstake

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Gary, it would be good to know the exact facts, names, dates, companies involved, etc. ... It sounds like it's time to get the media involved in short order...But we need to be factual....Nancy Grace and CNN will be all over this, but we need a factual approach...Among all the folks on the forums, there's people who can provide the reach Alec needs right now...Talkin' hours...Do the best you can...Ron

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I just talked to Stella, she is going to get on and make a post on all of this sometime tonight, She's tired but I told her she would be the best one to post all the facts. She's the one dealing directly with this mess. So I told her there was a lot of folks that want to know exactly whats what. I hope she will be posting soon. Grubstake

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I guess Stella will post tomarrow, She's been up since 1 am this morning, driving to Loma Linda and then all day down there and back. Tring to get her to get the news media involved. So I hope. Grubstake

Gary, I retired from nursing in Merced in 1985 but kept abreast because of tons of foster kids until I left CA about 7 years ago...however, if nothing has changed, here is an option for Alec...they move in with you post haste...Get a doc to refer you to Valley Children's crippled Children's services will get everything you need for him including medi-cal and subsistence for them. She will need to get a CA DL immediately or a CA ID card, will need her birth certificate and alec's as well, also social security cards. Stella will need or have access to his medical files..they can be faxed.

Another option is come over to AZ with same documents...get AZ ID or DL, stay with us, I am 4 blocks from the University hospital...whether she has funds or not they must give every treatment to Alec that he needs, through the university hospital...AZ doesn't much do subsistence funds but I can take care of Stella's needs. As long as they are citizens of the US and are in AZ, the hospital must provide services....they will send a bill later but $5/month till hell freezes over will do.

Texas is the only other state I know that requires full medical treatment to be given with or without funds to pay.

I cannot believe Loma Linda didn't call up a social worker right then and there...there are lots of funds available for kids treatment in CA...but I don't know that they have to provide funding for out of state kids...At your place or my place she will have a local address.

This email sounds stiff to me...I am po'd at the insurance company, at Loma Linda for not doing what they should have...I am just ticked...this baby needs help now, every minute of delay is putting his life in danger...Stella is doing everything she can and this time the system is getting very close to child abuse and neglect.

All my love and prayers...forgive me but I get really ticked off when it comes to kids...I would be stomping down the door of social services at this point...let the lawyers take care of the dang insurance company....Deedy

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Since Jerry{jet521} is not registered here yet, {HE has applied. but not been aproved} Stella has made a post under his Jet521 in Bill Southerns forum, under my post. She kinda explains what has taken place. So please go to Nuggetshooter forum and look. Thanks Grubstake

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Hello Everyone,

Words cannot begin to express how greatful that I am to each and everyone for your prayers, support and donations that have been sent forth for my son and myself. I am exteremly greatful to each and every person that has answered the call and has helped me and my son during this very diffifcult time in our lifes. I pray that God will bless each and everyone for the kindness and genorouisity that you have shown to my son and myself.

Today I took Alec for his long awaited doctors appointment at Loma Linda and Jerry was gracious to drive my son and myself all the way to Loma Linda and back home again. Please excuse me if I mispell any words I have been up for 32 hours so far but I wanted to say Thank you and to update everyone on what is going on with my son at this moment.

The doctors seen Alec today ran a EKG and listened to his heart and then said that he needed to take action NOW to help Alec. Alec is still in a third degree heart block and he is getting worse and his heart is losing it functionality quickly.The doctor then ordered serveral different test ( Stress Test, 72 hour holter monitor, ECHO gram and another appointment with the electorlogist) When I went to take Alec to the ECHO room to have the ECHO gram completed I was informed by the nurse that they could not complete the test because my insurances company has declined all testing and surgery for Alec.

The doctor informed me that they could not complete any of the needed tests that have to be conducted on Alec prior to the doctor scheduling his surgery (The Doctor) informed me that he would personally follow-up with my insurances company and reschedule Alec's appointment on Sep 29, 2008 and that he needed to get Alec's testing done ASAP so that he can save Alec's life.

I belive that my insurances company is dening Alec's treatment due to my employer since they fired me a couple of weeks back. I gave Jerry's wife Jack's office number and she called and spoke with Linda while I was on the phone with my insurances company. Linda from Jack's office called me back and they had my insurances company agree to Alec's testing requested that the doctor made today so we will be going make to Loma Linda on Sep 29, 2008 and Alec and I will be staying at the MC D's house I already submitted the request to MC D's house today and it was approved for Alec and I as long as we need to stay while the doctors at Loma Linda complete the life saving treatment that my sweet son needs. MC D's house will only charge me 10.00 a day and I will have to buy food for Alec and I while we are staying there.

Please pray everything gets approved for all of Alec's testing on Sep 29, 2008 and if anyone would like to ask me any questions please feel free to ask me and I will answer them. Jerry and his wife will let me logon so that I can keep you update on what is going on with Alec.

I would like to say THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR EVERYONES KINDNESS and my son Alec is deeply greatful to all of the kind peopel that are praying for him and help us at this time. My son is a great, terrific and special little boy. My son would like to say that you all are very nice peopel he says that you are wonderful and that he loves all of you for caring abou him and helping him.

Jerry's wife is a saint she has been helping with finding important information and has been a great support to me during this time. She gives me a hug when every I need it and Alec too. She is a awsome friend and lady.

God Bless you all,

Stella Ravella and Alec

Just for everyones imformation, Stellas Mailing Address has changed to: Stella ravella

Incare/of Jerry thomas

1526 Aztec Way

Las Vegas, NV. 89169

Thank you again everyone. Grubstake

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Well Guys, thanks as Stella said, we are greatful to you all. I had her log in under my name and password, to save time. Until the 29th. that the up-date, but on top of that, my mother-in-law, Stellas grandmother, got put in the hospital today, for water build-up around her heart, and will be in the hospital overnight up here in Mariposa. When it rains here it pours. Grubstake

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Hi Everyone,

Jack called me today and informed me that he has spoken to the President of my insurances company and they have agreed to approving Alec's test on Sep 29, 2008 when I take him back to Loma Linda. Jack also informed me that himself and his wife would like to help my son and I and he will be giving me some money to pay for food and gas when I take Alec back to Loma Linda. I am so greatful for everyones help and also greatful that Jack was able to provide the help that I needed to get my insurance company to approval the testing.

I will send an updated post once I have all of the test results back from the Doctors and I will be contacting channel 3 here in LV to get the ball rolling on that as well on this Monday.

I am so afraid for my son and my heart is broken that he has to go thru what he is going thru right now. But I have the faith that God will keep his hand upon my son and he will make sure that my son gets the medical treatment that he needs.

The doctors in LV do not want to treatment my son because they are covering up for the doctor who caused this problem in the first places.

I know that the doctors at Loma Linda will do everything that needs to be done so that has given me hope for Alec. He is a good boy and he is so sweet.

I greatful to everyone for all that you have done and I thank you from the bootom of my heart and I will keep all of you in my prayers.

Thank you,

Stella Ravella

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Hello Gary and all...well there she is....I hope ya all don't beat me down on this Forum...Just wanted you all to know I am new to it...Gary I am sorry to hear of your Mom inlaw...and Hope that all goes well with her...Our prayers are with her that she recovers fully...Today was a Better day and We really enjoy having Stella and Alec here and I have been meaning to ask you is there a Button around to slow him down any?? He sure does alot for his age and I am Happy about that...Maybe its just me gettin old eh? Gary if you need let us know...Take care all jet521 aka jerry

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yeh, thats what worries me, he's a 7 year old, with a heart condition that he can die from any minute and its hard, hard to keep 7 year olds down and quit running around. I know he gets bored. like all 7 year olds. and doen't understand why he has to settle down. I know on the phone yesterday, he asked me if he got well would I take him out to look for a gold nugget. I told him you bet!. This DR. at Loma Lina, sounds like he's going to take care of him. I hope so. I'd trade places with him, after all the years I have lived and things I've seen and done, been all over the world, in every single state driving truck, I've had a pretty full life. If my heart was any good he could have it. But mines too damaged too. I know what kind of pain he is going through, and NO! 7 year old kid should have to face that for the rest of there lives. Thanks Jerry for helping Stella and Alec. Your a good guy and so is Paulet. Grubstake

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  • Admin

Hello Gary, Stella and others,

Thanks for keeping us all updated on what is going on. I've been under the weather for the last couple of days, so been off the forums. The advantage we have today is the fact the medicine and technology is much more advanced and the fact we are all praying for the little guy.

Also, someone asked if the paypal account was still active? What is the best way for new people to send payment to Stella and Alec?

Please keep us updated,

Rob Allison

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Thanks Rob, yes the paypal is still open, but they are restricting her on how much she can get out a month, until she appliies and gets a paypal debit card. I post her current address up on this thread, for now, thats the fastest way to get money to her, by check or M.O. but they can still do paypal if by credit card. Its just she won't have access to it until after the first or until she gets the paypal card. Thanks Gary

Paypal is still:

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Hello Gary and all...Yes I got it Gary..Thanks...also glad to hear that Mom made it out of the Hospital...I think Stella and Paulette put some heat on the phone wires yesterday...Seems they were on the phones all day calling everyone Dr's Lawyers State Agencies...We are so Lucky to have my sweet wife helping Stella...I guess I'll just have to upp her allowance :rolleyes: I hope you don't get skunked again when you get out again this week...I'll be taking more pis of Alec and Stella for ya soon...Take care ............jer

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