I Love Pulse Induction!

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Hey All,

Just got back from another great trip to NV.

We hunted some "new to us" ground. I was detecting rapidly cross country, moving across a number of small washes just hoping to hear a target and locate a new patch for us.

I was working my way down from the top of a saddle to the bottom when I started noticing scapes and holes that were filled in. I knew exactly what I had stumbled across; someone else's patch! Now most people would have probrably turned around and headed in another direction, but I like to try and find the nuggets that others have left behind. Plus there was no doubt in my mind that it was a gold bearing area, nobody spends that much time working over one area if they have not found anything.

So with that in mind, I decided to go through it with a fine tooth comb. First I tried to study the ground, as I walked through it pointing out the old filled in holes that looked like might have produced a nugget.

The patch looked to me like it was in a "V" shape, heading into the deeper part of the wash. However all the dig holes appeared to be rather shallow, and on the side hill. In fact there wasn't any evidence of digging in the very bottom. So that is where I focused.

I was about 10 minutes into it swinging my gpx-4000, fitted with my 16" Nugget Finder-RM. My machine was running absolutly perfect, just a soft purr, when it paused for a sec. I swung the coil back over that spot and it produced the same result. It was kind of wierd it was not really even a signal, the threshold just paused when I swung it over this area but it would repeat every time.

I cleared an area about 2x2 feet, and about 5 inches deep. Then put my coil over it again... I started to chuckle a little. It was still very quiet, but it had that deep repeatable low-high tone.

I waved my father over and we spent a wonderful 45 minutes digging what we knew was going to be a nice hunk of gold, and it was. At what I would guess about 24-26 inches deep came a goregeous 38.5 gram solid nugget.

I yelled at the top of my lungs, and then thanked the good lord as I usually do. :D

I ended the trip with 46 grams.

Dad also found a few nuggets.

Happy hunting everyone.




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Dam Gus, NICE! Guess the moral of the story is dig ALL repeatable signals whether your threshold peaks a little or not. Mind if I ask you what timings you had it set on, sensitive or general? Your post gives me confidence in my 4000 again. Thanks!


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  • Admin

Hey Gus,

Wow! It's always great to go back to an old patch (yours or someone else's) and find gold nuggets that have been missed. Do you think the prior patch finders were using bigger Minelab PI's? I would have done the same as you, jump right down in the gut and see what they missed at depth. Just goes to show the big Minelab's and aftermarket coils will find some nice pieces at depth.

Maybe the patch finders will read the forums and see what they missed. :wacko:

Thanks once again for sharing your story and finds.

Wishing you many more,

Rob Allison

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Nice gold! Thanks for sharing your finds and the story. Sounds like a great trip. Way to go with hitting the patch to see if they missed anything. What a beautiful nugget. I got skunked this weekend looking for a new spot. Thanks for posting your gold.

Take care.



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Hey guys, thank you all for your kind replies. :blush:


Good to hear from you. It's been awhile since we have exchanged words. hopfully you will share some of your finds on this forum.

I remember some of your photos with great big holes, pretty impressive nuggets to boot.

I hope you have been having a successful year. Take care.


I do think they were using a big PI machine. by the size (diameter) of their scrapes and holes they were swinging a pretty good size coil as well.

They really didn't leave me to many, I only found 3 they missed. One just happend to be a dandy.

I was not real happy with the way the last close up photos of that nugget came out, so here is my second attempt.




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