The Ant and the Grasshopper.

Guest goldstudmuffin

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Reg 12 years worth of sanctions on Iraq didn't mean they were harmless it meant they were a threat and the democrats held those sanctions in place also. Now one thing I am sure of was Bush had his own personal reason all he needed was an excuse and we should have been out of there a while back but i am no general for an Army neither are you or any of us. One thing I do not believe is those boys lost there lives in vane a lot of bad people were taken out and put behind bars.

You are entitled to your beliefs and speech without being called names too, we all have rhetoric hitting us from both sides heck a number of different sides and observations.

There's a lot of things my choice of politicians have made mistakes on what I see as very important issues, i'm very dissapointed even to the point of unsure how can any of us be sure of those people to do whats best for us when they all have special interests and that's every last one of them, BUT we have to weigh out for ourselves what we think will work best for all of us that's freedom .

On a personal note having to do with prospecting I have had very little luck lately I have my dredge on the San Joaquin river now for over a month without getting to do much dredging due to water levels being to high, I found the pay streak but can't get to it without endangering myself and my helper so i'm just waiting and hoping things change soon, the rain won't effects up much I hope , it didn't last year when we had huge storms the water level stayed low but this year I am in deeper water 10 feet + not very knowledgeable about working that kind of water but i'm learning and just trying to stay alive :blink:

Stay dry this weekend guys

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Hi! Vini, raining here, too! I have not got over a nugget for sooo! long, I forgot what they look like, between DRS. apiontments, Got my flu shot{it worked} I got a mild case of the flu. family stuff, and everything else trown in. Just haven't been much. but now that this rain will get out of here on Tuesday, well I might have a chance. Golds gone back down, weather is cooler, now I can stay out longer, I hope. You couldn't pay me to dredge any more, I did that for years, fun sometimes, but frooze my butt off doing it many times. Can't take the cold like I used too, to many blood thinners. Maybe these storms will get the gold moving, next two days is going to be raining like a cow pissin on a flat rock here. Cheers. And in three days no one will mad, it will be over oneway or the other. Grubstake

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Claim Jumper,

Once again you do not know what you are talking about. The facts are, Bush began planning the invasion of Iraq in January 2001, 9 months before 9/11. You really should learn to read and you would know these things. So, Bush did not have the same info as everyone else. In fact all indications were Iraq was no threat. Even the CIA had that in their records from years past.

Finally, I could give a damn if people forget me or not. That is the least of my worries.


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You say you vote to protect your guns. So, my guess is you do not believe in a nationalized health care system that that would be socialistic plus it would indicate that just maybe the Democrats have a decent idea. Yes it is socialistic. Now, which is more important, your guns our your grandson???

Keep in mind that today the US is the only major industrialized nation that does not have a national health care plan. Keep in mind that the US ranks 37 out of 150 countries as to the quality of care. No, it is not first or even close. Those countries that rank higher do have a national health care system. Keep in mind that the medical costs for health care in the US are about twice what they are in other countries. Keep in mind that many decisions today are made by insurance companies and not by doctors. Keep in mind that under a HMO, many doctors lose money by taking more tests. Keep in mind that the average life expectancy in the US is dropping. Keep in mind that if national health care would have been in place or was in place today, there wouldn't be any problem with treatment for those truly needing it regardless if they had a job or not. Keep in mind that if national health care was in place, there would be no need to take shortcuts or cut costs. Keep in mind that if a full national health care plan was in place, someone would have to answer for major screw ups simply because of national outcry.

So, are your guns really worth all that has happened to you and your family?? Would you trade them for medical coverage that wasn't trying to avoid full or the best treatment?

The truly sad part is, there are a whole lot of other people besides you who will suffer because of poor or no health care in this country. My guess is you either go to the VA or are on Medicaid. Keep in mind both of these two programs are just socialistic portions of our government. Do you really want to do away with socialistic programs? I am sure McCain will assist you.

You right wingers can really be proud of your stance on this subject that socialism is bad. Muffin Gump, chances are members of your family will not be able to afford health care in the future. Why worry, you got yours!!! So, you can be proud of your stance that they will gamble without coverage and you can hope they don't end up needing medical attention. Why care anyway, your family shouldn't have to worry about national health care or need it because you have all the answers and the fact you know socialism is bad. The real truth is, you will be affected in the long run and you will not like the results. It is just a matter of time.

Unfortunately, this problem with the medical system will affect most of you right wingers or your children or your grandchildren in the long run since most companies are doing their best to shed the health care coverage or at least the cost of it. Once again, you prove stubbornness and stupidity will prevail over intellect. So, you belt sized IQ geniuses, keep your mindset that you know what you are doing. After all, you can have more kids, right?


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Hey Guys,

This is one reason I stick to prospecting and not to politics or religion. Too many opinions that leads to endless debates like we are seeing here.

On another note, I think we are in Iraq and some of these other third world Countries for a reason. If you would do more than read book, but actually talk with some of the Soldiers that are over there fighting, you will hear what they have to say from the front lines. One young Soldier told me the people are glad we are there and they can now wear their hair differently, walk the streets differently, don't have to hide and be afraid now .... Majority of them want FREEDOM like we have here in the US.

The Soldiers are proud of what they are doing and doing a great job from the resources they are given.

P.S. If you don't like this country (USA) or what we are doing (war against Terrorism), get the FUCK OUT!~ Oh I forgot, it's easy to voice your opinion (from Home) while having one of the best US Militarys protecting your ass! (Not directed at any one person)

Just my opinion,

Rob Allison

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Muffin Gump,

Scientists believe the human species will split into two groups. You are clearly proving them to be true.

I was here first, you move. This is my USA and I am going to take it back from those who shoot their mouths off with no facts to back their rhetoric.


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Reg. #1 I spent 7 years in the US ARMY, I am a two year Viet Nam Vet.

#2 My uncle was in the Marines, wounded in Viet Nam, was there the same time I was, he also has a Navy Cross, for gallantry.

#3 My nephew just got out of the Marines after two stents in Iraq. He is glad he went.

#4 My Son-in-law Just got back from the DMZ in South Korea, and has orders to got to Afganastan, he is a Sniper with the Rangers. we were all volinteers. Yep your right about going to the VA or Medicaid. I worked and paid into it, and I'm also a vet. My father was one, two other uncles, my grandfather was one and my greatgrand dad was In the spanish American war. I'm am also 1/2 Cherokee from Oklahoma. So I know about giving and taking, the white man came and said how! we come in peace! All we want is your land!. I don't feel that I'm taking anything for free, I earned what I get too, by serving and paying in to the system. And yes I worry about my kids and grandkids. Thats why my family served in the military. To protect all we do have. Grubstake

I don't slam you for what you think, you have the right to say what you want, the consitution says you can. After all thats why we go to war, to protect your rights and mine, and to try and give those same rights to others that dearly want them.

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Guest goldstudmuffin

Reg Grasshopper elite

With your superior intellect you should be smart enough to know Socialism has not worked anywhere it has been tried. Why not ask the people of the Soviet Union, Cuba, Communist China, North Korea, Vietnam? Not one of these countries has succeeded without millions of deaths and numbers of starving citizens. Stalin massacred his own people, also Kim Jong allows his citizens to starve. Vietnam had millions of its people killed when the United States pulled out.

Reg grasshopper, Cuba has refugees leaving everyday, there's plenty of room for you down there too. I'd bet you'd be best buddies with Fidel Castro in no time at all! You and Fidel could set up missle bases in Cuba and wipe out all the right wingers in the USA.

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I think it was Ann Coulter that said the only qualification you need to be a liberal is to be angry. Come to think about it, I don't believe I have met a liberal that wasn't angry about something.


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I don't slam you for what you think, you have the right to say what you want, the consitution says you can. After all thats why we go to war, to protect your rights and mine, and to try and give those same rights to others that dearly want them.

Right on Gary thats a good sign of true tolerance your a good man.

I think it was Ann Coulter that said the only qualification you need to be a liberal is to be angry. Come to think about it, I don't believe I have met a liberal that wasn't angry about something.

You know DOC at a recent family gathering I had several FAMILY members who I know are liberal, just as Palin entered the scene so I asked a real simple question " What do you guys think of Palin "? MAN my Aunt ROARED out of her chair literally coming at me with fangs showing and my own lil sister flushed RED both started attacking me but what came out of there mouths was BUSH, BUSH this and BUSH that LOL. I had to run and hide behind my lil Ma for protection HEH HEH, it was VISCOUS to say the least.

I've fought against liberals on other boards for YEARS now ever since Bush got into office, it espercially escalated when kerry was running but this is a totally different animal now and obama is even more threatening to our country IMHO.

This country doesn't need EVERYTHING changed and that what obama's goal is all the way up to the constitution and he wont stop there all his sheep are following too lots of them. A lot of people think this country and it's values are totally screwed up well there not, something got out of hand yes but it's not something that can't be fixed it ain't totally broke but thats not what a liberal will tell you, they have there own AGENDA and it aint good and its been PROVEN NOT TO WORK EVERYTHING THEY WANT TO DO HAS ALREADY BEEN PROVEN THAT THERE ALREADY BROKEN IDEAS, NOTHING NEW NOTHING ORIGINAL NOTHING GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey Reg,

To be honest, I can care less about your politcal beliefs, as everyone has their own. However, I sure miss those times when we all would meet up for a few days and do some nuggetshooting. I had a great time out in Quartzsite when you and your Father showed up on my friends claims in the La Paz area. I've really learned a lot about PI's from you, even though I'm partial to the Minelab PI's.

We all know not every metal detector will find ever single piece of gold. Heck, if you never hear it, you would never have known a piece of gold was even there. I remember when we used to always do all those test comparisons and then try to figure out why one detector would find it and not the other. Whether it had to do with timings, when it sampled ... ect.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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I think Reg spends all his time reading liberal rants. Libs have been really upset since the Clinton impeachment. Then Gore lost and whammo, then came 911. 911 was really a bad day for libs. Reality set in but only for a short while. Then Kerry lost. It is easy to see why liberals are so hyped up about Obama. As I just wrote in another post, be very careful what you wish for. IMHO a liberal President like Obama with libs in control of the House and Senate will result in a wave of new laws -- and liberal judges who legislate from the bench -- that will change many aspects the America most of us love.

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Howdy Reg and Rob... Gosh I hope it all right if I add to Rob's last post. I remember

when both of you were testing learning and sharing information. You even let ol' Dear

Me participate... The was many years ago, back your (Rob's) forum and (Bill's too) were

just starting out and anyone could post w/o needing to "join."

At one time the three of us were very interested and involved in meteorites. Reg and

I posted on one of the meteorite forums considable information on the "how to"

use various detectors to detect low iron Stones... Reg was especially gifted with

being able to cut to the quick and come up with the information needed.

At one time the three of us were planning to join our knowledge and write a booklet

on meteorites; but other things put this on the back page.

Reg and I have both worked at different steel mills he in Colorado and I in California...

Reg as electrcial engineer making sure the product was competitive with the emerging

foreign competion... while I worked on the finish end making sure using the

"older technolgy" the rolls were round and the steel was true.

We both saw the steel industry go "south." I bailed out and left to become a dumb

old jr. high shop teacher while Reg stuck it out and lost his retirement... this was

quite a financial blow back then. Reg really took a stiff one on the chin. He lost his

retirement that took him many years of both hard and physically dangerous work

to build up... now gone "phhooof."

It was sad for both of us to see our USA industry go overseas. American jobs being

lost. Not only in the steel industy but also copper mining as well as other metals and

even the non metals. Today it is everything, even a rubber band or paper clip.

Now Reg being the man his is; forged on and became involved in testing various

detectors and other equipment... He became involved with the pulse technology...

now his knowledge and ability the greatest... I know he is spending considerable

time [with "dummies" such as I am] answering questions on the various forums.

Actually he is a recognized leader in the development of "low powered PI's."

(which do not comptete, as does the Garrett Infinium, Eric Foster's Goldscan, the

White's TDI and other "small battery" pulses with "big battery" minelabs).

Rob, I'm not ignoring you old buddy... We both miss the old Reg.... I'm as saddened

as you are that this above thread has "gone down" as it has. Also, I'm not surprised

as there is slowly appearing more and more anger on this great forum...

even threats (that you recently needed to deleite).

Actually, this thread started as "off topic" and should not be on the subforum...

It is not in any of our best interests...

Now EVERYONE... as JP Hall, who originally started the California Mining Journal (CMJ),

back in 1932 during the Great Depression when there was much anger in the USA...

Mr. Hall said... "Let's Go Gold Mining."

My Best to ALL... Jim "tailgate" Straight

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To those that feel socialized health care is the answer over our current health care system why is then that hospitals and doctors are more and more refusing to take medicare and medicaid patients. Its because these organization as government run organizations dictate what they will and will not pay for. Hospitals and doctors then have no choice but to pass on those losses on to others who can pay, whether it be the individual or the insurance provider, another reason health care premiums are as high as they are. Once we have a socialized government run system what quality of doctors do you think will be there for you? I would venture to say that if any of you had the means to pay directly out of pocket for your health care that you wouldn't chose the VA or any other government run socialized health care system, you would find a doctor in the private sector. Good luck suing the federal government for malpractice. Overall I see the democratic party as leaning more and more to the socialist agenda, they creat a generation of people dependent upon them, or should I say us the tax payer, for their lively hood thru public assistance programs which inturns keeps those folks voting them back into office. Its become more about job security than it is about helping folks. In short socialism is like a cancer, it slowly eats away at its host until it kills it. The host in this case is the tax payer, when were gone who's going to pay there way.

Just my thought, Wes.

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Hawkeye , you are so right. I see numerous Californians, the blue state, moving to Texas the red state, because of the socialized problems they have, and can't afford. Arnold can't keep up with the demand of government socialized programs without running the small business man out of state. Thats why I see a lot of Californians moving to Texas. and other states. Can't you imagine federal government imposing similar programs throughout the US. This would be the disasterous case for a majority liberal House, which we have, and a liberal President along with liberal appointed judges for which could very well happen. A persons elevater must not quite go to the top in order not to see this. Hang on to your seat belt, and your gold, this will be a very tubulent ride if this be the case.

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My wife has worked in the medical industry for the past 30 plus years. She has worked in every clerical department at our local hospital from personnel, billing, and the accounting department alone for the last 15 years. She is now working in administration under the CFO. She has seen were the money comes from and were it goes. Its bad enough that our government run medicare and medical pay what they feel like it should cost, not what it actually costs, but the liberial democrates have put in place legislation that allows the insurance carriers like Blue Cross, Blue shield and others to do the same thing. They can't charge for anything medicare will not pay for. If this continues or Obama puts worth his government run health care system we won't have hospitals and doctors to go to. Hospitals will go out of business and no one will seek the medical field as a career because there will not be the financial rewards that there once was. You and I probably won't see it at its worst but our children might and our grand kids definately will. Its already started here in california, just try to find a doctor that is taking on new patients if yours retires or goes out of state and forget trying to find one that takes medicare. Why do you think you hear so much about the waiting it takes to get a medical procedure done in places like canada and england. I wonder if the liberials that concock this socialized health care will be forced to use it also, I doubt it. And another thing that is likely to happen with Obama in office is his tax plan will punish individuals and businesses that make over 250,000 a year, at least that was his numbers last week I think he lowered that number already. That may seem like a lot but it isn't. Businesses and individuals will lose any incentive to invest in there businesses to exceed this amount. I have friends that have businesses that make that much and they have aready said they will be laying off and down sizing regardless of what the economy does if he is elected. Poor Oprah under his plan she will have to pay another 7 to 8 million in taxes, I won't get into the liberal agenda over environmentalizim, thats a whole other issue in itself. They have single handedly destroyed the timber industry, mining industry and the gas and oil industry in this country thru the long arm of the EPA.


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For those of you who may be interested, go to:

I have never in my 59 years, seen a presidential candidate who has so many unanswered questions surrounding his life. Sort of brings to mind a whole bunch of things my daddy used to tell me: "If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, ......" or "Where there's smoke there's fire."

To be honest, I would have had less problems with a Hillary Clinton presidency. Don't get me wrong we are at polar opposites when it comes to issues, and I don't think she would have been the best candidate. But Hillary is ruthless, and I know our country would have been kept safe. She can spout the campaign rhetoric about ending the war, but I have this feeling that she would not allow our troops to come home until the job was done.

While I would not have liked a Hillary presidency, I think the country could have withstood 8 years of Hillary and our country would still look like America at the end. Besides watching Bill run around the behind the scenes getting in trouble is pretty entertaining. Bill was an OK president when he wasn't letting "liitle Bill" get him in trouble. I alsways wondered what the heck he was thinking when he lied to America. Doesn't he know all he would have had to do was say "WHOOPS, sorry, I screwed up. But look at my wife! She wears pant suits to bed, can you blame me?"

With Obama, I have no doubt that his presidency will cause a massive schism in our society, and the America we once knew will never ever be the same. Obama will bring us all together? Yeah right, that's why the blogs of Obama supporters are talking about the streets running red with blood if he loses.

I heard an audio of an interview with an excited Obama supporter: when asked why she was so excited she said,

"VOICE: It was the most memorable time of my life. It was a touching moment.


VOICE: Because I never thought this day would ever happen. I won't have to worry about putting gas in my car. I won't have to worry about paying my mortgage. You know, if I help him, he's going to help me. "

This is going to be one very angy woman when she finds out that gas isn't going to be free, and the bank will still foreclose on her if she doesn't pay her mortgage.

But this is the mentality that Obama appeals to, the "entitlement society." The what have you done for me lately crowd.

I heard a guy call into a local radio talk show last Saturday complaining about there are no jobs to be found anywhere, and this will change when Obama is elected. Later that day my wife and I went to the shopping mall where we counted, 17, SEVENTEEN! Now Hiring signs!

There will always be the haves, and the have nots, because there will always be those who believe in being self-sufficient and doing what ever it takes to go out and find work. And there will be those who are willing to sit on their butts and wait for the next hand out.

If Obama gets elected, I will be laying off employees and down sizing, because I have to prepare for an increase in taxes. I'm not the only small business owner thinking this way.


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Guest goldstudmuffin


Obama: God Damn America

Obama will NOT salute during the singing/playing of the National Anthem.

Obama will NOT wear "that pin" (the US flag).

‘‘I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest,’’ he said in the interview. ‘‘Instead, I’m going to try to tell the American people what I believe will make this country great, and hopefully that will be a testament to my patriotism.’’

"Just like Wright says...screw America. My allegiance is to Allah." Obama: God Damn America

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My wife who is from Venezuela can let you know exactly what kind of government we will have if we let Obama in. The people of Venezuela has their Obama and now he's changed the constitution, got rid of most of the opposition, eliminating individual freedoms on a daily basis, promised to eliminate government corruption and now its worse than it has ever been, to eliminate poverty - no change may be worse, giving the poor free medical services with Cuban doctors, educating the poor - teaching them to read and write, want to know what they are learning??? Socialism....and states he will not be leaving office for a very long time. Take care America...its closer than we think.

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I find it very interesting that if you talk to any person who is foreign born, and now lives here legally, and is gainfully employed, they shutter at the thought of an Obama presidency.

They simply don't understand why Americans would consider making a man the president that represents the type of oppression that many of them left. They are afraid.


My wife who is from Venezuela can let you know exactly what kind of government we will have if we let Obama in. The people of Venezuela has their Obama and now he's changed the constitution, got rid of most of the opposition, eliminating individual freedoms on a daily basis, promised to eliminate government corruption and now its worse than it has ever been, to eliminate poverty - no change may be worse, giving the poor free medical services with Cuban doctors, educating the poor - teaching them to read and write, want to know what they are learning??? Socialism....and states he will not be leaving office for a very long time. Take care America...its closer than we think.
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