Get Well Soon Dawn

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Hey Guys,

Thanks! Dawn is now back home and doing much better. A few days ago we went in for a routine Ultrasound to see how the Baby was doing. The Ultrasound Tech acted somewhat funny, but didn't really say anything to us. A few minutes later the Doctor came in and stated Dawn's amniotic fluid around the Baby was very low and concerning. They admited her to the ER for a few days to have some treatments to get the fluid level back up to where it needs to be. The treatments have worked, but she must stay down and rest (you know, run the business, answer phone calls .... ).

If the Amniotic fluid stays low it will force you into labor. Dawn is only 31-32 weeks, so we don't want to have the Baby yet.

Thanks for all the concerns and prayers.

Rob Allison

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I'm glad to hear all is OK, Rob...Give Dawnie my best wishes...I have a new grand baby coming around the same time you're young'n will be coming...My daughter has has some similar issues too...Medical science is wonderful the way they can TCB .... All my best to you 3...Cheers, Unc

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Geez, Rob, I hope that doesn't happen again! Make her stay in bed, take it easy and rest!. My best to you guys, I want to see Dawnie get better! Rob! your as good as your going to get! after the baby comes, no sleep, no rest, your going to be feeding at 2 am, 4 am, changing diapers! Your just going to love it! Ha! Ha! Grubstake

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Geez, Rob, I hope that doesn't happen again! Make her stay in bed, take it easy and rest!. My best to you guys, I want to see Dawnie get better! Rob! your as good as your going to get! after the baby comes, no sleep, no rest, your going to be feeding at 2 am, 4 am, changing diapers! Your just going to love it! Ha! Ha! Grubstake

Don't forget getting Pee'd on :D

My daughter loved to hold some back so when I got her diaper off, she could tell me what she thought of me considering she couldn't talk :)

I hope things are complication free from here on out, congrats again on the little one.


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Hey Rob,

Tell Dawn she must stay off her feet now until the baby is born. No cheating. Diana and I went through this same thing with Alex, our last child.

Diana was put on bed rest, she went back for a check up and all was good and the doctor told her that she still had to stay on bed rest. Well my stupid wife thought it would be OK to clean the house. WHAM, the baby went into fetal distress and she was back in bed again.

The baby is not producing enough urine which means the kidneys are not functioning to their full extent. No smoking, no drinking, except for copious amount of non-alcoholic beverages.

But she has to stay off of her feet.


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MENOPAUSE ?? Been there done that! Like a rabid Mongoose with a thorn in it's foot, and that's on the good days!

Our little fetal distressed child is now 18. Apparently the complications of my wife's pregnancy had no effect of our daughter, because she is a perfectly healthy, attractive, annoying, 18 year old college freshman with unbelievably finely toned thumbs. YES, she has THUMBS that are probably in world class shape as thumbs go. How would I know that?

Well because Friday I got our cell phone bill and my lovely daughter at 11,208 text messages. I'M NOT LYING. over 11,000 text messages. Isn't that almost 400 text messages a day? I make her pay $20 a month for unlimited texting.

Diana and I have been married 39 years, our daughter is 18, you do the math, Apparently on our 20th wedding anniversary there was nothing good on television one evening and we went to bed before we were tired.

I'm almost 60 and have an 18 year old daughter, please just kill me now, put me out of my misery. And boyfriends, she is a doll, cute as a button, and I might as well put a revolving door in the front of the house, with the steady stream of guys coming for dinner. She goes through boys like shit through a goose. One time she was dating three guys at a time, I asked her how that was working for her, she said, "Fine Dad! I have a day planner." Being my daughter is a cutie, there is a constant stream of guys coming to the house for dinner. I feel like I should install a revolving door in the front of the house.

Our daughter Alex is the one in the front.


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Hello Everyone,

Thanks so much for all of the well-wishes and prayers, they are all greatly appreciated.

I promise to do everything the doctor tells me to do. He has already taken me completely off of work and wasn't happy that I was even working light duty because of some other issues that was I having due to the pregnancy. I must say, it has been quite the experience!!

We will keep everybody up to date on things and I am hoping to go the distance.

Although we want to see her and hold her, we are not ready, especially not like this and definitelyt not this early because they estimate she only weighs about 3.9 lbs. at this time.

All of her numbers have been good and she does not seem to be under a lot of distress. They have checked and re-checked all systems of her anatomy and basically I was severely dehydrated which didn't help her produce any fluid for herself. All of my numbers are coming up and I will be going in twice a week for ultrasounds and stress tests to make sure that she is alright. She is quite the trooper!!

Again, I want to thank everybody for your kindness and support during our bumpy lil' time. :rolleyes:

Take Care,


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Hey Uncle Ron,

We have a better handle on it now that what we did the day I was put in the hospital. When that doctor came in the room and told us that we may have her today and by c-section because she is breach, it was official freak-out time.

The due date is not until the 3rd of April so I still have another 8 weeks to go yet. A week or two early, I wouldn't mind so much, but not eight. :wacko:

For those of you who don't understand the measurements that are performed when you are pregnant, this is how this all came about.

Your stomach is supposed to measure however many weeks you are (in centimeters). When I went in to see the doctor, I was only measuring 27cm when I should have been measuring 31cm, which meant I was behind by 4 weeks and prompted the ultrasound. That is where they discovered that the baby did not have enough fluid around her which can eventually cause me to go into labor.

I am happy to report that Rob measured my belly here at home and I am measuring just under 31cm so I am almost exactly where I need to be, which is 32 weeks.

We will continue down this road and everything should turn out fine.


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Dawnie, that's great that things are back under control...My newest grand baby is due on April 1, and my last one, Ava, was also born on April 1...Dodie and my thoughts are with you in these last few months of this mystical experience...Here's Ava dropping me off at the Sacramento airport...Cheers, Unc

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  • Admin

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to tell everyone "Thanks" for the prayers and concerns. Dawn is not only my Wife, but my best friend and once my greatest prospecting partner (when she would go). Heck, she was outshooting me for a while (a long story!). :girl:

I'm lucky to have Dawn as my wife, but also lucky she is a RN. She's very knowledgeable and knows the Human Body from one end to another.

Thanks everyone,

Rob Allison

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