NOTICE! From Grubstake

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I thank you, but its not what I want, the problem is in the dial up and the provider up here pretty much has everyone by the gonads, as far as servie goe's. Our company up here in the Mariposa area is called STI net, sierra tell. and they are not cought up to the rest of the world as far as internet service. Even if I went high speed DSL, the main office is 40 miles away in Oakhurst. So I'm not really sure it would help that much. I'm going to look into Cricket, and see if my area is covered. it would be wireless and I think after you buy the Cricket plug in its the same price I'm paying now, but much faster. They have an office down in Merced, 40 miles from me, and the end of the month, when we go for our food run down there, I'm going to check into it. I the mean time, I'll struggle along on the dial up. . Grubstake


Our DSL main office is probably 170 miles away. ( oh yeah, that's right you been in Great Falls Mt a lot)Anyway it's west of GF in Fairfield Mt.

But they must have a local office closer to you? Give them a call. Try it out and if you don't like it tell them to keep it.

I imagine that you will be just like the rest of us and fight it tooth and nail and then when you get DSL you'll never want to go back to the

dreaded dial-up.


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Yeh, I just check into DSL here, its $30.00 a month+ $50.00 for the router box if I buy it, Cheaper than monthly rental. And $10.00 for a inline filter, what ever that is, and an instalation charge, then its $30.00 a month after that. and you have to keep it a year, or they charge $250.00 penalty for early termination. So after its set up, its comes out to $10.00 more a month than I'm paying now. But I was told that maybe I can get a senior discount. I'm going to call and talk to them tomarrow and see. The wife and I have been cutting back on lots of things, we did away with our garbage, and cut off long distance phone service, I wish I could cut my auto insurance, but its down to bare bones now. After the first of the year, they already raised co-pays on meds, and Medicare. So things have gotten tighter here. I told my wife since they penalise us for being married, we should get divorced and just live together, that would give us an extra $600.00 a month betwen the two of us, I don't want to repeat what she said. ROB doen't like that kind of language on the forum. Ha! Ha! Grubstake

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Yeh, I just check into DSL here, its $30.00 a month+ $50.00 for the router box if I buy it, Cheaper than monthly rental. And $10.00 for a inline filter, what ever that is, and an instalation charge, then its $30.00 a month after that. and you have to keep it a year, or they charge $250.00 penalty for early termination. So after its set up, its comes out to $10.00 more a month than I'm paying now. But I was told that maybe I can get a senior discount. I'm going to call and talk to them tomarrow and see. The wife and I have been cutting back on lots of things, we did away with our garbage, and cut off long distance phone service, I wish I could cut my auto insurance, but its down to bare bones now. After the first of the year, they already raised co-pays on meds, and Medicare. So things have gotten tighter here. I told my wife since they penalise us for being married, we should get divorced and just live together, that would give us an extra $600.00 a month betwen the two of us, I don't want to repeat what she said. ROB doen't like that kind of language on the forum. Ha! Ha! Grubstake


As a retired account and tax pro, you would be surprised at the number of people who actually do what you are proposing, just to reap the benefits (California deserves this, illegals take advantage, plus this is perfect justice to SB670) You should seriously give it some consideration. After all, con's fleeced this country by drawing social security while they were in jail or prison, and worse, but that's just my two cents on the subject.


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Never work for me, my wife is a diehard Southern Baptist, and I am too. But she goes to church three times aweek. She won't and I won't live a lie, and thats what it would be. . Its just how the system works, punish the married, and give it all to the singles and crooks. Grubstake Beside, my 17th aniv. is coming up soon.

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Never work for me, my wife is a diehard Southern Baptist, and I am too. But she goes to church three times aweek. She won't and I won't live a lie, and thats what it would be. . Its just how the system works, punish the married, and give it all to the singles and crooks. Grubstake Beside, my 17th aniv. is coming up soon.


Understand your commitment. My wife and I have been married 36 years and religious beliefs are in our way too. The system needs fixing among other things.


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Gary Have you tried updating your modem software? I know you said it was new but it may have sat on the shelf for awhile and the manufacturers upgrade their software all the time and some cases when you upgrade the software it is designed to reestablish a connection for you. also you may want to ping STI net and check you internet connection.

Steve/ Iron Horse I agree with you on Spybot SD I use it all the time. make sure you immunize in spybot after you get updates. BOTS Suck and the will interrupt your running programs causing delays or worse if their malicious bots, Trojans, one good indicator is your mouse starts acting spastic. most are advertising bots just designed to follow what your looking at. They still suck. :girl:


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Yeh BOB, all up dated, had a guy in church, thats a computor engineer look at my computor, everything is fine with is, he said my only option was DSL, So I guess the first of the year, I'm going DSL. either that or wait and have lunch while the forums load up. on dial up. Grubstake

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I told my wife since they penalize us for being married, we should get divorced and just live together, that would give us an extra $600.00 a month between the two of us,

Just take in a boarder! Have your wife sleep on one side of the bed and the boarder on the other side. Put yourself square in the middle and you will save even more on your heating bill.

Just kidding you. Ask you phone company if they can bundle you phone and DSL together as a package and if that fails, have them OBAMAzize it and then it will start to pay you back. :spank:

Talk to you later.


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Yeh Mike I talked to them today, its a $100.00 for the box, filters, and first months service, then $30.00 a month after that. with a one year contract. penalty of $250.00 if I pull the plug before a year is up. That the cheapest plan up here. Grubstake

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Yeh, the stress is what I have to cut, Wifes sick, I'm sick, Son-in-law just went to Iraq for a year, ,Just found out my Grandson has Hodgekins, and my mother has go on dialisise. . On top of that my wifes mother is in the process of moving to Fresno, guess who, has to move her. Grubstake

In Case anyone wants to send a Christmas card to a Warrior over in Iraq, heres my son-in-laws addy.


HHC 1-37 Ar 1-1 AD


APO-AE 09338

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As of Jan. !st 2010, I will no longer have internet service, all the forums have gone to a high speed format, and I have dial up, it takes me 10-15 minutes to load up a forum, and another 10-15 to post. So I have decided to withdraw from all the forums and do away with my internet service as of Jan. 1. Thanks Guys. its been fun. Rob, I'm sorry but the DRS. told me I'm supposed to de-stress, and I can't the way things are. Before it loaded instantly. I'll be on and off until the first of the month, then my email address will no longer be valid. Thanks Guys. Grubstake

Hi Grubstake Gary,

I too am having problems with the new forum. I don't have a brand new 'puter but it is running XP SP2 but also have this same problems on ebay and To post, I now have to write in Word or wordpad and copy/paste onto the forum because the post/reply box does not show up right. I can't type directly anymore since the new forum format...

Anyway, you might do a couple of things to make dialup more efficient. First thing, if you are using IE, go to tools, then security, trusted sites, add sites, and add in " *" as a trusted site. Next, again in tools, then internet options, to advanced and scroll down until you see "show pictures". Unselect "show pictures", and select "apply". That will cause your 'puter to load only text, no pictures. That will eliminate loading a lot of unnecessary images and files allowing faster downloading. There will be a box and an icon where the images would have been and IF you want to see that image/pic, click on the icon and that image will open. This prevents your 'puter from downloading every/all the images. The default setting loads every image and the more your 'puter downloads, the slower it will be...

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As of Jan. !st 2010, I will no longer have internet service, all the forums have gone to a high speed format, and I have dial up, it takes me 10-15 minutes to load up a forum, and another 10-15 to post. So I have decided to withdraw from all the forums and do away with my internet service as of Jan. 1. Thanks Guys. its been fun. Rob, I'm sorry but the DRS. told me I'm supposed to de-stress, and I can't the way things are. Before it loaded instantly. I'll be on and off until the first of the month, then my email address will no longer be valid. Thanks Guys. Grubstake

Forgot to add, ever since the furum change, my 'puter runs really slow here. I can hear my fan start up when I get here. Happens on ebay and Midway too.

Rob, can you ask your IT guy why that is? Thanks!

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Thanks Gaine for the advice, I got a handle on it after the first of the year, I will have DSL, it cost more a month and its got a set up fee and you have to buy or rent a DSl box, {cheaper to buy} and a tec has to come out a set stuff up. But its covered now, I just have to wait until after the new year. So I'll just struggle along with the long loading up and posting for anther two weeks, then I'l have it fixed. I was just going to do away with my internet, but a friend wants me to keep it. so I guess I will. Grubstake

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Gaine. I agree about giving up the TV first and I would consider doing that except that I am hooked on watching the Phoenix Suns basketball games. Since getting the sat dish internet service I've found that I can get all the news on my computer and chose what I want to see. With dial-up , news articles took forever to load and any videoes took forever to load and then played so jerky and broken that it wasn't worth the bother. Grubstake and his wife probably have tv shows they like to watch too. I think he has the right plan. I was concerned about the extra cost of upgrading , but am now glad I did it. It's only a couple of grams of gold a month.

Grubstake. Since your health problems are keeping you at home more, have you considered submitting some short stories to the various detecting mags? They don't pay much, but it might cover internet service If you can get some accepted. ----Bob

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Yes, I have though of it BOB, But not to Losttreasure, I have issue's with them, I had a subscription to them, missed many copies, they never would fix the problem, So I stoped it. I have send one Reno Chris helped me with to ICMJ, but they didn't accept it, working on a nother, but it takes time. W&E are pretty good and the pays not bad. But I'm don't with Losttreasure. Grubstake

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Your Right BOb, that magazine has gone down hill. I had it for a long time, they missed about 4 months on my and I cancelled, they said they sent them, and I know better, I know every guy working in the post office up here by first name, and they are all either Viet Nam Vets, or Gulf war Vets, and I never got my copies, then they started sending out notices that I needed to renew, I told them no thank you. but they just kept coming, I emailed them and finally the notice's stoped. I like ICMJ, more articles and less advertising, And W&E is still pretty good too. Ive had articles published in both of them and also in the magazine that Tesoro puts out. I wish Minelab would publish a Magazine on articles that there customers have found in the goldfields. I think it would go over good. Grubstake

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Well Montans and Grubstake... I guess I know something you folks are missing The February issue of LT has a captioned photo of Montana on pg 24. "Bob Dansie digs out a nugget north of the ghost town of Randsburg."

Also as you know Chris Gholson has been on of LT's Field Editors for years; and his field tests of the latest products are well thought-out and well written.

I have been in involved with LT for many years; I wrote and article honoring the late Terry Bone. Lucky me, we became partners and hunted in several areas. Northern Nevada amd also around Montgomery pass on the Nevada side. In the article I thought it best to move a gulch to a different area so as not to ire the full-timers... well guess what: Montana Bob knew what I did...

Now for a puzzle: Those of you who still get LT if you look carefully you will see a postage size ad somehere in the pages... If you find it, look carefully at the illuistation of someone

looking at a rock... For more information on the fella and what he is doing; reference 'Picks & Pans, ICMJ vol 74, no. 1 September 2004.

Gubstake... if you write about you and your ocean beach successes; likely W&E or LT will like using it... So get to doing it!

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