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The market has now become overwhelmed with fake Coiltek 12 X 19 Gold Stalker coils.

Trevor the Managing Director / Owner of Coiltek Manufacturing actually got his hands on one of them.

He told me, "Doc, this isn't just a "good" knockoff, this thing is almost perfect cosmetically." He said unless you knew precisely what to look for, the average person, including a dealer, would never know he had a fake in his hands."

We will alert our dealers in a confidential email, how to identify fakes. Our dealers are going to have to be extra cautious about honoring warranties, for fear they may be replacing a fake coil with a real Coiltek coil.

Trevor said, that the cosmetic appearance, is where the similarities in the coil ends. When they opened it up they found loose windings and very shoddy workmanship. The coil works, but it doesn't work well and falses a lot, does not have the depth or sensitivity, and is basically substandard in it's electronic construction.

We already have a scheme that will thwart these knock offs and make it easier to identify legitimate Coiltek products.

This may include things like random generated branding of the plastic with a secondary serial numbers or a series of symbols along with the primary serial numbers. We would then keep a confidential registry of what serial numbers were branded with what randomly generated secondary serial number or lot number. If those numbers did not match, we would know we are dealing with a bogus coil.

The bottom line is, DO NOT purchase any COILTEK coils unless from an authorized COILTEK MANUFACTURING dealer. And make sure you get a dated receipt that has the serial number listed on it.

Because of this fake coil situation, we are now going to have to be even more cautious of warranty issues with coils, so make sure you know your serial number and the dealer you purchased your coil from. We keep track of every serial number and what dealer the coil was sent to. This is the check and balance we use now. If you say, the serial number is 5547 and I got it from Rob, we do a search and see what dealer that coil is registered to. If it comes back as not being from Rob, then we will not honor the warranty.

I would also recommend you scratch your serial number into the coil, in case the serial number sticker comes off, or wears off.

The authorized dealers are listed on my site at:


BTW ... Rob is the first dealer listed.

Save yourself the pain and aggravation of buying a pretty piece of crap from an unknown party, and buy from a dealer.



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Hey Doc,

Any chance you can update my information on your dealers page? That info is from about 10 years ago.

Please change to -

Rob's Detector Sales

PO Box 8926

Surprise, AZ 85374


[email protected] - email

(623) 362-1459 - office line

(602) 909-9008 - cell


Rob Allison

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If you want to see fake coils, this guy on Ebay has 10 of them to sell, look in the body of the ad where it says they were made in China and they are 100% like the original. They are only going for a little over $500. He has 2 bids! So someone is going to get screwed.


Trust me this is one of those cat and mouse deals where we are not going to give up too much of what we know. Suffice it to say the fake coils are out there so be careful who you buy from.


How about some pictures inside of the fake coil? or the coil itself... I`m sure Trevor took pictures......

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I see the listing is closed with the winning bid $600.

I reported the seller as dealing in counterfeit items.

When my product was being counterfeited on ebay (and knowingly promoted on POZ) it took 3 days for them to respond and take the seller down.

Hopefully it will not take as long for this instance.

I tossed a monkey wrench into the gears with a fake listing warning of the counterfeits. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110548520926

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Yes I forgot to mention that of course I reported the guy to ebay as selling fakes as well. I also sent him under the ASK SELLER A QUESTION, a cease and desist, and to cancel any and all Ebay auction winners and that unless he sent me the 10 BOGUS coils to be destroyed we would proceed to sue him for fraud, copyright, patent and trademark infringement. And it's not a bluff.

This is a real problem and a real dangerous situation for consumers and for COILTEK as the manufacturer that is being infringed. This can wreck the good name of COILTEK.

I have some first hand experience with patent infringement. When I caught someone infringing my trademark and patent, I went to the FBI. We secured a federal writ of seizure, and myself and 10 U.S. Federal Marshals raided this person's place of business and tossed the place, recovering the infringing materials. Before it was all over, the party settled out of court for $125,000 cash. By the way he had saved a whole $5000 by trying to rip me off, and in the end, it cost him $125,000. A year later he filed bankruptcy.

Thanks Chris for reporting it also!


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That stinks, at least he discloses what it is, personally I've never bought anything from the Chinese as far as electronics are concerned that held up for any length of time. I keep thinking I will get something that is durable, nope, avoid Chinese electronics like the plague. :angry2:

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Electronics ????? a few years ago I was in between having sold my home and needed to set up a temp. work area I bought a medium sized vice new and the first time I had to use a hammer on an item in the vice I blew one of the jaws in half it just split in 2 pieces :spank: China steel is some of the worst crap out there.

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I'd like to point out that this also has the potential to distroy the second hand market for used detectors and coils.

I'd buy a used coil from NV_chris, Uncle Ron or some other guy I have met in person and know, but I would not recommend buying from someone new to the forum, recently signed up, etc. Buy used from someone you dont know and its a real high risk transaction. It might work out but you might also buy someone else's mistake.


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Here is something to consider, I expect to see bad performance posts/reviews from users that are unknowingly using fake substandard Minelab and Coiltek coils? I have noticed some cosmetic differences in the fake Coiltek coils and the Minelab 4500 detectors but as much as Id like to post them I fear the forgers will make changes. I will post the differences with permission. But if the seller is using a borrowed real photo such as happens on ebay sometimes, obviously your taking your chances. There is one thing that is consistent with forgers, they usually only fake the best. AzNuggetBob

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I would prefer if you did not post the differences. Any one that wants to know, please email me or message me here and if I know who you are I will be happy to tell you the differences.

We don't want the differences that we have detected to be public knowledge for the precise reason you have listed. We don't want "THEM" to know what it is they have to correct to make the perfect cosmetic fake.

We are implementing other safeguards to be sure. Along with the sequential serial number, there will be a random serial number that will be applied when the coil is sold.

Obviously there is no way for Counterfeiters to know what random number goes with which sequential number. Of course we will record these two numbers for every coil we sell. If they don't match our records, we will know it is a fake.

We have some other proprietary methods we are contemplating that involves a special piece of equipment that will embed an electronic signature and serial number inside the coil, that only a special scanner will be able to read. Sort of like a microchip inside of a dog.

Take care!


Here is something to consider, I expect to see bad performance posts/reviews from users that are unknowingly using fake substandard Minelab and Coiltek coils? I have noticed some cosmetic differences in the fake Coiltek coils and the Minelab 4500 detectors but as much as Id like to post them I fear the forgers will make changes. I will post the differences with permission. But if the seller is using a barrowed photo such as happens on ebay sometimes obviously your taking your chances. There is one thing that is consistent with forgers, they usually only fake the best. AzNuggetBob

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I would prefer if you did not post the differences. Any one that wants to know, please email me or message me here and if I know who you are I will be happy to tell you the differences.

We don't want the differences that we have detected to be public knowledge for the precise reason you have listed. We don't want "THEM" to know what it is they have to correct to make the perfect cosmetic fake.

We are implementing other safeguards to be sure. Along with the sequential serial number, there will be a random serial number that will be applied when the coil is sold.

Obviously there is no way for Counterfeiters to know what random number goes with which sequential number. Of course we will record these two numbers for every coil we sell. If they don't match our records, we will know it is a fake.

We have some other proprietary methods we are contemplating that involves a special piece of equipment that will embed an electronic signature and serial number inside the coil, that only a special scanner will be able to read. Sort of like a microchip inside of a dog.

Take care!


OK Doc, AzNuggetBob

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Yes they are!

Minelab has some pictures on their site. At first the fakes were pretty bad and easily discernible. However, I guess the latest batch are really cosmetically very good so be careful.


Does anyone know if 4500 batteries are also being faked?

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Thanks for the FAKE COILTEK COILs warning and throwing in the couterfit battery warning also. People will do anything to make a buck at the expense of the unsuspecting buyer.

Stay safe & watch your back - Frosty

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