My Two Weeks at Ganes Creek

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My two weeks at Ganes Creek netted me 5.65 oz of nice gold. As always great time with great people I was happy with my nugget count of a couple nuggets a day, but what was lacking was size. The larger nuggets of the past that boosted totals are getting harder to come by. The deeper they doze into the tailings the smaller the average size is getting.

I got all the gold with a Fisher F75 Special Edition except the largest, a nice 2.6 oz nugget. This came out of an old push that I hunted on my own one day. I would like to credit the GPX more but the nugget was only a foot down so I was just the first person to put a coil over it. My thanks to whoever hunted it when it got pushed for leaving it for me!

News just out is that a very solid 10.6 oz nugget was found in week 3 by repeat visitor Tom C.

Steve Herschbach


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My two weeks at Ganes Creek netted me 5.65 oz of nice gold. As always great time with great people I was happy with my nugget count of a couple nuggets a day, but what was lacking was size. The larger nuggets of the past that boosted totals are getting harder to come by. The deeper they doze into the tailings the smaller the average size is getting.

I got all the gold with a Fisher F75 Special Edition except the largest, a nice 2.6 oz nugget. This came out of an old push that I hunted on my own one day. I would like to credit the GPX more but the nugget was only a foot down so I was just the first person to put a coil over it. My thanks to whoever hunted it when it got pushed for leaving it for me!

News just out is that a very solid 10.6 oz nugget was found in week 3 by repeat visitor Tom C.

Steve Herschbach


Congratulations on getting some gold Steve!! :D

I hear that the 10.6 ouncer was found with an MTX, is that correct, and do you know how deep it was found at?


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My two weeks at Ganes Creek netted me 5.65 oz of nice gold. As always great time with great people I was happy with my nugget count of a couple nuggets a day, but what was lacking was size. The larger nuggets of the past that boosted totals are getting harder to come by. The deeper they doze into the tailings the smaller the average size is getting.

I got all the gold with a Fisher F75 Special Edition except the largest, a nice 2.6 oz nugget. This came out of an old push that I hunted on my own one day. I would like to credit the GPX more but the nugget was only a foot down so I was just the first person to put a coil over it. My thanks to whoever hunted it when it got pushed for leaving it for me!

News just out is that a very solid 10.6 oz nugget was found in week 3 by repeat visitor Tom C.

Steve Herschbach


Thats great!

How many people missed that gold by inches?

Heck, GPX 5000,Gold bug,divining rods.....trip over it...whatever it takes to find it, thats good :)

Glad you found some, hope you find more :).


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White's MXT at 18".

Everyone always asks what detector found a nugget. Like that matters much! What fishing pole caught the fish?

Most serious prospectors use Minelab PI detectors. But the defining fact is very good prospectors find gold. They choose the right tool, but even given a less than perfect tool they succeed. They work harder, that's all.

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White's MXT at 18".

Everyone always asks what detector found a nugget. Like that matters much! What fishing pole caught the fish?

Most serious prospectors use Minelab PI detectors. But the defining fact is very good prospectors find gold. They choose the right tool, but even given a less than perfect tool they succeed. They work harder, that's all.

Steve, why it matters to me is because I don't own a Minelab, but I do own an MXT and I like to know how it does in other places finding gold, sorry if you felt it was a stupid question, there are some of us that can't afford the best, yet!


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  • Admin

Hey Steve,

Congrats on the finds at Ganes Creek. I know a couple of guys heading up that way this year. Most of them were taking both a good VLF and Minelab PI.

Skip - I think what Steve was stating is the fact you can have an experienced prospector with a VLF and still find good gold. Too many believe you have to have a Minelab to be successful. That is not the case, even though it does help in many areas. I still know hundreds of guys, just like yourself that are using a VLF very successfully. The MXT many years ago at Ganes was the detector of choice due to the high amount of iron rubbish on the ground.

Take care,

Rob Allison

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Heck of a find! We are looking forward to seeing you down in our neck of the woods real soon...I'm thinking I might need another GB2 (you have a used one?). The trouble with a prospecting Wife is you have to have two of everything!!! C'ya soon,


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Hi Skip,

What Rob said. You see all kinds of detectors at Ganes Creek. The MXT is a good detector. My point is that there are many good detectors. There are few people who are good with them.

I was using a F75 at Ganes as was another guy. I got gold every day, he got none all week. My buddy Bernie is a reliable gold producer with his MXT. Another guy with an MXT we hunted with could not find gold with a metal detector to save his life.

One guy was doing very well with a White's V3i, not a unit thought of as a nugget detector. He was good. You learn who to hunt behind and who not to. We all miss nuggets, but some of us miss a lot fewer than others. Out of the 20 detectorists when I was at Ganes there were maybe four I would try not to get behind. Others you would want to jump right behind as they had little chance of finding gold. A combination of not knowing the detector and poor technique shoots most people down.

Good detectorists have preferences but at the end of the day they are going to make finds with whatever detector they get stuck with. And all kinds of people with the best machine money can buy are going to find next to nothing. From my perspective it is not a question of what detector a person is using. I want to know what person is operating the detector.

Rob, I have changed my tune on PI detectors and Ganes. I still would not exclusively use a PI there but my last two visits I did very well in off push detecting with my GPX. Dozing and ten years of detecting have removed much of the trash though there are still places to avoid.

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Hi Steve, Looks like you had a great adventure. Thanks again for the Ml Eureka Gold. I really appreciated the way AKM handled the messages between R. Murphy and myself. Thanks again.


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