Black Widow Headphones

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I am not sure if it is even possible, but maybe I am doing something wrong with these headphones. I picked up a new set of them today and tried them on my 3000. The sound was extremely low. The volume was up all the way on the detector and also all the way up on the headphones. I swung over a .45 shell casing and was barely able to hear the signal. I flipped the circuit limiter switch thinking maybe it was turned on and swung again, there was absolutely no difference in the sound/volume. Knowing that the other switch is to flip between stereo and mono, I decided to switch it anyway to see if it made a difference, and there was absolute silence. I thought, "Okay, maybe I need a bigger target" so I grabbed a beer can I saw laying in a bush and laid it on the ground. NO DIFFERENCE.

So I switched the Widows over to the X-Terra 705 and got the exact same result. I then put my stock Koss UR30 headphones back on and they were NOTICEABLY louder on both machines. The instructions are pretty basic so I don't know if there is some trick to making these things "The Loudest Headphones On The Market"? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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I think, your going to have to get an amp for that 3000, 2200sd was a must to have one, if you have a hearing loss, one you may not even notice, you need an amp. My hearing went, and others knew before me, as TV volume was going up, and I was talking louder, Now I have two hearing aids, with a very radical hearing loss. I have Blackwidows and still have to use an amp even on the 5000. Grubstake

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Them switches are goofy on those Black Widow's...I'm thinking the toggle switch under the B is up and the toggle under the K is down. This will happen to you often and will be second nature to flip them back so you can hear properly. Give that a try!


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Hey Chris,

The Black Widow's are much better quality and louder than the standard Koss-UR30's. Check the toggle switches like Lucky suggested, you might have one in the wrong position.

Grubstake is correct about the older Minelab's lacking some audio, so a good signal enhancer would make a huge difference.

That being said, the Black Widow's are 150 ohms, the standard Koss are like 50 ohms, so you should see some difference between them two.

Rob Allison

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Ok, well it's more than obvious that I am absolutely going to need an amp. So I guess what I would like is opinions on this:

To be totally frank, I cannot afford both a set of $126 headphones AND a $125 amp right now. So should I ask the dealer if I can exchange the Black Widows for an amp and then buy the Black Widows down the road when I can afford them? I also picked up a 6" Double-D HF coil for the X-Terra today so the family could detect in the streams this week. I figured the BW's would be enough to give me a advantage, but alas.....I am deaf as a stump!!!

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I would get the amplifier and go with less expensive headphones. Personally I use the Gray Ghosts and I love them. Or even the Jolly Rogers.

I'll swap them out for you.


Thanks, Flak. Check your PM's, You da man.

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Dear Chris

By the way you got some exceptional deals from Ricardo, I actually lost money. He charged you $21 less than he should have on the coil. And the Xterra cover was $22.95, and I think he said he gave it to you for $15, which is less than what I pay for it.

That's what happens when you let the "help" run the shop, they give away the store.

That's OK, I'll make it up when I over charge Grubstake for something. :rolleyes:


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Doc.....I know you had told me the coil was $161 but I didn't know if that price was before or after tax, and the cover was a last minute purchase so I didn't know how much it was going in there. I am not out for anyone to lose money so if you would like I will send you the difference when I return from my trip. Just let me know how much and I will send it off to ya.

Hope there's no hard feelings.

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Share on other sites here is the deal. It is NOT a bad set of headphones. I am actually a lot more hard of hearing than I thought. I had my family members try the Koss headphones and the Black Widows on both units and they said they were plenty loud enough. In fact, the wife said the Black Widows were so loud that when I swung over a quarter on the ground, it tickled her ear drum. So I will be getting an amp, and possibly in the near future, some hearing aids. Thanks to all who responded.

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Dear Chris

By the way you got some exceptional deals from Ricardo, I actually lost money. He charged you $21 less than he should have on the coil. And the Xterra cover was $22.95, and I think he said he gave it to you for $15, which is less than what I pay for it.

That's what happens when you let the "help" run the shop, they give away the store.

That's OK, I'll make it up when I over charge Grubstake for something. :rolleyes:


Isn't that what they call The Boss Is Away Sale. :lol:


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Thats ok, DOC, Can't think of anytime you over charged me, You give good deals, I'll never complain about you and how you run your shop! Grubstake

I totally agree. Doc has always been very courteous and very helpful, and if I had known of the price discrepancy I certainly would not have left the shop knowing that he lost money. Doc told me in a pm that the coil was $161. When I got there the "help" said they were $149.95. I calculated the 8.1% sales tax on $149.95 and it came to $ I figured it was right and that Doc had given me the OTD price. Now I really feel bad!!! The above offer still stands Doc. You just let me know.

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No Chris,

We're cool, I was just screwing with you, that's why the SMILEY face. I mean it was the wrong prices, but that's not your fault Ricardo got confused, I'll just take it out of his paycheck.

Actually Ricardo does an amazing job and usually knows every price. I had stuck the 6 inch coils in a box that had some different things in it and the box said $149.

It's no big deal. As we like to say here at Doc's Detecting; "We lose Money on every deal but we make it up in volume." HA HA!

Hey if I had been there I probably would have given you a bunch of stuff FREE. I have a tendency to get overly generous. As you could probably see by the sheer amount of merchandise I have, sometimes even I don't know how much stuff I have. The other day I was trying to move these boxes I found off a metal storage shelf in the storage room and I couldn't get them to move. I opened them up and they were 25,000 Super Magnets I bought from a company over 2 years ago that didn't need them anymore, I forgot I had them.

I love getting old, every day the same things are a brand new adventure. Do you think I would qualify to be on that show HOARDERS? :rolleyes:

Chris you are a great guy, and I look forward to getting together with you and showing you how to find some gold.

BTW, There is a Gold Screamer for the 3000, and the Gold Screamer with the 5 pins can be used on the GP3000 with a set of gender changer plugs that are $25.


Doc.....I know you had told me the coil was $161 but I didn't know if that price was before or after tax, and the cover was a last minute purchase so I didn't know how much it was going in there. I am not out for anyone to lose money so if you would like I will send you the difference when I return from my trip. Just let me know how much and I will send it off to ya.

Hope there's no hard feelings.

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No Chris,

We're cool, I was just screwing with you, that's why the SMILEY face. I mean it was the wrong prices, but that's not your fault Ricardo got confused, I'll just take it out of his paycheck.

Actually Ricardo does an amazing job and usually knows every price. I had stuck the 6 inch coils in a box that had some different things in it and the box said $149.

It's no big deal. As we like to say here at Doc's Detecting; "We lose Money on every deal but we make it up in volume." HA HA!

Hey if I had been there I probably would have given you a bunch of stuff FREE. I have a tendency to get overly generous. As you could probably see by the sheer amount of merchandise I have, sometimes even I don't know how much stuff I have. The other day I was trying to move these boxes I found off a metal storage shelf in the storage room and I couldn't get them to move. I opened them up and they were 25,000 Super Magnets I bought from a company over 2 years ago that didn't need them anymore, I forgot I had them.

I love getting old, every day the same things are a brand new adventure. Do you think I would qualify to be on that show HOARDERS? :rolleyes:

Chris you are a great guy, and I look forward to getting together with you and showing you how to find some gold.

BTW, There is a Gold Screamer for the 3000, and the Gold Screamer with the 5 pins can be used on the GP3000 with a set of gender changer plugs that are $25.



Thank you so much for the compliment....and for the great laugh. It took me a few minutes to get my keyboard dried off. I was so not expecting the magnet comment. A vision came to my head and milk flew everywhere!!!

And I know you were just messing Doc, and I really do appreciate your help and services. I just believe that every dollar earned is every dollar owed, so I just wanted to make sure. And yeah, Ricardo was actually having a heck of a time finding that 6" coil. The poor guy would walk towards the back and disappear, then come back to the front, then disappear I felt kinda bad for him. Oh, and by the didn't have to be there for us to get free stuff...:D


As for the hoarders program, you're getting There was a LOT of stuff in that shop, my friend. I saw coils there that I had never seen except in pictures before, and thought to myself how I would be dragging my knuckles on the ground after swinging one of those things. I did see something though that REALLY caught my eye. It was a digger with a gold colored head and the scoop side of it had to be 8-10 inches wide. I have been looking for one of those for a while. How much are they?

I, too, am really looking forward to our meeting and hunting together. I have to admit that I was a tad disappointed yesterday that I didn't get to meet ya, but you are a busy man and business comes before pleasure ;). Have a great day!!

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No Chris,

We're cool, I was just screwing with you, that's why the SMILEY face. I mean it was the wrong prices, but that's not your fault Ricardo got confused, I'll just take it out of his paycheck.

Actually Ricardo does an amazing job and usually knows every price. I had stuck the 6 inch coils in a box that had some different things in it and the box said $149.

It's no big deal. As we like to say here at Doc's Detecting; "We lose Money on every deal but we make it up in volume." HA HA!

Hey if I had been there I probably would have given you a bunch of stuff FREE. I have a tendency to get overly generous. As you could probably see by the sheer amount of merchandise I have, sometimes even I don't know how much stuff I have. The other day I was trying to move these boxes I found off a metal storage shelf in the storage room and I couldn't get them to move. I opened them up and they were 25,000 Super Magnets I bought from a company over 2 years ago that didn't need them anymore, I forgot I had them.

I love getting old, every day the same things are a brand new adventure. Do you think I would qualify to be on that show HOARDERS? :rolleyes:

Chris you are a great guy, and I look forward to getting together with you and showing you how to find some gold.

BTW, There is a Gold Screamer for the 3000, and the Gold Screamer with the 5 pins can be used on the GP3000 with a set of gender changer plugs that are $25.


If he were there you probably would have ended up with something Doc thought you needed and he wouldn't let you pay for it, if you said anything then you would have to listen to his speech about how he owns the blankety blank shop and he will do what he wants and he ain't asking you how to run his business. Been there done that. Doc is one of a kind and I am better for knowing him.

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If he were there you probably would have ended up with something Doc thought you needed and he wouldn't let you pay for it, if you said anything then you would have to listen to his speech about how he owns the blankety blank shop and he will do what he wants and he ain't asking you how to run his business. Been there done that. Doc is one of a kind and I am better for knowing him.

LMAO...I think you are 100% correct. And I know better than to argue with the man. His name consists of the letters Ph.D. and the last thing I want is an :spank:. Mama always taught me....Doctor knows best!!!!

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Share on other sites really should try the headphones I mentioned...if you buy them at walmart you can return them if they donot satisfy...I know lots of folks denigrate this type of headphone, but, mostly they have not tried them...millions of young music lovers can't be entirely wrong...and, of course, I am never wrong, except when I argue with my wife...

as an added benefit they make a great set of backup phones if you have a breakdown...


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You're too kind Joe! And quit telling all my secrets. I think of you everyday when I use the doors you installed.

I have a big freight container behind my building a 8 X 40 foot. Insulated, lighted, I tiled the floor, put an air conditioner in it, it has steel storage racks along each wall. Only problem was to use it I had to go outside, and open up the two big doors on the end to access it. So I used it to store things in it but I rarely ever would go out there and I would forget what was in it.

Joe came over and cut a hole through by back wall, and a hole into the container and installed a door in both. Good steel doors. He did a beautiful job, and ever since then we are able to go in and out of the container at will.

We probably use those doors 20 times a day and now I have really useful storage space.

Thanks again Joe!


If he were there you probably would have ended up with something Doc thought you needed and he wouldn't let you pay for it, if you said anything then you would have to listen to his speech about how he owns the blankety blank shop and he will do what he wants and he ain't asking you how to run his business. Been there done that. Doc is one of a kind and I am better for knowing him.

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Fred what kind of headphones are you talking about? really should try the headphones I mentioned...if you buy them at walmart you can return them if they donot satisfy...I know lots of folks denigrate this type of headphone, but, mostly they have not tried them...millions of young music lovers can't be entirely wrong...and, of course, I am never wrong, except when I argue with my wife...

as an added benefit they make a great set of backup phones if you have a breakdown...


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Doc; what waycool said...

I use these in preference to regular earmuff type headphones...except at the beach where i don't worry about r-snakes, bears or mountain lions...being a fat little morsel I have to be careful...

I have used a considerable number of the various styles and makes...there are some adjustments that many won't can hear everything at normal volume that is around you and still have your attention tuned to the detector threshold...and wear a big brim hat...and not have a mold farm growing in your hairy ears...


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