This weeks finds

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Just got in from a couple days in the hills, finally!! Managed to chase a few out of the bedrock, tomorrow I will pack my vac in and harvest the fines from this section of the creek. Hopefully I didn't forget how to run the old drywasher ha ha. post-29399-0-75449800-1351118380_thumb.j

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Holy Cow!

Good going for sure.

Those are some really nice chunky solid pieces.

In case your forgot..... scrape...dig it up with the screwdriver, suck....dig with screwdriver and suck some more!

Hope you get a lot of little stuff out of it.

Looks like your on a good streatch. Go for it!

Tom H.

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Beautiful, my man. I'm guessing your weren't down in Greaterville. With stuff like that on bed rock I think you will be very happy with what you get with the vac. Hope you do great. I always thought I'd run into you down in Greaterville as I'm there a lot but we must have been there on different days every time. Maybe some day. Good luck and keep them nuggets coming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Is that a Joey coil mounted to the 5K?

Yes sir this is my ultimate bedrock setup, plus I have used this coil on all my machines. I would like to try the new nf baby coil though

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Do you like the Joey Mono or the DD? I know that bedrock can Hot sometimes and it can play hell with false signals but I also know the MONO is more sensative.

Iv been thinking about add one of these to my bag just cant decide on the MONO or the DD.



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  • Admin

Hey Border Boy,

Great finds. Hard to beat the Coiltek Joey, it's a longtime producer of smaller, shallow gold. There are several small coils that do very well, the Coiltek Joey 10x5, Coiltek 6-inch Round Mono, Minelab 8-inch Round Mono and the new NF 8x6 Mono. They all will find very small gold, down to under a grain in size with the GP or GPX series.

Rob Allison

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Hey sorry Hot rock, been out fishing. Yeah mono fer sure. I pretty much dig everything anyway so the only dd I keep is the stock one.

Rob, I agree all the small coils are pretty good. I tried out the ct 6 inch round and yes the most sensitive coil out there, but it had a hard time working in the iron gravels. I'm sure it would perform well in almost 90 percent of deposites out there.

My Joey is on its 5 th skid plate and needing retirement soon. If the nf baby coil will handle the hot ground while staying sharp like the Joey I would grab one up.

Anyone out there with experience on these two coils please chime in.


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I love the mono to when I can use one. I hunt a lot of volcanics so the Mono just wont cut it there ground is just too hot. I just purchased the Joey DD from Rob so we will see how it works out in my application.

Digging every target gets the gold for sure I have personally seen a gold nugget blank out while using DISC talk about no bueno......


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