So my sons want to learn how to find gold

Guest goldstudmuffin

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Guest goldstudmuffin

Hi Rob,

I have tried to discourage my 4 sons from chasing gold for the last 20 years like their Dad and Uncle Scott do. With gold reaching $1700 and ounce and threatening to go higher they finally talked me into teaching them how to find gold. I already gave them the if you think your going to get rich talk, and the gold fever talk, and family and jobs come first talk... gold hunting is just a hobby talk.

So I agreed I'll teach them how to metal detect for gold and take them to some nugget patches but first they need to learn how to use a pick and shovel and a drywasher just like their Uncle Scott and their Dad did. The boys want to start off find big honkers like Dad but I told tthem they need to put in their dues and learn the very basics about gold first.



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All you need is a nice cold one beside you and your set! :)

Good to see you taking the youngins out and teaching them the ropes.....from the ground up.

Have fun!

Tom H.

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  • Admin

Hey Russ,

Well I'm hoping the drywashing in that area will prove out well. It's a real crap shoot in some areas. I've found areas that were loaded with nuggets, majority of them being small. These areas you would think would be loaded with smaller gold, but I never had much luck at them. I'm sure in the right locations drywashing can be very productive and rewarding. I'm sure there are some spots in there the old-timers missed.

Most importantly, you get to spend time with your sons out prospecting. There are times I wish I had a brother or even a Father that enjoyed gold mining.

Thanks for sharing your pictures and experiences with us.

P.S. I have a drywashing story I will post soon. I think you will get a kick out of it.

Rob Allison

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