Tiny isn't the word for it.

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This didn't even look real at first and took a bit to find in the scoop since it looked more like quartz. I was thinking No Way until I got the loop out of the pack; Yep, way. All the quartz made it look more white then yellow through my eyes. Used a merc dime for scale in the photo. Tagged it with a GPX 5K and a NF 8x6 in the LSD area.


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This didn't even look real at first and took a bit to find in the scoop since it looked more like quartz. I was thinking No Way until I got the loop out of the pack; Yep, way. All the quartz made it look more white then yellow through my eyes. Used a merc dime for scale in the photo. Tagged it with a GPX 5K and a NF 8x6 in the LSD area.


That is some small gold.

Good going.

Tom H.

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