More goodies from the happy honker patch

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Hi Rob,

I found a couple more nuggets today at the happy honker patch...

The total weight is 6 dwt.

I'll post clean pictures later.

Dang! Your cleaning up!

Way to go..tks for posting...keeps me hungry.

Tom H.

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Hey Russ,

Since I'm not tracking you like a club, I promise to keep my eyes shut all the way there. :) Just remember, your mentor trusted and shown me a few spots and I never told a sole.

Hi Rob,

He could size up a man quicker than a New York minute, and I guess you passed the test. I saw him run a guy off his place that had gold fever... :spank: in short order!!!

The day I found the 6 ounce nugget I tore over to his house and counld't wait to show him the nugget. (wasn't the first time either)When I got there I told him to close his eyes and open his hands... and don't drop it. When I dropped the honker in his hands his heart sunk, :( and it made me feel kinda bad. :mellow: He's found thounds and thounds of nuggets but never a solid one ouncer. So I took him over to the new patch and he covered the area with his GB2 to no avail, little did we know there was lots more nuggets just deeper. I thought it would make my mentor happy to see the student make the find of a life time, it wasn't so! I sure miss detecting with him and I'm sad he never got to see the rest of the honker nuggets...

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