Backwards wash gives it up!

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Hey all:
Went out today with dad and did some detecting.

I maped/GPS 3 small tribs I wanted to try out.

Dad went one way and I went up the first wash....about 40 yrds up I get a screaming signal.

Dug down about 3 inches and got that big flat one in the pic. Slowed down/ turned the sensitivity up and started popping nuggets about every 3 feet.............with NO trash. Unbelivable! This was a wash that we dream about. Well, except for the ironstone :) Its less then a swing across and shallow most of the time. I did get that fat guy on the right middle of scale at a foot and a half deep. Last one of the day and I was barely able to hang onto the pick to get it out. Arm was getting weak!

Kept getting nugs so I said to myself, I got to get dad over here. Went back and found him and we walked back up the wash I was in.

I would detect/ find a target, mark it with toilet paper and he would dig it with his GBpro. The area is tough on the VLFs. I was getting ahead of him at the end. :)
Today was just one of those awsome days where the weather is perfect, Gods blessing you with gold and you have your dad with ya!
It just could not have gotten any better. Just have to go hit those other two tribs...then go back in with a shovel and do some more digging and detecting.
Great day out today.

Oh the reason I call it backwards wash.......all the big nugs were at the bottom of the wash and all the little stuff was up top. Go figure?

Total weight was .67 oz. SWEET!

Tom H.

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Hey Tom,

Congrats!! Those are the ones that are fun to find. Looking at the depth of the wash, I'm guessing there is more to be found if you drywash or rake it down a bit.

Keep up the great success.

Rob Allison

I will take a shovel up there and dig it out...but im not carrying a drywasher up that wash!

Tom H.

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Your on it Tom, looks like you may be onto two different sources, old gold and close by if they all came out of the same wash. ;) good luck to ya, AzNuggetBob


It was odd.....95% of the flat scrubbed stuff came out of the main trib...then there was a finger trib that gave up some of the rough stuff....but still had flat scrubbed pieces in it............over to the left was a trib that was LOADED with iron stones and didnt give up a speck.............seems the iron stones were in the hot spot and the gold was forced out into that trib that gave it all up? Hot thermal thingy stuff....

Plenty more digging and searching to do up in that little spot. VERY INTERSTING!!! :)

I deffinently got a work out moving hot rocks and iron stones in this spot. Its fun though....reading through all that crap and hitting nugs.

Tom H.

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Don't overlook the ridgetops and hillsides where you are finding gold like that ... Kinda looks like the whole area could have been an old creek bottom ... Found an area like that myself that turned into several patches, some river worn smooth and some more fresh of the vein ... Looks like you're on a great spot no matter what... Cheers, unc

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Don't overlook the ridgetops and hillsides where you are finding gold like that ... Kinda looks like the whole area could have been an old creek bottom ... Found an area like that myself that turned into several patches, some river worn smooth and some more fresh of the vein ... Looks like you're on a great spot no matter what... Cheers, unc


Tks for the back up on that..............I was thinking the same also that a million years ago it was a big wash.

Im also gonna take the big coil up and do some hillside patch hunting. Crimmy!!!! So much to hunt and so little time :)

I did sweep the sides of the wash when I would pop a nug. But, didnt go too far up the sides.

Tom H.

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Tom what you may have here is new younger gold and drainages inersecting or cross cutting old deposits or drainages.If I were you I would draw a rough map and catalog every find as to its location
and be specific on its charicter, coarse or smooth gold on a map or GPS. I prefer to use a detailed topo of the area, I mark a C or an S on it.soon you will see lines begin to develope regardless of the terrain as it is today and you can use these later. it can help point you in the right direction to find more.
I'd rather not discuss this area in more detail here. :ph34r: you got my number. AzNuggetBob

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Tom what you may have here is new younger gold and drainages inersecting or cross cutting old deposits or drainages.If I were you I would draw a rough map and catalog every find as to its location

and be specific on its charicter, coarse or smooth gold on a map or GPS. I prefer to use a detailed topo of the area, I mark a C or an S on it.soon you will see lines begin to develope regardless of the terrain as it is today and you can use these later. it can help point you in the right direction to find more.

I'd rather not discuss this area in more detail here. :ph34r: you got my number. AzNuggetBob

Very good idea on the Topo.

Im going to get one today.

I usally mark the gold with a gps and then flag it on google earth but a topo would be a lot faster for out in the field.

In all my excitment yesterday I didnt mark where the rough ones were...The whole stretch of wash that I was detecting was only about 100 yrds long.

When I go back up and hit the wash again I will be more precise and also the hillsides and ridges like Ron mentioned.

Will be calling you within the week. Got lots of other stuff to do with the chrome plating early this week.

Tks sir


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