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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello All, If you have followed the recent article in the International California Mining Journal (ICMJ), these Youtube videos following the article. Some huge gold nuggets were found at the site. There are 3 parts, watch them below - Part 1 - Part 2 - Check out part 3 in the post below. Hope you enjoyed. Rob Allison
  2. Hey Steve, I might try poking around with the 10-inch this weekend. I know where there is a mine dump with a fair amount of trash, but specimen with visible gold mixed within the pile.
  3. Hey Steve, Actually I don't. I have a list of guys wanting to buy them, but the date keeps getting pushed back. I contacted my Distributor yesterday and they still didn't have a solid ETA on the Garrett ATX. They said they are not sure how others are getting them, if anyone has purchased one, as Garrett hasn't officially released the product yet. I will let everyone know when I get them. I'm anxious to try one out on some of the goldfields I hunt. How about you Steve, have you tested or used one yet? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  4. Hey Steve, What coil are you using, the 10-inch elliptical DD? I haven't used anything bigger than the 5-inch Round, but heard of good results from the 10-inch. Great find with the GB Pro. Thanks for sharing! Rob Allison
  5. Hello All, Just wanted to let everyone know the Coiltek Pocket Rocket System - Switchable Li-Ion Battery System is still available for the Minelab SD & GP series (SD2000, 2100, 2200, GP Extreme, GP3000 & GP3500). You can view the unit and components at my online store by clicking this link - The unit is $345.00 US or $375.00 with the short power cord included. We also carry the new Doc's Goldscreamer Power Pack for all the units, SD, GP and GPX for $469.00. This can also be seen at our online store. Just an update, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Guys, The link worked for me. Great video as always HurtHawk. Thanks for sharing. Keep us updated on your adventures out there! Rob Allison
  7. Hey Guys, Kyle - That is correct, the unit was never intended to run against the big Minelab's, but more so to take the place of the mid-ranged Pulse Induction metal detector that has been open for years now. I'm glad there is now a few mid-ranged, decent gold detectors on the market. I wish Minelab would have kept the SD's series, as it sold very well right up until they discontinued. Steve - I have to agree, all the TDI's I tested, used and owned, they all were extremely sensitive to small gold, much better on certain types of very porous (invisible gold) that the GPX series couldn't even detect. I never had a problem detecting a .1 Gram nugget at the surface with any of the TDI's set property. I would have to assume that Bearkat might of had something not set properly and unable to detect his 0.1 grammer. Regardless, I think we all agree that the Garrett ATX will fill a "gap" in the market that will allow end users to purchase a good, mid-line PI detector for gold nugget hunting, coins and relics. I also appreciate Bearkat taking the time to make the Youtube video and posting it for everyone to see what the Garrett is capable of doing. Talk with you all later, Rob Allison
  8. Hello afriscot, Great piece you found there. I would guess there has to be more somewhere in that area. Wishing you and your wife a bunch of success!
  9. Hey Steve, I have to agree with you. Seems like the ATX is much more sensitive over the Infinium, which is great to see.
  10. Hey Guys, Bearkat - I've seen the TDI with the right timing adjustment find much smaller gold, some even invisible to the most sensitive Minelab PI. The Infinium was never really sensitive, since it came stock with a DD. Uncle Ron - I agree with you. I can remember the day back in the mid 90's using the first SD's. I had good success with the SD2000 on old goldfields, but the SD2100 was awesome! I addressed my opinions to Minelab recently at the Conference about the SD's being discontinued. They said they knew what they were doing. I think they had bigger focus on the GP and GPX units. I'm looking forward to testing the Garrett ATX on some goldfields here. It will only take a few days for me to give my fair shake on it. I think it's going to be a good mid-line PI detector. Some customers still seem to believe it's going to run against the Minelab GPX series, which it wont. The price at $2100 is very appealing though. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Well I have an extra Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold that I'm not needing. I have several demo units, would like to sell one. The unit was opened and used for display, but never turned on or used in the field. The normal price is $729.00 (MSRP $950), but I'm asking $600 and I will include Fedex Ground Shipping. The unit comes with all stock accessories, warranty and manual. There are no bundles or extra accessories included. I don't plan on having this unit long, call me at 623.362.1459 or email me at - First come first serve on this unit, I can't hold it for anymore. Thanks! Rob Allison
  12. Hey AZBlackbird, I personally haven't had any problems all the years I have camped in the hills here in Arizona. That being said, last year my good friend had his vehicle broke into and they stole a bunch of his stuff. I will let him tell more, but it does happen. I think for the most part, people respect others property, but there is always that 1-2% that will make a stupid attempt to break into a vehicle hoping you're not watching them. I leave my quad parked in spots the entire day, but always take the key and leave it to where I can ID if it was messed with. I also try to park it in spots where the chances of being spotted are slim. Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  13. Hello All, I have a batch of Montana Placer Gold Nuggets I'm interested in selling. The total batch is 5.06 Troy Ounces. The nuggets are very rough in nature, some have small pieces of quartz in them. This gold came right near the source no question. The nuggets range from .1 Gram to 3.3 Grams in weight. Anyone interested, please email me at either email address listed below. First come first serve and I would prefer cash, postal money order or cashier's check. Spot price is around $1300.00 per Troy Ounce, make me a fair offer on the entire batch and it's yours! or Thanks! Rob Allison
  14. Hello Bsumbdy, I would say the Minelab GPX 5000 is the Flagship Pulse Induction metal detector, but also has the highest price tag @ $5795.00 I would say the Infinium LS, White's TDI and the Garrett ATX will all be in the same ballpark as mid-line Pulse Induction metal detectors ($2000 - $3000 range). Just my thoughts, Rob Allison
  15. Hey AUDuke, Go with the GP3000 if you can for the same price. That being said, the GP Extreme's were strange. What I mean is, you could get 10 GP Extreme's and maybe 2-3 would perform the same. You would have 2-3 really hot ones, maybe a bit noisier, but better performance, 2-3 average ones and maybe a few that were not as sensitive. I had a "Extremely" hot GP Extreme, but a partner had a dud! Another friend had a average one, but they all came from the same batch. This seemed like the trend with them, but they all still outperformed anything else on the market hands down, even the average GP Extreme's. This was just my evaluation, but a few others seemed to agree back them. Great to have you on the forums. Rob Allison
  16. Hey Steve, Sounds like the release date got pushed back. I'm having a bunch of call about the unit, if we have it in stock and when someone can get one. Still a lot of people being this unit is going to run against the GPX. I've told them all it's not, it's got it's own market and place for a entry level, good PI. Just my thoughts at this point in time. We can only hope it's better then what we expect at this point in time without being able to hold one. Rob Allison
  17. Hey Guys, While some will sit out on getting the GPX 5000, the current GPX 5000 customers will be plucking gold from the various goldfields around the World. I'm positive we will not see another "Flagship" GPX detector this year, or even the first part of 2014. My best guess is we might see some type of "Flagship" metal detector next Summer. During this time, I'm going to be hitting it hard with the current, most powerful metal detector on the planet, the Minelab GPX 5000. I will let you know what I find, while you're still debating when you will jump in. Just a bit of humor and seriousness all in one. Wishing you all the best. Don't loose too much sleep over it, just get out there and swing what you have! Rob Allison
  18. Hey Guys, Both the Extreme and. 3000 are great. I found some of my biggest gold with the Extreme to date. I think the newer GPX series have advantages over these, maybe not so much in pure depth.
  19. Hey Steve, The ATX will be available with the "Deepseeker Package" which includes the 20-inch as you mentioned. I agree, a smaller coil like you suggested would be great, even in DD if that is all that is available. I'm not sure how soon I will see a ATX, but hoping I can get one soon. The minute I get one, you're more than welcome to come out for a weekend or whatever and we can experiment with it. A matter of fact, I could place one in your hands before a purchase if you want to do a honest evaulation for me and the rest of the people that are interested. You might have one, tested or testing one now, just wanted to toss that out there if you're interested at some point. It's just great that we have some new stuff coming out, which gives the end users more choices when it comes to PI detectors, how they work and resonable prices. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  20. Hey Rabbit, Seen the order come through today. I will get it out later this evening or tomorrow at the latest. Keep us updated on your testing and hunting with it. I've sold a bunch of them, most like them in the 60khz for small gold sniping. Thanks for the order. Rob Allison
  21. Hey Wes, Great suggestion on the tires. I have personally been with friends that have blown several tires on a trip traveling the back roads in Nevada. When traveling the back country, extra of everything you can carry is suggestions as you might not see anyone for weeks and limited or no cell phone service. I also recommend a Sat Phone if you can afford one. Rob Allison
  22. Hello dqsantos, I have to agree with what all the other members have stated. First, Nevada is great State to chase nugget gold. It has a huge history of silver and gold. There are good books, publications and reports online that wil help in your research. There are many known goldfields that have been famous for gold nuggets, like the Rye Patch area. I would suggest you research areas that have produced gold nuggets, at least sizeable enough (a few grains in size) that could be found by a good metal detector. Many areas, such as some of the Carlin Deposits were known for micro type gold, which is not detectable. Even though the Carlin Trends produced millions of ounces of gold, a very small percentage, if any, was big enough to detect. Research hardrock areas that have produced pocket type gold and areas that are known for gold nugget production in the past. Explore and branch out from these areas and you will eventually have some success. You success will depend on a lot of variables, but the more time in the field, hunting decent ground, using good equipment, having drive and determination, along with a bit of luck on your side you will find some gold. Hope this helps a bit. Great to have you on the forums. Rob Allison
  23. Hey Doc and Steve, I would agree. I think there are people that would pay up to $25,000 for a detector that would only find gold, but it would be very small. However, regardless of who would buy it, I know I could make it pay for itself quickly. You could cover a vast amount of ground, pluck only gold and leave all the iron rubbish in the ground. You could walk right now some of the richest placer gulches that are littered with iron rubbish and pluck potentially larger piece of gold. I have a handful of areas I would love to use this detector on. Can only dream for now of this unit ..... Rob Allison