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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hello Gold Lover, I agree with DigDeep. It sure looks like a fragment of lead, but then again it could be native Galena, which is very common in gold bearing areas. You will find some strange pieces of metal out there, some you can ID, others can be a mystery. Thanks for posting the find. Rob Allison
  2. Hey Bob, Ya, if you can get the video to load, you will hear the difference between the two timing modes. I used the Sensitive/Extra mode a bunch on the GPX-4000 along with the Sensitive/Smooth, but really got spoiled when the GPX-4500 came out with the Enhance timing. However, lately I've been playing around with a couple of other settings trying to find what works best in different spots. I agree, when you're using the Enhance timing you can get away with Deep or Boost Audio, but can't stand those Audio settings in the Special/Extra mode. Just too noisy .... Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  3. Hey Grubstake, It's good news your Wife don't have to go under the knife. Thanks for the update. Rob Allison
  4. Hello All, Here is a short Youtube video I created last weekend. My partner is digging a Dwt plus sized gold nugget from the side wall. Due to the amount of high mineralization, hotrocks, basalts and EMI, the Enhance mode has always been one of my favorites. However, this video shows a quick example of how the Special/Extra timing sound much stronger on this nugget over the Enhance timing. The Enhance timing kind of drooped down, while the Special/Extra timing gave a good, strong Hi-Low hit. Here is the video link - The gold nugget was found with a Minelab GPX-4500 Metal Detector and Coiltek Goldstalker 14-inch elliptical Mono Searchcoil. The nugget was extracted from an ancient channel 10+ foot below the surface. The old-timers were digging tunnels or "Coyote Holes" in this channel on bedrock chasing the best nugget gold. Reports say many of the miners were doing 2+ ounces per day in the late 1800's. Take care, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Carolina, Great point about the DetectorPro being a PI. I didn't even think to make that a point. I really like the DetectorPro Pistol Probe. I know it goes deeper than the Falcon, but never used the Garrett. Guessing since the PI's go deeper, the PI Pinpointer would also go deeper than the VLF Garrett. Take care, Rob Allison
  6. Hey Carolina, Great point about the DetectorPro being a PI. I didn't even think to make that a point. I really like the DetectorPro Pistol Probe. I know it goes deeper than the Falcon, but never used the Garrett. Guessing since the PI's go deeper, the PI Pinpointer would also go deeper than the VLF Garrett. Take care, Rob Allison
  7. Hey Carolina, Great point about the DetectorPro being a PI. I didn't even think to make that a point. I really like the DetectorPro Pistol Probe. I know it goes deeper than the Falcon, but never used the Garrett. Guessing since the PI's go deeper, the PI Pinpointer would also go deeper than the VLF Garrett. Take care, Rob Allison
  8. Hey Sheri, Yes, you can use that same setup on any Minelab PI. The battery system is called the "Coiltek Pocket Rocket, Li-Ion Battery System." It's the lightest and most portable battery system available for the SD/GP or GPX series. I always have them in stock and they run $326.00 for the entire kit with short cord. I don't carry the Blue Tooth headphones, but I'm sure others will tell you where to locate them. P.S. This system will also give you better stability, better sensitivity and depth on your SD2200 in the 7.3 volt mode. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  9. Hello Grubstake, Well there is no doubt sometime in the future we will see a new PI, but I don't think it will be anytime soon. There are still nearly 400 GPX-4500's on backorder here in the US. I have a handful of customers searching for them, many of them are now pre-paying to make sure they get one ASAP. I just found out I will have another batch of them here next week if everything works out well. Many dealers won't be seeing anymore until the beginning to mid September. I just had three more customers calling about them today. I believe a couple of them will end up purchasing my package deal. As for the next unit, it would be nice to see a lightweight battery system and get away from the backpack/harness type setup. Yes, Minelab does listen and they watch this forum for suggestions. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Giga, I've used both the DetectorPro Pistol Probe and the Falcon. I like the DetectorPro model much better. Many of the other probes pick up interference from the Minelab PI's, the DetectorPro Pistol Probe seems to be more immune and gets better depth. I sell a bunch of the Pistol Probes .... DetectorPro is top notch in my opinion along with their Black Widow Headphones. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  11. Hey Giga, I received your PM, but will answer you here so others can see it. I think they are all great detectors, but the 705 is the newest, digital coin/relic and gold prospecting unit. I sell a bunch of the X-Terra's and as you can see from the forums many really love them. I've found nuggets down to a few grains with the X-Terra 705, plus it's an awesome coin/relic detector to boot. The best coils for gold nugget hunting will be the high freq. 18.75kHz coils. If you purchase the X-Terra 705 from "Rob's Detector Sales" you will get the new 6-inch Round 18.75kHz coil FREE with the purchase and with a few other goodies! The other coil I recommend for gold nugget hunting is the 10-inch elliptical 18.75kHz DD coil. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  12. Hey H2O, I think it shows your true character when you can post what you did. Thanks for the public apology. I'm sure 99% of us know you might have over-reacted, which happens to everyone. I think many, including myself are still bitter over the whole CA dredging deal .... Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  13. Hey Grubstake, Ya I do have them in stock at all times. They are great for the taller prospectors, or the ones who want to use larger coils and get them out there further. Hope you're finding some gold! Rob Allison
  14. Hey Giga, Yep, many do the same thing when it comes to metal detector. Start with a VLF and then upgrade in the future to a PI. All the metal detectors listed are great. I'm sure you're going to have success with whatever you choose. Keep us updated. Rob Allison
  15. Hey Gold Lover, I would recommend the DetectorPro Black Widow's. I've used all the headphones listed, but there is nothing like the Black Widow's in my opinion. They have a lifetime warranty and DetectorPro backs their products 110%. The Black Widow's are a bit pricey @ $126.00 a pair, but they are worth every penny. Give me a call if you're interested in picking up a pair of these. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  16. Hey Giga, Steve H. is a good friend of mine and I think that is a very fair write up. However, I believe he wrote that before the Minelab X-Terra 705 was released. I would also look into the Minelab X-Terra 70 or 705 (I prefer the 705). I've used all the units you mentioned and they will also somewhat struggle on hot rocks. All those detectors listed are VLF's, or Very Low Freq. detectors. Given the somewhat older technology and ground balance they will struggle a bit in heavy mineralization and hot rocks. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  17. Hey Leroy, Have you tried the DetectorPro Pistol Pinpointer Probe? I sell a bunch of these and they work very well. Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  18. Hey Cen1, Here are some of the differences between the two. If you plan on doing any type of gold nuggets hunting, especially smaller gold nuggets I would strongly consider the X-Terra 705. 705 has two detect modes, coin/treasure and Prospecting. The 505 only has one, the coin/treasure mode. 705 has more Discrimination patterns. The 705 has 4 + All Metal + Iron Mask, the 505 has 3 + All Metal. 705 has 4 Custom patterns, the 505 has 3. 705 has 28 segments for the Discrimination Scale, the 505 has 19. 705 has Multi (28) on the Audio Tone ID, while the 505 has Multi (19). 705 has much more ground tracking/balance ability. The 705 has Manual (0-90), Auto, Beach, Tracking and Tracking Offset, while the 505 only has Manual (0-50). 705 has two pinpoint modes, Auto and Sizing, the 505 has just one. The 705 also has better Noise Cancel. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  19. Hey Hobby, Like Nero stated, sometimes DD's will have the flatter control cable, but many of the newer ones don't. I think the best bet is to take it in the field and test them. I had to do this to several older coils to find out which one was which. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Mhlak, Ya, sounds like it's a very mineralized location. You might just have to deal with the ground noise and raise your searchcoil off the ground a few inches. You might miss some small ones, but this will still allow you to hear the larger ones at depth and elliminate most of the mineralization. I seriously doubt any DD will work there regardless of the brand. If one don't work, then another DD wouldn't make any difference. If you have a larger DD coil, you might try it. A larger DD will not be as sensitive as a small one, so a small DD might allow you to hear more ground mineralization. Have you tried playing with some of the settings on the GP? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  21. Hey Mike, It's always interesting to hear about these gold finds and how the stories change. I've heard about three versions, including Brett's. During this time, Brett was staying in his trailer at the Bland Mine, which is due west of Bumble Bee. I was working with the owner of the mine during this time and we were processing and crushing ore from the main tunnel. Kevin Gillette was the owner of the mine and claims. Brett gold me it was a single find, but Kevin said it was actually a patch and Brett told everyone it was a lonely find. Kevin said he originally took Brett to this spot and showed him an exposed quartz vein with a lot of mineralization. He figured it would be a good place to prospect for quartz/gold specimens that may have eroded from this vein a long time ago. Low and behold, Brett found that big specimen. I know for a fact the evening he found the specimen he came back to camp with the specimen wrapped in his shirt. Kevin said Brett was shaking he was so excited! Yes, I seen the specimen way before it ever got to JW's shop. I also seen it on display there when JW was asking $250,000 for the piece. Heck, it had some nice chunks of gold, but I could never imagine anyone offering that kind of price for it. My best guess would be maybe a pound of gold within the 50 ounce piece. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  22. Hey Mhlak, You're probably detecting on top of some of that Graphite type bedrock, that is very hot in Alaska. I've never personally seen it, but have heard of many nuggetshooters talking about it. Have you tried using the "Auto Tracking" with the DD coil at this location? Talk with you soon, Rob Allison
  23. Hey Mike, I do like to find all the small ones also, but I've found so many of those little guys I would rather find the larger ones. It's much easier to sell the smaller gold nuggets under a Dwt in size though. Are you sure Brett was using the XT17000? I know he was staying at the Bland Mine at that time with Kevin G. I was working the Bland underground with Kevin when Brett came up there to stay for a few months. He was complaining he couldn't find much gold, so Kevin showed him a spot and Brett ended up finding a patch along with the 50 ounce quartz/gold specimen. This could have been about the time when the XT17000 came out though. I know he had a American Gold Striker, but it also might have been right at the time the XT17000 was released. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Al, Seen some nice nuggets from Montana, but couldn't tell you where they were found. The owner never really told me much more than Montana Gold. Doug - You need to get some Snake Gaiters and then some good Bug Spray to spray on your pants and chaps. This is the method I use when I'm down in Greaterville and never got a single chigger bite. I carry the Snake Gaiters if you don't have a pair. P.S. Keep plugging away down there and you will find a nice one. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  25. Hey Mhlak, Congrats on finding a new patch! Very nice nuggets you're finding. Are they from Arizona, California, Nevada? Hope to hear more about your new find. Rob Allison