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Everything posted by nuggethunting

  1. Hey Big Mo, Most of Rich Hill, if not all the Mountain itself is claimed by Private Property, Private Mineral Claims or Club Claims. Pretty much all the clubs have claims somewhere around Rich Hill. The LDMA, GPAA, Roadrunner's Prospecting Club, Y-Knot and Weaver Mining are come to consider. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  2. Hello All, I'm still slowing working on stuff, so give me some time to get most of the bugs out. There is a lot more user control on this newer version along with a bunch more admin control. I still haven't found any solid solution for dial-up users. I would take Gaine's suggestion along with some others to get your dail-up to work faster. Take care, Rob Allison
  3. Hello James, Yes, I have another batch on the way that should arrive Monday or Tuesday. One of these GPX-4500's will be yours. Was hoping to get it to you before Christmas, but looks like it might be a few days after. Frank - Every couple of weeks I'm getting shipments of GPX-4500's. The order sizes vary from batch to batch. If you're looking to get one anytime soon, you will need to place a down payment to hold a detector for you. If you don't, you might be waiting several months before the backorder status catches up. Take care, Rob Allison
  4. Hello Digdeep, I thought I answered our PM, but I might have forgotten ... At this time I don't, but I have a good friend that owns a T-shirt shop that is currently looking to lay some images and designs out for my business for the 2010 season. I'm looking at doing hats & T-shirts (short and long sleeved) to start. Will get you one once I have them done. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  5. Hey Uncle Ron, I would suggest getting Doug Stone's new book. It's a bit expensive at $100, but man it's like a colored Bible of gold locations. I also carry the book now and have them in stock, but might be just as easy to pick it up from Chris if you're going to get one. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  6. Hello All, Christmas is right around the corner, so I decided to run a special to the end of the year. Purchase any item from Rob's Detector Sales and you will receive FREE Shipping, Handling, Insurance and a $25.00 Gift Certificate for your next purchase with us. That is a minimum of a $30+ savings. Give us a call at 623-362-1459 if you have questions or would like to place an order. Thanks, Rob Allison
  7. Hello All, I just wanted to let you all know my priority as a Minelab Dealer is to make sure the US customers (local) get taken care of first. I recieve anywhere from 15-20 phone calls per day along with a handful of emails asking about GPX-4500's. The bulk of all these calls and emails are from customers that are trying to make a quick buck selling them overseas to someone else. Rob's Detector Sales is more interested in getting GPX-4500's to customers that are actually going to use them, rather than trying to sell them to someone else for a high profit. If you're interested in one of the best bundle packages you're going to find and willing to wait a bit for the detector, I'm more than interested in doing business with you. This is my number one priority! You will not only get the best bundle package, but unlimited support beyond the sale along with field instructions. The support and instructions you will receive is worth more than any Internet Mail Company can offer hands down! Thanks for all your understanding and support. Rob Allison
  8. Hello Grubstake and Dial-up users, I talked with Invision Boards today and they said the older version would allow your browser to cache pictures, posts and other stuff. I guess this newer version don't do that, so they said it might take longer on dial-up connections. He did say you might want to clean up all your Temp Internet Files and run some "cleanup programs" to help get the junk off your PC that might be slowing you down a bit. Still working on stuff on my end. I only have so many hours to play around .... Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  9. Hey TxGold, Did you purchase a GPX-4500? Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  10. Hey Bob, Not sure I understand what you're talking about - "divider between stickies and regular forum." Please explain, I'm brain dead right now. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  11. Hello All, Over the last couple of weekends I've been pretty busy, but was able to conduct some field instructions with a couple of customers. Jim & Debby came all the way down from Washington State, while Richard came over from California. Both customers had a great time in Arizona learning their new GPX-4500's. It will be just a matter of time until both of these customers will have a handful of gold nuggets for their own personal collection. Great meeting both of you and wishing you much success in the Goldfields. Thanks once again for your business with Rob's Detector Sales. Rob Allison
  12. Hello SilverEagle, I have the book always in stock. Give me a call at 623-362-1459, or leave your phone number and I will call you. There have been a bunch of nuggets found in that area, but the Octave Gold Mine is Private Property and is not open for prospecting or metal detecting. There are open areas in the surrounding area along with many prospecting clubs such as the LDMA, GPAA, Weaver Mining, Roadrunner Prospecting Club, WSPA & Y-Knot clubs. Hope this helps, Rob Allison
  13. Hello Guys, I'm working on getting everything back to the way it was, but still keeping the newest version. In time, I think everyone will like the new version. There are a bunch of new functions, so I'm doing my best, with the time I have to get it back working smooth. Thanks, Rob Allison
  14. Hello Guys, Well I can't switch back, too much time and effort to get this board online. It was a much needed upgrade. The older versions get hacked much ealier. I will see what I can do to make the forum speed up a bit for dail-up users. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  15. Hello All, Just upgraded to the newest forum version. I know many might not like this new version since it might be a bit slower for dial-up users. Please post any issues you might see so we can get them address ASAP. For the time being, someone mentioned you can to the bottom and change the drop down menu from "IP.Board" to "IP.Board Lo-FI" for dial-up users. P.S. Forum database was getting so huge the change was needed. Thanks, Rob Allison
  16. For some reason I can't seem my test screen? Help.....
  17. Hello Wanderer, I spent a bunch of time between Quartzsite, Parker and Lake Havasu working Distribution and Transmission lines. I've also spent a bunch of time nuggethunting around Quartzsite and briefly around Lake Havasu. Never hunted the Parker area, but some of the areas look good. Keep in mind, a bunch of areas around Parker are CRIT (Colorado River Indian Tribe). These areas are off limits to prospecting/metal detecting. However, surrounding those areas are miles and miles of BLM ground, which is open to the public. Some of the known placer areas around Quartzsite are the La Paz placers, Middle Camp placers, Oro Fino Placers, Old Man Mountain Placers, Dome Rock Placers and many more ... Pretty much every little Mountain Range or hill around Quartzsite (north and south) are gold bearing. Personally over the years I've done really well around the Quartzsite area. Hope this helps a bit, Rob Allison
  18. Hello All, Thanks for all the comments. Wishing you all the best & Thanks for all the support. Rob Allison
  19. Hello H20, Everyone has given some good suggestions on settings and add-ons for the SD2200 or SD2200v2. I would recommend for added performance - (1) Pocket Rocket System (run in 7.3v mode) (2) Goldscreamer Signal Enhancer (3) Monoloop Searchcoil (better depth and sensitivity) (4) Goldbutton (helps with quick ground balance on the fly) (5) Potential mods from Ismael in Australia All of the above will help with overall performance and stability. I carry all but the Ismael mods. P.S. Added tips, keep the coil close to the ground, overlap sweeps, pay attention to faint targets and give her hell! Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  20. Hello Tx, Just razzing you, I knew it was you! Make sure you watch the DVD when you get it. That DVD is a wealth of information and you will get a glimpse of me working a small section of wash here in Arizona. Thanks once again for your business. Looking forward to meeting you in person. Rob Allison
  21. Hey TxGold, We will leave you some, but you better hurry up and get that GPX-4500! Where did you purchase yours from? You're going to love the GPX-4500, it's an amazing metal detector. Talk with you later, Rob Allison
  22. Hello Guido, That is the old saying "A one ounce nugget is just as rare as a 5 carat diamond." I'm not sure where this is documented, but I'm sure is close to being true. I've never hunted diamonds, but I've spent close to 20 years chasing gold nuggets and the 1+ ouncers are rare. Take care, Rob Allison
  23. Hello Mtb, Wow ... a first nugget of 35+ Dwt's might spoil you too early. They are not easy to find that size. Congrats on the second one around Wickenburg. Just a matter of time until you find two, three and then a handful in a days time. Wishing you the best, Rob Allison
  24. Hey Nuggetslayer and Lucky, I really owe it all to you guys that have supported me over the years. You might not have personally bought a Minelab from me, but have purchased a variety of other accessories from me. Hopefully, someday I can get your Minelab support! Hahaha .... Thanks for the comments. Rob Allison
  25. Hello Lucky, I think what you have stated is very fair and true! It's great to have guys like you on the forums. Being a Minelab and Coiltek dealer, I have found gold with both manufacture coils, but I would be lying if I told you I never found a nugget(s) with a Nuggetfinder. I still have an original fiberglass NF 20-inch Mono Round. Prior to that I owned the 17-inch elliptical and the 16-inch Round SL Mono. I found gold with all of these coils. My preferred coil for outright prospecting is my Goldstalker 14-inch Mono. Like you, once I locate a nugget and believe I might be in a patch location I will use different coils depending on the depth of the ground, mineralization, vegetation ... ect. If it's a "wash" type patch (most of the gold in the bottom of the drainage), I might only use a couple of coils. However, if it's a hillside or bench patch I might try a variety of coils to see what happens. Never hurts to experience with coils and different settings to see what you might have missed. Talk with you later, Rob Allison